The European court of Human rights

Article 38 provides that the European Court of Human Rights shau u.___ л

of a number of judges equal to that of the Members of the Council of Europe. No two judges may be nationals of the same state.

Under Article 39 the members of the court shall be elected by the Consultative Assembly by a majority of the votes cast from a list of persons nominated by the members of the Council of Europe. The candidates shall be of high moral character and must either possess the qualifications required for appointment to high judicial office or be jurists of recognized competence. Members of the court are elected for nine years.

Article 43 provides that for the consideration of each case brought before it the court shall consist of a chamber composed of seven judges. There shall sit as an ex officio member of the chamber, the judge who is a national of any state party concerned, or, if there is none, a person of its choice who shall sit in the capacity of judge.

Only the High Contracting Parties and the Commission have the right to bring a case before the court. An individual applicant cannot initiate proceedings or plead his case.

Under Article 45 the jurisdiction of the court shall extend to all cases concerning the interpretation and application of the present convention which the High Contracting Parties or the Commission shall refer to it, providing that the High Contracting Parties have declared that they recognize as compulsory the jurisdiction of the court in all matters concerning the interpretation and application of the present convention.


provide — обусловливать

elect — выбирать

majority of the votes — большинство голосов

the Council of Europe — Европейский Совет

high judicial office - высокая судебная инстанция

chamber — палата

ex officio — по должности

extend to — распространяться на

compulsory — обязательный


*13. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. юристы с признанным уровнем профессионализма; 2. высоко­нравственный (кандидат); 3. рассмотрение каждого дела; 4. высокие договаривающиеся стороны; 5. представлять дело в суде.

*14. Составте словосочетания, используя слова из обеих колонок.

1. a majority of a. competence

2. recognized b. proceedings

3. state c. one's case

4. to initiate d. party

5. to plead e. the votes

*"15. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями.

1. Any number of judges may be nationals of the same State.

2. Members of the European Court of Human Rights are elected for 7 years.

3. The court shall consist of a chamber composed of 7 judges.

4. Anyone can initiate proceedings or plead his case.

5. It is not necessary for the Contracting Parties to recognize as
compulsory the jurisdiction of the court in all matters concerning the
interpretation and application of the present convention.

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