VII. Make up a plan of the text and retell it according to your plan

VIII. Read and translate the text using the dictionary:

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Throughout its 170-year existence, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University has been an important center of education and progressive thought.

The University opened its doors in 1834, with 62 students studying at philosophical and law faculties. The College of Medicine was opened in 1841. In the beginning, the University was named after the Kievan prince, Volodymyr. In 1939, it received the name of Taras Shevchenko, a remarkable Ukrainian poet, painter and public figure.

The Ukrainian Presidential Decree of April 21st, 1994 granted Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University the status of a “national university”, i.e. a state institution of higher learning free to act autonomously in accordance with its own statute.

Today Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University is a complex educational and research institution comprising, 14 faculties (biology, geography, economics, history, cybernetics, mechanics, mathematics, radiophysics, sociology and psychology, physics, philosophy, chemistry, law, preparation for university studies), 5 institutes (journalism, international relations, philology, military and post-graduate education), a center for training and further qualifying foreign specialists, a center for Ukrainian studies, an academic research institute of physiology, a botanical garden, a zoological museum, a science library, a computer center, two specialized secondary schools. Over 30 thousand students study at these schools.

The University trains and further qualifies specialists in 157 areas of specialization within 63 majors in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. At Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University a bachelor’s degree can be earned in 4 years, a specialist’s in one year and a master’s in 1,5 – 2 years.

The University trains specialists in both fundamental and applied sciences, including astronomy, biology, geography, geology, economics, information systems, history, cybernetics, mathematics, mechanics, pedagogics, law, psychology, radiophysics, sociology, physics, philosophy and chemistry.

In order to meet the current needs of academy and industry, the University opens yearly new majors and areas of specialization, and begins teaching new languages.

The University’s scholars, faculty and students are recipients of national awards and prizes.

The University works actively with foreign educational institutions, funds and associations. It maintains contacts and partnerships with 80 universities in various countries.

IX. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.


X. Render the text in a written form.

XI. Mind the following words and word-combinations:

literacy ['lItqrqsI] – письменність

to refer to – стосуватися чогось

to sit an exam (test) – здавати іспит

XII. Listen to the text “Education in Ukraine” and try to understand it.


XIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the stages of the Ukrainian educational system?

2. What are the Government Tests? What do they provide?


XIV. True/ False statements:

1. Education in Ukraine is compulsory from the age of seven.

2. There are 2 stages of education in Ukraine.

3. From 2009 pupils are going to take just one general exam to enter university.



Unit 13

Topic: British education


I. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

comprehensive system – єдина середня система освіти

comprehensive school – загальноосвітня школа

policy – політика

Local Education Authority – місцеві органи народної освіти

grammar school – середня класична школа (для дітей старше 11 років, відібраних за

результатами іспитів; дає право на вступ у ВНЗ)

secondary modern school – середня сучасна школа (для дітей від 11 до 16 років; має

практичний напрямок; програма не передбачає вивчення класичних мов)

private (independent) system – приватна (незалежна) система

preparatory school – приватна початкова школа

public school – привілейована приватна середня школа

to remain – залишатися

boarding school - пансіон (закритий навчальний заклад)

General Certificate of Secondary Education – іспит на отримання атестату про загальну

середню освіту

II. Read and translate the following text:


There are many different types of schools in Britain. However, there are only three main systems:

The comprehensive system. More than 90% of children, who attend state schools in England and Wales, go to schools in the comprehensive system – a system, introduced in the 1960s. Children go to a primary (or first) school at the age of five. Depending on the policy of the Local Education Authority, they may go directly to the upper school – usually called the comprehensive school – at the age of eleven. Alternatively, they may go to a middle school for three or four years before going to the upper school. The comprehensive system is non-selective. This means that all children go from one school to another, without taking any exams and without being selected according to their abilities.

The selective system. In some areas of Britain you can still find a different and older system of education (introduced in 1944). This is a selective system – children are selected for certain schools according to their abilities. All children go to a primary school until the age of eleven. Then they take an examination, called the 11-plus. Those who are successful go to a grammar school, where they receive a more academic education. Those who fail the exam go to a secondary modern school, where they receive an education which is less academic and more intended totrain them for a job, when they leave at the age of sixteen.

The private (independent) system. About 7% of children go to private schools. There are two levels of a private school – primary schools (age four to eight) and preparatory (prep) schools (eight to thirteen). At the age of thirteen children take an examination. If they pass, they go on to public school, where they usually remain until they are eighteen. Many prep and most public schools are boarding schools – the children live at the school during the school terms. Be careful – although these schools are called “public”, they are, in fact, private and it can be very expensive to send your child to such a school.

Within the three systems, there are several varieties of schools. For instance, you can find:

- schools for boys only;

- schools for girls only;

- mixed schools– for boys and girls;

- voluntary schools – often with a religious background – such as Roman Catholic schools.

You can see that the British education system is rather confusing.

The public examinations, taken by British schoolchildren, are GCSEs (the General Certificate of Secondary Education). Pupils usually take their GCSEs at the age of sixteen. Some children take three or four exams, others take as many as ten or eleven.


III. Match each English word and word-combination in the left column with its Ukrainian equivalent in the right column:

1. state school а. скласти іспит

2. to introduce b. залежати від чогось

3. primary school c. добровільний

4. to receive d. державана школа

5. to fail the exam e. вибирати

6. voluntary f. загальноосвітня школа

7. to pass an exam g. отримувати

8. to depend on h. представляти

9. comprehensive school i. початкова школа

10. to select j. не скласти іспит


IV. Complete the sentences using the text:

1. More than 90% of children ….

2. The comprehensive system ….

3. All children go ….

4. Those who fail the exam ….

5. … private school.

6. Many prep and ….

7. The public examinations ….


V. Make questions to the following sentences and answer them:

1. The comprehensive system of education was introduced in 1960s.

2. According to the comprehensive system of education, children go from one school to another, without taking exams and without being selected according to their abilities.

3. The selective system of education is older than the comprehensive one.

4. In the selective system children are selected according to their abilities.

5. After a primary school children take an examination called 11-plus.

6. There are two levels of private school: primary school and preparatory school.

7. Pupils usually take their GCSEs at the age of sixteen.


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