Read the text 1 again and say if the statements are false or true. Correct the false ones

1. A root system anchors the tree in the ground.

2. The inside bark on the trunk protects the outer bark of the tree from mechanical injury.

3. The total surface area of root system is quite small.

4. The inner bark carries food to all living parts of the tree.

5. Trees may be reproduced only through vegetative propagation.


1.5Match the verbs of column A and the nouns of column B (use the text 1).


absorb protect produce store divide support tree food soil water trunk cells

1.6 Form plural of these nouns:

branch, series, leaf, growth, cone, ray, pith, inner bark, tissue, stump, area, species, bud, oak, wood.


Use the verbs in the brackets in the Present Simple Passive Tense.

A tree (to anchor) in the ground using a network of roots, which spread and grow thicker in proportion to the growth of the tree above the ground. In a mature tree, most of the cells of the trunk, roots, and branches (to die) or inactive. All growth of new tissue takes place at only a few points on the tree, by the division of specialized cells. These actively growing areas (to locate) at the tips of branches and roots and in a thin layer just inside the bark. Lastly, trees have reproductive structures; either flower or cone. Most trees can (to identify ) by the leaf alone.


1.8 Match the terms with their definitions:


Crown the building blocks of life. All living things (organisms) are made of them
Trunk a small branch on a tree or shrub that is connected to a larger branch
Sap an area of non-specialized cells that can develop into any type of tissue. It produces new tissue as parallel layers of cells that increase the diameter of the tree
Bark food-conducting tissue of tree just outside of cambium
Xylem the tough outer covering of trunks or stems of trees
Twig the main, central, mostly straight part of a tree or shrub, which the branches grow from
Cambium liquid from a plant
Cell the top part of a plant or tree, where most of the leaves, flowers, and fruits grow



Find sentences from the text1 with Participles and translate them.


Read the text 2 and title it.


Text 2


Trees are perhaps the largest plants you are acquainted with. They are woody plants, and therefore are firm or hard. They also live longer than most other plants.

Different kinds of trees differ a great deal from each other. The trunk of some kinds is straight with many side branches, as the pine; the trunks of other kinds of trees divide into several divisions, as the oak. Some kinds of trees branch at a wide angle, and some at a narrow angle. The size, shape, arrangement and colour of the leaves are different on different kinds of trees. The flowers of some trees are large and showy, while the flowers of other trees are so small that many people never see them and believe that these trees do not produce flowers. Some trees are deciduous, that is, they drop their leaves in the fall, and some are evergreen. The fruit is different on different kinds of trees.


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