B. Try to present some information about national symbols of Ukraine in your own words




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____________Л. А. Савченко

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Для студентів-юристів з курсу

“Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням”

Ірпінь 2005


Навчальний посібник “ENGLISH FOR LAW STUDENTS” для студентів-юристів з курсу “Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням” складено у відповідності до робочої навчальної програми, затвердженої у 2005 році.


Укладачі: Н. С. Дьома, ст. викладач

О. В. Лозинська, ст. викладач


Рецензенти: В. Я. Жалай, к. філол. н., доцент, зав. навчальної частини Центру наукових

досліджень та викладання іноземних мов НАН України

Л. В. Чайка, к. філол. н., доцент кафедри іноземних мов НАДПСУ


Розглянуто і схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов,

протокол № 11 від 23.06.2005.


Завідувач кафедри Г. С. Скуратівська, к. п. н., доцент



Погоджено на засіданні вченої ради Центру гуманітарної освіти,

протокол № 10 від 24.06. 2005 р.


Голова вченої

ради Центру гуманітарної освіти М. М. Ібрагімов, к. філос. н., професор


Завідувач навчально-методичного відділу К. Г. Резніченко


Зміст. 3

Передмова. 6

Part I. Texts and Exercises 7

UNIT 1. 7

I am a student of law department 7

About my friend. 8

UNIT 2. 10

National state tax service academy of Ukraine. 10

UNIT 3. 13

The political system of Ukraine. 13

UNIT 4. 16

The Constitution of Ukraine. 17

The Higher Bodies of State Authority of Ukraine. 22

UNIT 5. 23

The political system of Great Britain. 23

Information for you. 25

The system of government 30

The crown. 34

UNIT 6. 35

The political system of the USA.. 35

The USA.. 41

Unit 7. 43

What is law?. 43

Classification of law.. 45

Unit 8. 49

Courts in Great Britain. 49

Judiciary in Great Britain. 49

The court system of England and Wales. 52

Unit 9. 53

The court system of the USA.. 53

The organization of the federal courts today. 57

Unit 10. 58

Legal professions. 58

Legal professions in Great Britain and the USA.. 58

Solicitors and barristers. 63

Attorneys in the USA.. 65

Part II. Additional reading. 66

I. Political system of Great Britain. 66

Lawmaking process in Great Britain. 66

Lawmaking Process in USA.. 66

Making New Laws: Bills and Acts. 67

The Executive. 68

Members of Parliament in Great Britain. 70

The Election Timetable. 72

Political Parties. 73

II. Political system of the USA.. 75

The American System of Government 75

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 76

Congress. 78

The President and Federal Departments. 79

Federal Departments. 80

Checks and Balances. 81

Federalism: State and Local Governments. 82

Political Parties. 84

Elections. 85

Political Attitudes. 87

III. Courts in Great Britain and the USA.. 89

Courts in England and Wales (Part I) 89

Criminal Courts. 89

Magistrates' Courts. 90

Courts in England and Wales (PART II) 90

Courts in Scotland. 91

Courts in Northern Ireland. 91

Coroner's Courts. 92

Appeals. 93

Growth of the Profession. 94

US Attorneys. 95

The Federal Judiciary. 96

VI. Branches of Law.. 97

Law: what is it?. 97

Civil law.. 98

Civil law (family, contract, intellectual property) 99

Criminal law.. 101

Labour Law.. 103

Administrative law.. 104

Employment law.. 106

PART III. Grammar Exercises 108

Дієслово to be. 108

Зворот there is (are, was, were, will be) 111

Зворот to be going to + V. 114

Дієслово to have. 116

Зворот have / has got 118

Часи групи Continuous. 122

The Present Continuous Tense. 122

The Future Continuous Tense. 124

Часи Групи Indefinite. 129

The Present Indefinite Tense. 129

The Past Indefinite Tense. 138

The Past Continuous Tense. 148

Часи групи Perfect 156

The Present Perfect Tense. 157

The Past Perfect Tense. 170

The Future Perfect Tense. 176

Reference List 181



Посібник з англійської мови "English for Law Students" призначений для студентів юристів.

Мета підручника – навчити студентів володіти юридичною лексикою, сформувати навички роботи з літературою за фахом, які спрямовані на розвиток аналітичного мислення, а також на активізацію мовленнєвої комунікації.

Посібник складається з 10 розділів, граматичного блоку та текстів для позааудиторного читання.

Посібник містить наступні розділи: "Я – студент", "Наша Академія", "Політична система України", "Конституція України", "Політична система Великої Британії", "Державний устрій США", "Суди у Великій Британії", "Судова система у США", "Юридичні професії", "Поняття права. Галузі права".

Кожний розділ містить тексти, лексичні вправи, діалоги, а також матеріали для обговорення та дискусії. Базовий текст кожного розділу виступає інформаційною та лексичною базою, на якій будуються всі передбачені подальшими вправами мовні навчальні дії. Правова лексика вводиться тематично і закріплюється в різноманітних вправах.

Посібник включає граматичний блок, де подаються тренувальні вправи на граматичний матеріал, передбачений програмою.

Посібник включає розділ позааудиторного читання. До розділу входять професійно спрямовані тексти для самостійного читання, тексти підібрані з оригінальних джерел, які служать для формування умінь реферувати прочитане, складати анотації.

Матеріал посібника підібрано відповідно до програми з англійської мови для студентів юридичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів України.

Part I. Texts and Exercises


I. Transcribe and memorise the following words:

gymnasium, opportunity, procedure, tutorials, recently, curriculum, legal

II. Read and translate the following text:

I am a student of law department

I study at the National State Tax service Academy of Ukraine. Our Academy is situated in Irpin, a small town not far from Kiev. It is one of the youngest educational establishments of this type in Ukraine.

There is a lot of class - rooms, lecture-halls, a gymnasium, reading rooms and a big library at our Academy. The students have every opportunity for studies and rest.

I am a first-year student of the Law Department. The subject of our study is law, taxes and taxation.

Our Academy trains specialists in taxation and for law offices. The students study general and special law subjects. Among the general subjects are History of Ukraine, Philosophy, Logic, foreign languages - English, German, French, and Spanish.

The law subjects are: Criminal Law, Criminal procedure, Criminology, Civil Law, Civil procedure, International Law and others. The students of our department attend lectures, seminars and tutorials on Theory of State and Law, Administrative Law, Legal history, Constitutional Law, Commercial Law, Labour Law, Financial Law, Family Law and others. Many students of our Faculty take part in scientific conferences where outstanding scientists, experienced judges and investigators from the procurators’ offices, the organs of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Tax Administration make reports on the currents problems of Law and taxation.

Recently we had a conference at our Department. It was especially interesting because some experienced judges and investigators agreed to take part in it and told us about their ownexperience. We discussed problems of criminology, criminal law and court procedure. After the conference we exchanged opinions on the reports.

Though Law Department is rather young, it has already got a good reputation because of the teaching staff and scientifically based curriculum. During our studies at the Academy we write a lot of research papers, analyse special legal literature and try to do our best to be professionals after graduation.

Law Department trains specialists for working in tax bodies, juridical bodies and also legal service of the national economy.

Word list

1. to be situated – бути розташованим

2. educational establishment – навчальний заклад

3. to have every opportunity – мати всі можливості

4. to train specialists in taxation – готувати спеціалістів з оподаткування

5. law offices – правоохоронні установи

6. study general subjects – вивчати загальноосвітні дисципліни

7. Criminal Law – кримінальне право

Criminal procedure – процесуально-кримінальне право

Criminology - кримінологія

Civil Law – цивільне право

International Law – міжнародне право

8. experienced judge – досвідчений суддя

9. investigator – слідчий

10. ownexperience – власний досвід

11. court procedure – судочинство

12. to exchange opinions – обмінюватися думками

III. Answer the questions

1. Where do you study?

2. What Department do you study at?

3. What general subjects do you study at the Law Department?

4. What special subjects do you study?

5. The students have every opportunity for studies and rest, don’t they?

6. What is the object of your study?

7. What kind of specialists does our Academy train?

8. Do you stay in the Academy after classes?

9. What lectures do the students at the Law Department attend?

10. Do the students for the Law Department take part in scientific conferences?

Who makes reports at the conferences?

11. Where do the students of the Law Department have their practice?

12. Is it difficult for you to study at the Law Department?

13. Do you like your future profession?

IV. Let me introduce my friend Oleg:

About my friend

I have a friend. His name is Kucherenko Oleh. He is a first-year cadet of the tax militia department. He entered the National State Tax Service Academy of Ukraine after finishing a secondary school.

You know, that was his dream to enter this Academy. No wonder, as his father is a tax inspector. As you see, he took his father's way.

His mother is a book-keeper at a book-keeping department of the factory. She likes her speciality very much. Oleh has a sister. She is twenty. She works as a cashier at the post-office savings bank. She combines her work with studies at the Academy. She is a second-year student of non-resident instruction at the Academy.

My friend worked hard to pass his entrance examinations well.So, he is a cadet now. Many new things and notions came into his life with it. According to the regulations the trainees are to wear a special militia uniform: they are not future civil lawyers, they are future officers of Tax Militia. Their future profession is Law, crime detection and crime investigation in taxation.

To become highly qualified specialists they are to learn different subjects. Their curriculum includes Criminal Law, Civil Law, Special Tactics, Crime Detection, Criminal Procedure, Crime Psychology, and Criminology. They also study International Law, Labour Law, English, Philosophy, etc. There are many law enforcement experts of great practical experience, Doctors of Law, professors at our Academy who give the cadets lectures and do their best to give our cadets professional skills and abilities to drive a car, to use the weapon. Everything is necessary and useful for the cadets: practical instructions, lectures and seminars at the Academy and practice in Militia bodies. At the end of each term the cadets have credits and exams.

After graduation from our Academy the cadets get a diploma of a lawyer and become lieutenants of the Tax Militia. Our Academy trains specialists in taxation for all regions of Ukraine.

Word list

1. a cadet - курсант; syn. a trainee

2. tax – податок, taxation – оподаткування

3. a book-keeper-бухгалтер; syn. an accountant

a book-keeping department - бухгалтерія

4. no wonder - не дивно, що...

5. a cashier - касир; syn. a teller; cash - гроші, готівка; syn. Money

6. nоn-resident instruction - заочне навчання; syn. extra-mural correspondence

7. to take somebody's way - піти чиїмось шляхом

8. crime detection - виявлення злочину

9. crime investigation - розслідування злочину

10. highly qualified specialist - висококваліфікований спеціаліст

11. curriculum - навчальна програма

12. to interrogate witnesses - допитувати свідків

V. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following

1. to enter the Academy 1. ощадний банк
2. a dream 2. старанно працювати
3. tax inspector 3. свідок
4. book-keeping department 4. заочне навчання
5. saving bank 5. заліки та іспити
6. to combine work with studies 6. вступати
7. non-resident instruction 7. трудове право
8. to work hard 8. податковий інспектор
9. according to the regulations 9. користуватись зброєю
10. lawyer 10. бухгалтерія
11. labour law 11. мрія
12. to use the weapon 12. поєднувати роботу з навчанням
13. witness 13. юрист
14. credits and exams 14. згідно зі статутом


I. Transcribe and translate the following words:

Purpose, serve, graduate, various, industry, specialist, ocean, market, citizen, property, social, scholarship, access, season, management, enterprise, labour, marketing, subject.

II. Read and translate the following text:

National state tax service academy of Ukraine

Our educational establishment has a long history. It was founded in 1921 in Kyiv for training specialists in peat developing. After Great Patriotic War it was removed to a small town not far from Kyiv, Irpin. For three decades it was known as a technical secondary school, then a college. And in 1996 it was charted as the Ukrainian Institute for Economics and Finance. In March, 2000 it obtained the name of the Academy. And in August, 2003 it became the National State Tax Service Academy of Ukraine.

There are seven departments at our Academy at present: Law Department, Accounting Department, Finance Department, Tax Militia Department, Taxation Department, Military Department and Extra-Mural Department.

The purpose of the Academy is to educate students to serve in all branches of economy. The graduates from the Academy will work at various branches of industry, agriculture, finance and banking system, accounting and statistics, computing information systems, State Tax Authorities. Our graduates are specialists of new formation. They keep up with progress and are able to run in the commodity and market relations.

The overwhelming majority of the students receive state scholarship and are provided with hostel accommodation. The students have free access to the libraries, reading-rooms, laboratories, computing centre, studies, sport facilities, etc.

Many young people prefer to combine studies with work for various reasons. They are admitted to the Academy extra-mural department.

The course of studies at the Academy lasts for four or five years. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper and take the state examinations. The Academy offers a curriculum of such economic subjects:

Finance, Statistics, Accounting, Economics and Management of Enterprises (Enterprise Business), Labour Resources, Marketing, Computer Information System, International Relations, Taxation, Insurance etc.

The instructors and professors of our Academy take into account the experience of West countries in the field of training specialists.

Word list

1. to be founded - бути заснованим

2. peat - торф

3. to chart - створювати, засновувати (на основі указу)

4. to run - керувати, вести;

to run a business - вести справу;

to run a factory - керувати фабрикою;

to run an enterprise - керувати підприємством

5. hostel accommodation - місце в гуртожитку

6. have free access - можуть безкоштовно користуватись

7. a curriculum - програма

8. to take into account - брати до уваги

III. Find the English in the right-hand column for the following:

1. вищий навчальний заклад 1. commodity and market relations
2. у сфері промисловості і торгівлі 2. accounting and statistics
3. різні галузі 3. in the field of industry and trade
4. фінанси та банківська справа 4. higher educational establishment
5. облік та статистика 5. various branches
6. товарно-ринкові відносини 6. finance and banking system
7. обчислювальний центр 7. international relations
8. переважна більшість 8. management of enterprises
9. йти у ногу з прогресом 9. to take into account
10. програма економічних дисциплін 10. labour resources
11 міжнародні відносини 11. computing centre
12 трудові ресурси 12. a curriculum of economic subjects
13. управління підприємством 13. overwhelming majority
14 брати до уваги 14. to keep up with progress

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. And in 1996 it was charted.... 2. There are seven departments.... 3. The purpose of the Academy.... 4. The students have free access.... 5. Many young people prefer.... 6. The students have an examination session.... 7. The Academy offers.... 8. The instructors and professors of our Academy take into account....


V. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. These economists graduated... National State Tax Service Academy a year ago. 2. Our Academy trains... specialists... high qualification. 3. The graduates will work... industry. 4. My friend will work... a plant... graduating... the Institute. 5. The students... the extra-mural department combine their work with studies. 6. Many students of our Academy are provided... hostel accommodation. 7. The students of our Academy have free access... the libraries and laboratories. 8. The excellent students keep... progress and are capable to solve the most important problems... science.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Моя сестра працює в промисловості. Вона спеціаліст в галузі управління підприємством. 2. Мій товариш поєднує роботу з навчанням. Наступного року він буде захищати диплом в галузі трудових ресурсів. 3. Вони відмінно вчаться і можуть брати активну участь в розв'язанні важливих економічних задач.

VII. Answer the following questions:

I. When was our educational establishment founded? 2. What is the history of the Academy? 3. What is the purpose of the Academy? 4. Where do the graduates from the Academy serve? 5. What are the majority of the students provided with? 6. Where do the students have free access to? 7. What departments are there at our Academy? 8. How long does the course of studies at the Academy last? 9. When do the students have an examination session? 10. What do the students have to submit at the end of their studies? 11. What do the instructors and professors take into account?

VIII. Speak on the topic “Our Academy”.

IX. Learn the dialogue by heart.

L.: Hello, Peter? Where are you going to?

P.: To the Library.

L.: Is the library open till late in the evening?

P.: Oh, yes. I believe it's open till half past nine. But I never stay at the library so long. I usually read some books and journals, make notes and look through newspapers and magazines.

L.: What about your English Lessons?

P.: I generally do them at home as I have all the necessary books and text books.

L.: What classes are you going to have today?

P.: Today we have a lecture in political economy, a seminar in economic history and an English class.

L.: And how many examinations are you going to have at the end of this term?

P.: We are going to have three examinations: in mathematics, economic history and political economy, and two credit-tests: in English and computers.

L.: What is a credit-test? Isn't it the same as an examination?

P.: No, it isn't quite the same in form, and we don't get any marks for credit-tests.

L.: Oh, sorry, Peter. Here is my bus. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye!

P.: Bye-bye!


X. Transcribe and memorise the following words:

to declare, to mean, to elect, the elections, to issue orders, edict, approval, law-making body, chamber, to vote, a voter, autonomous, trend.

XI. Read and translate the following text:

The political system of Ukraine

Ukraine is a sovereign state whose independence was declared on August 24, 1991. The country has a democratic political system which means that its executive branch is headed by the president with strong powers, and its legislative branch is represented by a national parliament.

The president who is elected to a five-year term is the commander-in-chief of the military forces and can issue orders, called edicts, without the approval of the parliament.

Ukraine's parliament, called Verkhovna Rada (the Supreme Council), is the nation's law-making body. It has one chamber consisting of 450 members who are elected by voters at general elections to a five-year term. Every citizen of Ukraine over 18 has the right to vote in the elections.

Judicial power in Ukraine is represented by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.

The president is assisted by a Cabinet of Ministers whose responsibilities lie in the areas of foreign affairs, home policy, economy, science and technology, industry, law and humanitarian matters. The Cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister who is appointed by the president and approved by the majority of the Parliament.

In other words, it is possible to say that state power in Ukraine is based on the division of authority into legislative, executive and judicial branches, and Ukraine can be called a country with a parliamentary-presidential form of government.

Administratively Ukraine is divided into 24 regions, called «oblasty». Crimea, which is also part of our country, has a special status of an autonomous, self-governing republic. Each region has its local governs bodies which are responsible to the Cabinet of Ministers and the President.

There are a variety of political parties in Ukraine; they currently number more than 60. The most influential are the Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (united), the Rukh, the People's Democratic Party (NDP) and the Socialist party. The President of Ukraine does not belong to any of the parties.

The main trend of foreign policy in Ukraine is to live in peace with the rest of the world community, to co-operate with other countries and participate in European and world structures through membership in the United Nations Organisation and other international political, economic and cultural organisations.

XII. Match the following English terms with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) legislative branch 1) Верховний Суд
2) executive branch 2) загальні вибори
3) judiciary branch 3) гарантії
4) commander-in-chief 4) законодавча влада
5) Supreme Court 5) законотворчий орган
6) Supreme Council 6) головнокомандувач
7) general election 7) Палата Представників
8) guarantees 8) законопроект
9) voters 9) Верховна Рада
10) lawmaking body 10) виконавча влада
11) bills 11) судова влада
12) House of Representatives 12) виборці

XIII. Decide which is the odd word in each group and explain why. Bear in mind that more that one answer may be possible.

1) legislative democratic judiciary executive
2) court law bills judge
3) senator voter representative member of parliament
4) Conservative Labour Democratic Liberal

XIV. Political animal Quiz. What is your attitude to politics? How much do you know about current affairs? Can you be called a “Political animal”? Do the following quiz to find answers to these questions:

1. How often are general elections held in your country?

2. How many ex-presidents or prime ministers of your country can you name?

3. Who is the current foreign minister in your country?

4. How many other ministers can you name?

5. At the moment, is you country generally considered to be experiencing an economic boom or economic recession?

6. Name two important policies of the current government of your country.

7. What do you think of the following statement, “The average politician is corrupt and only out for himself or herself.”?

a) I completely agree. b) I am not sure. c) I completely disagree.

8. Would you take part in a political demonstration, strike or protest march if you felt strongly enough about the issue?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

9. Do you think that the majority of people in your country are disillusioned or apathetic about politics?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

10. Do you believe that environmental and human rights issues are more important than economic issues like unemployment or taxation?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.

11. Do you believe that everyone should vote in elections, because the political party or candidate you choose can make a big difference in your life?

a) Yes. b) I am not sure. c) No.


If you can give correct answers (check them with your friends, parents, teachers or press) to questions 1, 3, 5 and supply at least 3 names in questions 2, 4, 6 you are not very interested in politics.

If you have chosen answers 7 (a), 8 (a), 9 (c), 10 (c), 11 (a) - you may be called «a political animal», that is a person who thinks and acts like a politician, especially in relations with others, and knows quite a lot about the current policy of the country.

XV. Sort out the political terms given in the box into the corresponding columns of the table according to the words with which they can go with:

national human rights demonstration political reform
situation educational point of view summit big
country's Ukrainian growth planning career
position important environmental party key
local recession major system  


politics/policy economic issue political

Note: Policy - is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics or business. Politics - are the actions or activities which people use to achieve power in a country, society or organisation.

XVI. Complete the gaps with one of the words given in the box in Activity 4. The first sentence is done for you:

1. The key issue in the next election will be unemployment.

2. The worsening situation in the southern regions of the country means that many people will lose their jobs.

3. The 1950s saw a period of growth in the UK.

4. The Prime Minister of that country left teaching to pursue a _______ career.

5. The President discussed the _______ of human rights during his visit to Geneva.

6. Many young people nowadays are not interested in _______.

7. The latest book of this writer who is the leader of the Green Party is dealing with issues.

8. The former president's economic _____ put a lot of people out of work.

9. Unemployment and crimes were the_______ issues in the election campaign.

10. Even when she studied at university, Margaret Thatcher was deeply involved in local.

XVII. Supply the missing members of these words families. Check your answers with the dictionary. The first word is done for you:

1) economy - economic, economics, economy, economist, economically, to economize.
2) to govern 7) to qualify 12) to support 17) campaign
3) to elect 8) bureaucrat 13) to contribute 18) law
4) to employ 9) to corrupt 14) power 19) to solve
5) to inflate 10) democrat 15) industry 20) politics
6) to educate 11) nature 16) environment  

XVIII. Read the texts below. Use the words given next to each line in the appropriate form related to its root to fit the space. The first is done for you:

Text 1. Vote on April 10th! Vote for the Social Democrats in the next election (1)! If you look at the record of our present_________ (2), you will see a huge increase in taxes and _________ (3), and a rate of ____(4) which is out of control. If we win, we will tackle the____ (5) situation by investing in______(6) projects and training courses to help our young people become better_______(7). We will make it our priority to eliminate______(8) and to fight ___________ (9) wherever we find it. So, exercise your____ (10) right and vote on April 10th!   Text 2. Join Friends of the Earth! Our campaign to protect the _____ (11) world could not have succeeded without our____ (12), whose____ (13) have helped us win some significant victories against some of the most_____(14)_______(15) companies in the world. We have raised public awareness of______(16) issues in general, and recently we have ____ (17) to make the use of ozone destroying CFCs______(18). Join us now and help us find alternative______(19) to world problems, and make our____ (20) sit up and listen.       elect govern employ inflate economy, educate   qualify bureaucrat, corrupt democrat     nature support, contribute   power, industry environment campaign legal solve politics


I. Transcribe and memorise the following words:

assure, assert, Unitarian, source, inviolability, non-interference, heritage, suffrage.

II. Read, translate and retell the text.

The Constitution of Ukraine

Governed by the Act of Ukraine's Independence of August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian people adopted the Constitution — the Fundamental Law on June 28. 1996.

The Constitution established the country's political system, assures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and the basis of its laws.

It asserts that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. It is a Unitarian state with single citizenship.

Ukraine is a republic. The people are the only source of power which is exercised directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government.

The land, mineral raw materials, air space, water and other natural resources which are on the territory of Ukraine are objects of the property right of Ukrainian people.

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.

The Constitution states that every person has the right to the free development of his/her personality, and has obligations before society where free and full development of the personality is assured. Citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before the law. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon face, colour of skin, political and other beliefs gender, ethnic and social origin, properly, ownership, position, place of residence, language, and religion.

The articles of the Constitution guarantee the rights of life, personal inviolability and the inviolability of dwelling, non-interference in private and family life, free choice of residence, work, rest, education, social security, housing, health protection, medical care and medical insurance, legal assistance, a safe and healthy environment.

Defence of the Motherland, of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and respect for the state's symbols are the duty of citizens. Citizens of Ukraine perform military services in compliance with the law. No person may damage the environment, cultural heritage. Every person shall pay taxes and duties in the order and amount determined by law.

The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches — the legislative which consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive, headed by the President, and the judicial, which is led by the Supreme Court.

The parliament - the Verkhovna Rada - is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine.

There are 450 people's deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

The Verkhovna Rada's main function is making laws. Law drafting work is performed by its Committees.

The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January, 1 to December, 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hryvnia.

The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years with no more than two full terms.

The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada. It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the State, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of the President, develops and fulfils national programme on the economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural development of Ukraine.

Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. Ii is administered by the Constitutional Court and by courts of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.

The Constitution defines the territorial structure of Ukraine. It is composed of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 24 regions, districts, cities, and districts in cities, settlements and villages. Cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol possess a special status determined by law.

The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles.

The day of its adoption is a state holiday — the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine.

Word list

governed by - керуючись

on behalf of - від імені

to adopt - приймати

to assure – гарантувати, забезпечувати

sovereign – суверенний

single citizenship – єдине громадянство

full development – всебічний розвиток

restriction - обмеження

gender – стать

origin - походження

ownership – майновий стан

to guarantee - гарантувати

to specify – точно визначати

branch - гілка

legislative - законодавчий

executive - виконавчий

accountable - підзвітний

to fulfil - здійснювати

to exercise - виконувати

body – орган, кодекс

anthem - гімн

banner - прапор

stripe - смуга

obligation - обов’язок

inviolability - недоторканість

dwelling – житло

medical care – медична допомога

insurance – страхування

in compliance with – відповідно до

taxes and duties – податки і збори

to outline – намічати, окреслювати

judicial - судовий

Supreme Court – Верховний Суд

suffrage – виборче право

law drafting work – законопроектна робота

voter - виборець

III. Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. justice 1) суди загальної юрисдикції
2. authority 2) Верховний суд
3. secrete ballot 3) за згодою
4. Supreme Court 4) влада
5. executive power 5) таємне голосування
6. legislative power 6) виконавча влада
7. Courts of general jurisdiction 7) правосуддя
8. with the consent of 8) законодавча влада
9. taxes and duties 9) законопроектна робота
10. law drafting work 10) податки і збори

IV. Read the text and mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the text.

1. The Cabinet of ministers is the law-making body.

2. Ukraine consists of 25 regions.

3. The President of Ukraine is the chief of its military forces.

4. Presidential elections in Ukraine are held every five years.

5. The highest body of the executive power is the Verkhovna Rada.

6. The Constitutional Court is the highest judicial body.

7. The President of Ukraine nominates nine justices of the Supreme Court.

8. The country has a democratic political power.

9. The executive power is headed by the President of the USA.

V. Find in the text and decide from the context what the word could mean, then choose the appropriate definition.


a) the whole physical structure of a person or animal;

b) an organized group of people working as a unit;

c) a corpse


a) the upper part of the body, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose and mouth;

b) a leader or chief;

c) intellect or mind;


a) a guiding principle or course of action adopted toward objectives;

b) practical wisdom;

c) a document embodying a contract of insurance;


a) any member of a State except the Supreme ruler;

b) a topic or arrangement which is talked, written or studied;

c) to be dependent upon influenced by something, to be under domination.

VI. Answer the questions.

1. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?

2. What does the Constitution of Ukraine establish?

3. What is the state language of Ukraine?

4. What rights of the citizens does the Constitution of Ukraine guarantee?

5. What are the main branches of power according to the Constitution of Ukraine?

6. What are the main duties of the Verkhovna Rada?

7. What are the functions of the Cabinet of Ministers?

8. How many chapters and articles does the Constitution of Ukraine consist of?

9. How do the Ukrainian people celebrate the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine?

VII. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (by, under, into, of, from, to, for, with, after).

1. Administratively Ukraine is divided... 24 regions.

2. The President is elected... five-year term.

3. All the laws in Ukraine are subject... the Constitution, the main law … the country.

4.... the Traffic law it is illegal to drive under influence of alcohol.

5. The constitutional composition of the Verkhona Rada consists... 450 National Deputies of Ukraine.

6. The President appoints... office and dismisses from it... the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

7. What is the Cabinet of Ministers responsible …?

8. The President of Ukraine may be removed... the office by the Verkhovna Rada... the procedure of impeachment, if he commits treason or other crime.


A: Read and translate Article 20 of the Constitution of Ukraine that provides the brief information about national symbols of Ukraine and find English words and expressions for the following Ukrainian equivalents: державні символи: Герб, тризубець, гімн, прапор

Article 20

- The state symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag of Ukraine, the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the State Anthem of Ukraine.

- The State Flag of Ukraine is a banner of two equally-sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow.

- The Great State Coat of Arms («Trident») of Ukraine shall be established with the consideration of the Small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the Coat of Arms of the Zaporozhian Host, by the law adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

- The main element of the Great State Coat of Arms of Ukraine is the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great (the Small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine).

- The State Anthem of Ukraine is the national anthem set to the music of M. Verbytskyi, with words that are confirmed by the law adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

- The description of the state symbols of Ukraine and the procedure for their use shall be established by the law adopted by no less than two-thirds of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

- The capital of Ukraine is the City of Kyiv.

B. Try to present some information about national symbols of Ukraine in your own words.

IX. Translate into English the following extracts from the Constitution of Ukraine.

Стаття 1

Україна є суверенна і незалежна, демократична, соціальна, правова держава.

Стаття 6

Державна влада в Україні здійснюється на засадах II поділу на законодавчу, виконавчу та судову.

Стаття 8

В Україні визнається і діє принцип верховенства права.

Стаття 13

Земля, II надра, атмосферне повітря, водні та інші природні ресурси, які знаходяться в межах території України, є об'єктами права власності Українського народу.

Стаття 19

Правовий порядок на Україні ґрунтується на засадах, відповідно до яких ніхто не може бути примушений робити те, що не передбачено законодавством.

Стаття 24

Громадяни мають рівні конституційні права і свободи та є рівними перед законом.

Стаття 55

Права і свободи людини захищаються судом.

Стаття 75

Єдиним органом законодавчої влади в Україні є парламент — Верховна Рада України.

Стаття 76

Конституційній склад Верховної Ради України — чотириста п'ятдесят народних депутатів України, які обираються на основі загального, рівного і прямого виборчого права шляхом таємного голосування строком на чотири роки.

Стаття 85

До повноважень Верховної Ради України належить:

прийняття законів;

затвердження бюджету України;

надання згоди на призначення Президентом України Прем'єр-міністра України;

призначення третини складу Конституційного суду України.

Стаття 102

Президент України є главою держави і виступає від II імені.

Стаття 103

Президент України обирається громадянами України на основі загального, рівного і прямого виборчого права шляхом таємного голосування строком на п'ять років.

Одна й та сама особа не може бути Президентом України більше, ніж два строки підряд.

Стаття 106

Президент України;

забезпечує державну незалежність та національну безпеку України;

є Верховним Головнокомандувачем Збройних Сил України, призначає на посади та звільняє з посад вище командування Збройних Сил.

X. Read and retell the text.

The Higher Bodies of State Authority of Ukraine

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought Ukraine independence. Ukraine's first direct presidential election was held in 1991. In June 1996 Ukraine adopted a new constitution. Under it, the President is the head of the state and acts in its name. The President is elected by direct, majority vote for a term of five years (by secret ballot) and may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The president is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Prime Minister of Ukraine is appointed by the President of Ukraine with the consent of more than one-half of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Under the advice of the Prime Minister, the President appoints the Cabinet of Ministers (executive body). These appointments are subject to confirmation by the legislative body — the Verkhovna Rada. The Prime Minister is the head of the government and is responsible for carrying out its policies. The legislature (the Verkhovna Rada) consists of a single chamber of 450 deputies elected for four-year terms. The highest court is the Constitutional Court, which is charged with protecting and interpreting the constitution. The President, the legislature, and a conference of judges each appoint six of the court's 18 members. The Supreme Court is the highest appeals court for non-constitutional issues. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction.

XI. Discuss the following questions.

1. Who was the first President of Ukraine?

2. What kind of political system has Ukraine?

3. Is there a written constitution?

4. Who is the Prime Minister of Ukraine now?

5. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?

XII. Revise the information from the text and speak on the higher bodies of State Authority of Ukraine.


I. Transcribe and memorise the following words:

Monarch, to interpret, constituency, a majority, peer, hereditary, legislation

II. Read, translate and retell the following text:

The political system of Great Britain

Great Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch — Queen Elizabeth II — as head of the state.

The political system of Great Britain has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which „executes” laws i.e. puts them into effect, and the law courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three branches, she has little direct power.

There is no written constitution in Great Britain. The main principles of British legislation are expressed in other documents, like "Magna Charta", "Habeas Corpus Act", "Bill of Rights", the Parliamentary Act which decided the position of the House of Lords, the Judicature Act, etc. The British legislation does not provide written guarantees or individual political rights.

Parliament in Great Britain exists since 1265 and is the eldest in the world. It has two parts: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. They are known as MPs or Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is also an MP and usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons.

The Prime Minister is advised by the cabinet of about twenty other ministers. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or ministries. Members of the House of Lords (peers) are not elected. About 70 percent of them are “hereditary peers” because their fathers were peers before them. The other 30 percent are “life peers” whose titles are not passed on to their children. They are officially appointed by the Queen, on the advice of the Government, for various services to the nation.

Word list

1. to execute – виконувати

2. court – суд

3. House of Lords – палата лордів

4. House of Commons – палата громад

5. to be in charge – завідувати

6. peer – пер, лорд

III. Read the text and mark these statements T (true) or F(false) according to the text

1. The head of Great Britain is Queen (King).

2. Legislative branch executes laws.

3. Executive branch interprets laws

4. The Queen has little direct power.

5. The Constitution of Great Britain is the eldest in Europe

6. The British legislation provides individual political rights.

7. Government consists of two Houses.

8. Prime Minister is the leader of Government.

9. The fathers of peers were peers before them.

10.”Life peers” are officially appointed by the Queen.

11. The Prime Minister is advised by the voters.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the given words

1. The political system of Great Britain has three branches:……..,……….,……..… 2. The main principles of British …….are expressed in various documents. 3. The British legislation does not provide individual……………….… rights 4. British Parliament has two parts: …………….., ……………….. 5. Members of the House of Commons are known as ……………... 6. The Prime Minister is advised by the …………... 7. Peers are not ………….. to the House of Lords. 8. ”Life peers” are officially appointed by the ……………... on the advice of the …………….. the cabinet legislation MPs Queen political judicial the House of Lords legislative Government elected executive     the House of Commons

Information for you

Britain's hereditary monarchy is the oldest institution of government, dating back to at least the 9-th century. The present Queen -Elizabeth II - succeeded to the throne in 1952. Although she has a largely ceremonial and politically impartial role as head of state, she serves as a personal symbol of national unity. The Queen is also head of the Commonwealth and presides over the Church of England.

Britain is a parliamentary democracy, with a constitutional monarch. The House of Commons and the House of Lords with the monarch make up Parliament. Parliament is the legislature and the supreme authority. Parliament passes laws, approves taxation and debates the major issues of the day.

The executive consists of the Cabinet of Ministers. The prime Minister heads the Government and appoints ministers, about 20 of whom are in the policy-making Cabinet.

There are two main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.

The administration of justice in Britain is independent of both Parliament and the Government. The judiciary determines common law and interprets statute. Every citizen has the right to equal treatment before the law. Less serious cases are tried by lay magistrates in magistrates' courts and county courts. People accused of more serious crimes are tried in open court by a judge and jury in Crown Court. The House of Lords is the final court of appeal. A person who needs legal advice or representation in court may get help with tle costs$out of public funds.

Definitions of the$courts

Magistrates' Court - a court held before two or more justices of$the peace or a stipendiary magistrate to deal with minov crimes, certain civil actions, and preliminary hearings.

Crown Court -$(in England and Wales) local court in which serious criminal cases are tried.

Hmgh Court- (also High Court of Justice) - supreme court for civil cases.

The Court of Appeal hears appeals from griminal$cases beard in the Crown Courts.


V. Translate the following words and word-combmnations into Ukrainian:

hereditary monarchy, impartial role, sutreme authority, equal, lay magistrates, politicel settlement, local administration, national unity, legal advice, common law, government, the House of Lords, court, community, judge.

VI. Write down as many nouns as possible with the following adjectives:


acceptabѬe Р settlement legѡl iѭpartial

Р Рsuggestion

VII. Match the EnglisѨ and the Ukrainian equivaleѮts:Ѝ

2. законодавствоЇ

1. ѡccuѳed person 1. правосуддя
2Ю serious case
3. to approve taxationР
3.Робвинувачувана особа
4. leѧislaturѥ 4. серйозна справа
5. executive Ѱower 5. національні відмінності
6. head of government 6. затверджувати розмір податку
7. naѴional distinctions 7. суворі вимоги
8. major issuѥs 8. Палата громад
9. strong demaѮds Ї9. виконавча влада
10. broad range of problems 10. головні питання
11. House of Commons 11.Ршироке коло проблем
12Ю Juѳticѥ 1в.голова уряду

VIII. Chooѳe the sѹnonyms from the box:

toРexpѡnd,Рto favour, recognition,Рto Ѵry,Рto accuse, to ensure, judge, authority, to comprise

to make up, to provide for, magistrate, to charge, to support, to judge, identifying, to surpass, power.

IX. Give the wovd-families of the following words and translate them:

$ $ accepted

accept acceptable $ $to judge to legislate

$ acceptance

X. Encircle the suffixes and translate the following words:

educational, acceptable, equipment, politically, administration, constitutional, settlement, development, personal, perliamentary, government, treatment, legislation.

XI. Group the following words and word-combinations into 3 logic groups:

Cabinet of Ministers, lay magistrates, approve taxation, policy-meking, try, debate issuew, judge, pass the law, government, court, House$of Lordw, legal$advice, House of Commons, accuse, appoint, jury, the Prmme Miniwter, Parliament, Crown Court.

Legislature Executive power Judicmary

XII. Translate the following sentences into Ukreinian:

1. The present Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to tle throne in 1956.

2. The British Government is seeking the ways to ensuve a political settlement acceptable to all sections of the community.

3. Many other languages are spoken by the ethnic minority communities.

4. The administration of justice in Britain is independent$of both Parliament and the Government.

5. Less werious gases are tried by lay magistrates.

XIII. Complete the sentences:

1. English iw the official language, although the Welsh language has... 2. The Britiwh Government is seeking to ensure... 3. Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a... 4. The executive consists of the... 5. Parliament is the legislature and... 1. political settlement in Northern Ireland 2. Cabinet of Ministers. 3. Constitutional monarch. 4. equal status in Wales 5. supreme authority

XIV. Insert prepositions:

1. Every citizen has the right... equal treatment... the law.

2. People accused... more serious crimes are tried... open court by a judge and jury.

3. Less serious cases are tried... lay magistrates.

4. The Queen serves... a personal symbol... national unity.

5. Northern Ireland has a long history... differences... the Protestant and Catholic sections of the community.

XV. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

суворі вимоги, окрема освітня система, правова система, підтримувати об'єднання, політичне урегулювання, приймати закони, обговорювати головні питання, призначати міністрів, мировий суддя, юридична порада, загальне право, судова влада, законодавча влада, виконавча влада, глава держави, Палата громад, Апеляційний суд, карний суд.

XVI. Translate the words from the box and complete the following sentences:

мирові судді, верховна влада, конституційна монархія, національна єдність, загальні вибори

1. The present Queen serves as a personal symbol of....

2. Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a....

3. The Labour party won the....

4. Less serious cases are tried by....

5. Parliament is the legislature and.....

XVII. Form the questions to match the following answers:

1. Great Britain is situated on two large islands.

2. London is the capital of Great Britain.

3. The most important are the Thames and the Severn.

4. The present Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952.

5. There are two main political parties in Great Britain.

XVIII. Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct forms:

1. Administratively Great Britain (to divide) into 55 counties

2. More serious crimes (to try) in open court by a judge and jury.

3. The judiciary (to determine) common law and (to interpret) statute.

4. Many other languages (to speak) by the ethnic minority communities

5. Great Britain (to have) a broad range of industries.

6. The present Queen (to succeed) to the throne in 1952.

XIX. Answer the questions

1. Which three branches does the political system have?

2. Who are MPs? Who elects them?

3. Who is the leader of the Government?

4. Whom does the Cabinet include?

5. Are members of the House of Lords elected? Why?

6. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?

7. What is the Queen's role in government?

8. What does the executive consist of?

9. What does the legislature consist of?

10. What does the judiciary consist of?

XX. Translate into English:

Британія - парламентська монархія. Палата лордів, Палата громад та монарх складають парламент. Парламент - це орган законодавчої та верховної влади. Парламент приймає закони, затверджує розмір податку та обговорює головні питання дня. Кабінет Міністрів є вищим органом виконавчої влади. Прем'єр-міністр очолює уряд та призначає міністрів, приблизно 20 осіб, які являють собою сформований кабінет.

XXI. Speak about Great Britain using the following information:

Territory -242,432 sq. km

Population - 59 million people

Status - parliamentary monarchy

State language - English

Head of State - Queen

Legislature - Parliament

Executive - Cabinet of Ministers; Prime Minister

Judiciary - House of Lords, High Court, Crown Court, Court of Appeal

Capital - London

Currency - pound sterling

XXII. Read and translate the text

The system of government

What is the Government? The Government is the management of the country. The Government makes the important decisions, e. g. about foreign policy, education, or health, but all these decisions have to be approved by Parliament. If Parliament thinks that a particular Government policy is against the public interest, then it can force the Government to change its mind.

State Organs of the United Kingdom include the monarchy, the legislative, executive and judicial organs of Government.

The monarchy is the mos

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