IX. How do you see the future of nuclear power? Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопрос


Unit 1…………………………………………………………… 4

Unit 2………………………………………………………….. 9

Unit 3…………………………………………………………. 16

Unit 4…………………………………………………………. 25

Unit 5…………………………………………………………... 32

Unit 6…………………………………………………………. 39

Unit 7………………………………………………………… 48

Unit 8…………………………………………………………… 58

Unit 9…………………………………………………………. 64

Unit 10 ……………………………………………………………74

Unit 11 ………………………………………………………….. 83

Unit 12 ………………………………………………………….. 94

Unit 13 ………………………………………………………… 102

Supplementary reading………………………………………….107




I. Распределите различные виды топлива и источники энергии по соответствующим категориям в таблице:

(hard coal), wind, oil, sun, uranium, gas, biomass, lignite:

fossil fuel(s) renewables nuclear fuel(s)

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

What fuels and sources are used in your country?

Which ones are used most?

Where do these fuels come from?

Which are imported or exported to other countries?

III. Определите значение данных слов и словосочетаний, используя англо-русский словарь.

a turbine, a hydroelectric station, an electric generator, a source, to employ, an electromagnetic generator, a quantity, a scientist, an inventor

IV. Проверьте по словарю произношение данных интернациональных слов.

Mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic, potential, kinetic

V. Определите способ словообразования следующих однокоренных слов и переведите их на русский язык.

1. variety – various – variously – vary

2. transform – transformation – transformable

3. chemistry – chemist - chemical

VI. Выполните перевод текста.


In the language of science energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic and so on. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy – potential and kinetic, potential energy being the energy of position while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another. When an object loses its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. A waterfall may serve as an example.

Water falling from its raised position, changes its energy from potential to kinetic one. The energy of falling water is generally used to turn the turbines of hydroelectric stations. The turbines in their turn drive the electric generators, the latter producing electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form.

We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. Generally speaking, the sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator.

Man has learned to split atoms in order to get great quantities of energy. The nuclear reactor is one of the most reliable “furnaces” producing atomic energy. Being used to produce energy, the reactor produces it in the form of heat. Gas, water, melted metals, and some other liquids circulating through the reactor carry that heat away. The heat may be carried to pipes of the steam generator containing water. The resulting steam drives a turbine, the turbine, in its turn, drives an electric generator. By the way, a ton of uranium (nuclear fuel) can give us as much energy as 2.5 to 3 million tons of coal.

The first industrial nuclear power-station in the world was constructed in Obninsk not far from Moscow in 1954. It is of high capacity and has already been working for many years. One may mention that the station was put into operation two years earlier than the British one and a half years earlier than the American nuclear power-stations.

The rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial application of the electric current result in an increasing need of energy. Every year we need more and more energy. We need it to do a lot of useful things that are done by electricity. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing while the energy needs of the world are increasing. These needs will continue to grow as more motors and melted metals are used in industry and more electric current is employed in everyday life. As a result, it is necessary to find new sources of energy.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What kinds of mechanical energy do you know?

2. When is energy turned into kinetic energy?

3. How is electric energy produced? Show your answer using an example with a waterfall.

4. What sources of energy are employed to produce an electric current?

5. How does a nuclear reactor produce energy?

6. When and where was the first industrial nuclear power-station constructed?

7. What global problem concerning the use of energy do we have today?

VIII. Заполните предложения, используя слова и выражения из текста:

Two kinds of mechanical energy are … and …. one form of …. May be changed into another. …. Sources having the great …. Of electric energy come from various forms of … energy … and have been interested how people can employ solar energy directly to produce useful ….

IX. How do you see the future of nuclear power? Прочитайте текст и обсудите вопрос.

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