В) показником присвійного відмінка іменника

ЗАДАНИЕ I. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s и какую функцию оно выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3 л.ед. числа глагола в Present Indefinite (Simple);

б) признаком мн.ч. имени существительного;

В) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

Exercise 1.

1. Hydraulic systems are used for control of both rear-and front-mounted implements.

2. The basic design of an industrial tractor differs little from that of a farm tractor, and differences in design of models fit the vehicle to its intended work (пристосувати машину до відповідної роботи).

3. Operator’s visibility was a prime design consideration.


Exercise 2.

1. New tractor models have performance and convenience features which will better serve today’s and tomorrow’s farmers.

2. Hard field conditions require extra power.

3. A newly designed rotor provides rotary threshing in rice and bean harvesting.


Exercise 3.

1. Sloping land reduces the capacity of a conventional combine harvester.

2. The number of passes depends on rotor speed, controlled electronically from the operator’s cabin.

3. The electrical and electronic systems are completely new in new models.


Exercise 4.

1. John Deere’s 965 H is called a hillside combine.

2. The term refers to the way the crop flows through the threshing mechanism.

3. Besides rotary cultivators with a transverse shaft carrying various types of blades designed to work to a depth of about 9 in.(230 mm), there are also other makes designed only for shallow work and implements with a rotor having radially mounted spikes(зубець).


Exercise 5.

1. John Deer’s 965 harvester gives an increase of up to 200 per cent in harvesting rates over conventional combines in the extreme circumstances.

2. The versatile tractor gives you enormous power.

3. Four-wheel tractors are produced with engines of any size.


Exercise 6.

1. Grain loss information is provided to the operator’s display.

2. Comfort features include in-cab heating and air-conditioning.

3. When the piston reaches BDC (bottom dead center) it moves toward the cylinder head.


Exercise 7.

1. Special devices for vibration isolation will ensure driver’s safety.

2. The piston head receives the force from the combustion of fuel within the cylinder and transmits it to the piston pin, connecting rod and crankshaft.

3. The cylinders and the cylinder heads form the combustion chamber.


Exercise 8

1. The crankshaft changes the reciprocating motion of pistons to rotary motion.

2. Driver’s comfort requires further improvement for all vehicles.

3. The engine has intake valves and exhaust valves.


Exercise 9.

1. Self-propelled equipment requires specialized power transmission systems.

2. The grain tank is filled to full capacity and does not influence the harvester’s center of gravity.

3. Combines are farm machines widely used in agriculture.


Exercise 10.

1. To suit operator’s needs, rear wheels are adjustable in six positions.

2. Some plow models of conventional types are in common use.

3. Digger bodies have a higher power requirements than the general-purpose type.


ЗАВДАННЯ II. Перепишіть та перекладіть на рідну мову речення, що вміщують різні форми порівняння.

Exercise 1.

1.The diesel engine has heavier parts than the gasoline engine.

2. The four- stroke-cycle engine with spark ignition is the most common type of the internal combustion engine.

3.The longer a specialist works on a farm, the better he knows farm machines.

4.The campus of our University is much bigger than that in the other Universities of our town.


Exercise 2.

1. There are higher pressures in the diesel engines and because of these pressures the diesel engines have heavier piston pins, connecting rods and crankshafts.

2. Gasoline is the best fuel for automobile engines.

3. The greater is the compression the higher is the temperature in the cylinder.

4. The cooling system of this model isn’t as reliable as it used to be.

Exercise 3.

1. Most of farm engines are of the four- stroke type but there are some smaller engines of the two- stroke type.

2. The heavier are the engine parts, the more material we use for their production.

3. This fuel burns better than gasoline.

4. This student is the most attentive in our group.


Exercise 4.

1. The four- stroke- cycle engines have greater efficiency than the two- stroke engines.

2. This old tractor model is not so popular as the new one.

3. Because of the higher pressures in the diesel engine it has heavier parts than the gasoline engine.

4. The diesel engine uses fewer gallons of less costly fuel that the gasoline engine.


Exercise 5.

1. The most important factor which provides the engine’s greatest efficiency is proper maintenance.

2. Most of tractors have tyres which can be placed closer or farther apart according to the distance between the rows.

3. Why is plowing the most important farming operation?

4. Diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline.

Exercise 6.

1. The slightest alternation in sound or vibration warns operator of potential trouble.

2. If the engine has proper maintenance and operates at proper temperatures it will give the greatest efficiency, long engine life and low operation cost.

3. The longer we study engine design the better we know it.

4. The easiest way to create motion from gasoline is to burn the gasoline inside an engine.

Exercise 7.

1. The longer the specialists work on a new tractor model, the better they know its performance.

2. Because of higher pressures in the diesel engine it has heavier parts than the gasoline engine.

3. 90º C is the most suitable working temperature of an engine.

4. The diesel engine is built heavier because it must withstand higher pressures.


Exercise 8.

1. This new combine model is as simple in drive as a conventional combine.

2. High performance diesel engines for new larger models of the 1600 series will show significant productivity improvements.

3. The diesel engine will use less fuel than the gasoline engine for the same work done.

4. Passengers prefer diesel electric locomotives to steam because trains start more smoothly, travel more comfortable at higher speeds and give off little smoke.


Exercise 9.

1. The four-stroke-cycle engines have greater efficiency than the two- stroke-cycle engines.

2. There are higher pressures in the diesel engines.

3. The four-stroke-cycle engine with spark ignition is the most common type of the internal combustion engines.

4. This tractor model is not so powerful as that one.


Exercise 10.

1. The efficiency of this combine model has increased with the use of the latest technology of harvesting.

2. Farmers want to buy this new tractor model for it is more efficient and powerful.

3. Front-and rear-mounted implements will contribute to better, more economical field operations.

4. The fuel system of this car model isn’t as reliable as it used to be.


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