Часть 1

(1) Журналист: Однажды Вы сказали, что «Голова-ластик» – превосходная работа. Вы до сих пор так считаете?

(2) David Lynch: No, it was just that day. I might’ve been very relaxed, and it was a long time ago, and it just struck me as, y’know, perfect. Nothing is perfect. You can shoot for it – you’ve gotta shoot for it – but there’s no such thing as a perfect film.

(3) Ж.: Стэнли Кубрик высоко ценил его и, как известно, показал его съёмочной группе и актёрам «Сияния». А Вы фанат Кубрика?

(4) D.L.: I love The Shining. If I see it on TV, no matter what else is on, I have to watch it. It just gets better and better. And yet, when it cameout, it didn’t make that much of a noise. But that’s the way it always was with Kubrick’s stuff. It’s pretty amazing how they grow. But I like everything he`s done. I love Barry Lyndon – it’s a great, great film.

(5) Ж.: Ходят слухи, что Вы намеревались снять «Лолиту» с Джоном Хёртом и Энтони Хопкинсом в роли Гумберта Гумберта.

(6) D.L.: Total baloney. Why remake a perfect film? One of my all-time favourites? a classic? Nobody can touch it. When Adrian Lyne did it, it was a joke. I refused to see it.

(7) Ж.: Считается также, что Энтони Хопкинс доставил Вам немало хлопот на съёмках «Человека-слона».

(8) D.L.: Hum… I would never say anything about those kinds of things.

(9) Ж.: В «Человеке-слоне» и «Простой истории» было ли для Вас важнее ухватить суть настоящей интересной истории или описать всю правду об истории?

(10) D.L.: Oh, yeah. It’s true of any true story. The essence is the stuff, and the essence holds the little micro-particles that dictate the action and the thing that drives it. You’ve got to be true to the essence of it.

(11) Ж.: Вы снялись в «Дюне» и «Твин Пикс», каково это – быть актёром?

(12) D.L.: Twin Peaks is my best work as an actor. It wasn’t gonna be a character at all, but there’s a scene where Kyle – Agent Cooper – talks to his boss, and the character was born because I needed to have him to talk to somebody, so I did the voice that he talked to, and I talked loud ’cause sometimes I talk loud on the phone, so it just happened like that. And then it became a character. It was really fun. And also the mood on the set of Twin Peaks – at least from my point of view; I wasn’t there when others were working – was so fantastic, so there was a lot of experimenting and a lot of goodwill, a great working atmosphere.

(13) Ж.: Какие-нибудь третьи силы или люди, например, даты выхода фильма, студии, спонсоры, мешают Вам работать?

(13) D.L.: See, there’s the doughnut and there’s the hole. The doughnut is the film. The hole is all the things you’re talking about, so they say, "Keep your eye on the doughnut, not the hole." And the doughnut is so much better than the hole, so it’s not that hard to do. There’s never any outside force that keeps you from making the film the way it wants to be. If there is, you should stop. You always think you’re gonna get it into Cannes, but if it’s at the expense of the film, then you’ll hurt the film and kill yourself.

(14) Ж.: Насколько мне известно, Вы фанат Жака Тати, а какие современные комедии Вам нравятся?

(15) D.L.: Something About Mary – all the dog bits. I like that. And I like the guy with the crutches who tried to get his keys – that physical gag, I thought that was really, really good, the timing of what he did, and the little sound effect they put in there. I thought he did a really good job.

(16) Ж.: Ли Эванс.

(17) D.L.: Is that his name? He’s really good. And I liked the dog stuff a lot.

(18) Ж.: Что ещё из последних фильмов Вам понравилось?

(19) D.L.: I haven’t seen that much. I’m not really a film buff, I like to work on my own stuff. Not that something doesn’t exist that I would really like – I just haven’t seen it.

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