Положение 13 страница

397.Юхневич М.Ю. Об эффективности воздействия экспозиции на посетителя (постановка проблемы) // Теоретические вопросы научно-просветительной работы музеев: по материалам социологических исследований. - М., 1984. -С. 26-37. - (Сб. науч. тр./НИИ культуры, т. 133.)

398.Юхневич М.Ю. Педагогические условия оптимизации образовательно-воспитательного воздействия краеведческого музея на учащуюся молодежь: Дис.... канд. пед. наук. - М., 1985. - 218 с.

399.Яковец Ю.В. Формирование постиндустриальной парадигмы: истоки и перспективы // Вопросы философии. - № I. - 1997. - С. 3-18.

400.Ятманов Г.С. Задачи "Музея" // Музей. - Вып. I. - 1923. - С. 1-1У.

401.50-летие Императорского Общества Любителей естествознания, антропо­логии и этнографии (1863-1913): Сб. - М.: Тип. т-ва Рябушинских, 1915.- 255 с

402.Alexander Е.Р. Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Func­tion of Museums. - Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1979.-308 p.: ill.

403.Allan A.D. The Museum and its Function II The Organization of Museum: Practical Advice. - Paris: UNESCO, 1959.- P. 13-24.

404. Altick R.D. The Shows of London: A Panoramic History of the Exhibitions, 1600-1862. - Cambridge, Mass. -London: Belap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1978.-553 p.

405.Ambjornsson Ronny. The Conscientious Workers II Papers in Museology. -Umea University Press, 1992. - P. 188-195..

406. Art Museum as Education. A Call of Studies as Guides to Practice and Policy I Council of Museums and Education in the Visual Arts; Barbara Newson and Adele Z.S. - Berkeley ets.: Univ. of California Press, 1978. - VI11, 830 p.

407.Bann Stephen. On Living in a New Country II The New Museology I Ed. by Peter Vergo. - L.: Reaction Books, 1989. - P. 99-118.

408.Bauer Ruedy, Pippo Lionni, Christian Bernard. Some General Thoughts on Corporate Museum Identity: The Case of the Villa Arson Nice II Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspective. - L.: Routledge, 1991. - P. 31-38.

409. Bazin G. The Museum Age I Transl. from the French by Zane Van Nuis Ca-hite. - N.-Y.: Universe Books, 1967. - 303 p.: ill.

410.Benez J. Museologicky Slovnik I Josef Benez; Narodny Muzeum v Praze. Ustr Muzeologicky kabinet. - Praha: Narodny Muzeum, 1978. - 192 s.

411.Bennett S. Theatre Audiences: A Theory of Production and Reception. - L. -N.-Y., 1990.-219 p.

412.Bennett T. The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory and Politics. - L.: Rout-ledge, 1996.-278 p., ill.

413.Bourdieu P. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. - Cam­bridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984. - 613 p.

414.Boylan J.P. Museums 2000 and the Future of Museums II Museums 2000: Poli­tics, People, Professionals and Profits. - L.: Museums Association, 1992. - P. 1-21.

415.Budd R.W., Ruben B.B. Beyond Media: New Approaches to Mass Communi­cation. - Oxford, New Brunswick: Transaction Books, cop. 1988. - 292 p.: ill.

416.Burcaw G.E. Introduction to Museum Work /G.Ellis Burcaw. - Nashville: The American Assoc. For State and Local History, cop., 1975. - VI, 202 p.: ill.

417.Butcher Y.S. Historic House Museums: A Practical Handbook. - N.-Y., 1993. - 260 p.

418.Chose S. People and Museums: People Participation in Science Museums II Mu­seums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit. - L.-N.Y.: Museums Asso­ciation, 1992.-P. 84-100.

419.Clifford W. Bibliography of Museums and Museology. - N.Y.: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1923. - 345 p.

420.Coleman L.V. Manual for Small Museums. -N.Y.: G.P.Putnams' sons, 1927. -103 p.

421.Coleman L.V. The Museums in America: A Critical Study. - In 3 vol. - Wash­ington, D.C.: The American Assoc, of Museums. - 1939. - Part 1 -II. - 730 p.

422.Conference Proceedings for 2001: The Museum and the Canadian Public. - Ot­tawa: Museums assoc, cop. 1977. - 100p.: ill.

423.Coolidg J. Some Problems of American Art Museums. - Washington, D.C.,

1953. -415 p. 424.Cossons N. Professional and Museums: Rambling Reflections of a Museum

Man II Museum 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profits. - L.- N.-Y.:

Museums Assoc, 1992.-P. 123-133. 425.Curry L. Major Museums Must Be Educational Centers II Museums Journal. -

N2.- 1997.-P.9. 426.Dag B. The Culture Business: Management Strategies for the Arts Related

Business. - L. - N.-Y.: Routledge, 1996. - 120 p. 427.Dana J.C. The New Museum. - Part 1. - Woodstock., Vt, Elm Tree Press,

1917.-39 p. 428.Danilov V. J. The Transmission of Cultural Heritage: Museums II Beyond Me­dia: New Approaches to Mass Communication. - Oxford, New Brunswick:

Transaction Books, cop. 1988. - P. 160-177. 429.Desvallees A. Muscology and the Cultural Identity II Papers in Museology. -

Umea Univ., 1992. - P.50-77. 430.De Varine H. Cultural Action - The Concept and its Ambitions II Papers in

Museology. - Umea Univ., 1992. - P. 176=179. 431.Dewey J. The Public and its Problems. - N.Y.: Henry Holf, 1927. - 87 p. 432.Dictionarium Museologicum I (Сотр. By the ICOM, International Cornm.

For Documentation (CIDOC). Working Group on Terminology: Ed. in Chief). -

Budapest: ICOM, 1986. - 774 p. 433.Dublin's Top Visitor Attractions /Dublin Tourism. - Dublin, 1997. - 57 p. 434.Duncan Carol. Art Museum and the Ritual of the Citizenship II Exhibiting Cul­tures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. - L.-Washington, 1991. - P.

88-103. 435.Duncan Carol. Civilizing Rituals: Inside Public Art Museums. - L. - N.Y.:

Routledge, 1995.- 178 p.

436.Economusee:=Economuseum I (Conception Generale: Ciryl Simard, PhD). -Quebec: Fond. Des economusees du Quebec, 1992. - 22 p.: ill.

437.Edson Gary, Dean David. The Handbook for Museums. - L. - N.Y., 1994. -302 p.: ill.

438.Encyclopedic ou Dictionnaire raisonare des science, des arts et des metiers. -

MDCCLIV. - V. 1. - P.317: V.II. - P.489: V.IX. - P. 706: V. X. - P. 893=894. 439.Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display /Ed. by Ivan

Karp and Steven P.Laviee. - L. - Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press,

cop. 1991. -468 p. 440.Finlay I. Priceless Heritage: The Future of Museums. - L.: Faber and Faber

LTD, 1977.-183 p. 441.Gilman B.I. Museum Ideals of Purpose and Method. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge:

Harvard Univ. Press, 1923. - 56 p. 442.Gluzinsky W. U Podstav Muzeologii. - Warsaw, 1980. - P.342-452. 443.Graf B. Visitor Studies in Germany: Methods and Examples II Towards the

Museum of the Future: New European Perspectives. - L. - N.Y.: Routledge,

1991. - P.75-80. 444.Grants for Museums: Covers Grants in US and Abroad to Museums, History,

Arboretums, Botanical gardens, Planetariums and Zoos. -N.Y.: Found. Center,

1987.-83 p. 445.Greenhalgh P. Education, Entertainment and Politics: Lessons from the Great

International Exhibitions //The New Muscology. - L., 1990. - P. 74-98. 446.Gregorova A. Muzei a muzynictvo. - Martin: Matica slovensca, 1984. - 292 s. 447.Hauenshild A. Neue Museologie: Anspruch u Wirklichkeit anhand verlig

Fallstudien in Kanada, USA and Mexico. - Bremen: Im Selberveri des Museums,

1988.-551 s.: ill. 448.Hewisson R. The Heritage Industry: Britain in a Climate of Decline. - L.: Me-

thuen, 1987.- 160p.: ill.

449.Hooper-Greenhill E. The Museum and Gallery Education. - Leicester: Leicester

Univ. Press, 1991.-224 p. 450.Hooper-Greenhill E. The Museum and the Shaping of Knowledge. - L., 1992. -

170 p.

451.Hooper-Greenhill E. Museum Education: Past, Present and Future II Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspectives. - L.-N.Y.: Routledge, 1994. -P.133-146.

452.Hooper-Greenhill E. The Museum: The Social-Historical Articulation of Knowledge and Things. - L.: Univ. Of London, 1989. - 102 p.

453.Hooper-Greenhill E. A New Communication Model For Museums II Museum Languages. - L., 1991. - P. 47-62.

454.Horie C.V. Who is a curator? II The International Journal of Museum Man­agement and Curatorship. - 1986. - N 5. - P.207-272.

455.Home D. The Great Museum.The Re-presentation of History. - L.: Pluto. 1984.- 196 p.

456.Horne D. Public Culture. - L., 1987. - 242p.

457.Home D. Reading Museums //Museums 200: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit. - L.: Museums Assoc, 1992. - P. 62-74, 75=83.

458.Hudson K. The Directory of Museums and Living Displays. - 3d ed. - L.: Macmillan; N.Y.: Stockton Press, 1985. - 1047p.

459.Hudson K. Museums for the 1980s. A survey of World Trends I With a fore­word by George Henry Riviere. - N.Y.: UNESCO: Holme and Meter Publishers, 1977.-198 p.

460.Hudson K. Museums inside and outside the Establishment - the Great Britain Divide II Papers in Muscology, - Umea Univ., 1992. - P. 114-123.

46 I.Hudson K. Museums of Influence. - Cambridge: CUP, 1987. - 220 p.: ill.

462.Hudson K. A Social History of Museums: What the Visitors Thought. - Lon­don and Basingtone: The Macmillan Press LTD, 1975. - 210.

463.ICOM 1992; Repousser les limites II Nouvelies de Г ICOM. - 1993. - Vol. 46. -N.1.-24 p.

464.Jordanova L. Museums Artifacts and Meanings as Objects of Knowledge: A Historical Perspective on Museums // The New Muscology. - L.: Reaction Books. - P.22-40.

465.Karp Ivan. Culture and Representation //Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. —L.-Washington, 1991. - P. 11-24.

466.Karp Ivan. Festivals II Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. - L.-Washington, 1991.- P. 279-287.

467.Kenyonn F.G. Museums and National Life: The Romanes Lecture, delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, 17 June 1927. - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. - 32 p.

468.Kovac Miso. Uvod do Literarnej Muzeologie. - Matica Slovenska', 1982. - С 185-188.

469.Kurin R. Cultural Conservation through Representation: Festival of India Folk Life. Exhibitions at the Smithsonian Institution II Exhibiting Cultures: The Poet­ics and Politics of Museum Display. - L.- Washington, 1991. - P. 315-343.

470.Lavine S.D. Art Museums, National Identity and the Status of Minority Cul­tures: The Case of Hispanic Art in the US. //Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. - L.-Washington, 1991. - P. 79-87.

471.Lavine S.D. and Karp I. Introduction: Museums and Multiculturalism II Ex­hibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. - L.-Washington. 1991.-P. Ы0.

472.Lawrence G. Rats, Street Gangs and Culture: Evaluation in Museums II Mu­seum Languages. - Leicester, 1991. - P. 9-32.

473.Lewis Ralph K. Manual for Museums. - Washington: National Park Service,

US Department of the Interior, 1976. - 412 p.: ill. 474.Loomis Ross J. Museum Visitor Evaluation: New Tool for Management. -Nashville, Tenn.: AASLH, 1986. - 306 p.

475.Louvre II Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des Arts et des metiers. - MDCCLIV. - V. IX. - P. 706-707.

476.Luhman N. Soziale Systeme. Grundiss einer allgemeinen Theorie. - Fr.-am-Main, 1984.-327 s.

477.Macdonald G.J., Alsford S.F. Museums and Theme Parks: Worlds in Colli­sion? II Museum Management and Curatorship. - 1995. - Vol. 14. - N 2. - P. 129-147.Ш.

478.Manual of Curatorship. A Guide to Museum Practice I Ed. by John M.A.Thompson. - L.: The Museum Assoc, 1984. - 240 p.

479.Marcouse' R. Changing Museums in a Changing World II Museums, Imagina­tion and Education. - Paris: UNESCO, 1973. - P. 17-22.

480.Maroevich I. The Museum Item - Source and Carrier of Information II Infor-matologia Yugoslavia. - 1983. - N 151-7. - С 237-248.

481.Maroevich I. The Subject of Museology within the Theoretical Core of Infor­mation Sciences //Informatologia Yugoslavia. - 1986. - N 1-3. - C. 2-5.

482.Maton-Howart H.M. Knowing Objects through an Alternative Learning Sys­tem II Objects of Knowledge. - L., 1990. - P. 174-205.

483.Mckenzie-Smith I. The Museum as a Cultural Center II Museums are for Peo­ple. - Edinburg: Scottish Museum Council, 1984. - P. 85-87: ill.

484.Mclean F. Marketing the Museum. - L. - N.Y.: Routledge, 1996. - 620 p.

485.McManus P.M. Making Sense of Exhibits II Museum Languages. - Leicester: Leicester Univ. Press, 1991. - P. 33-46.

486.McManus P.M. Families in Museums II Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspective. - L.-N.Y.: Routledge, 1991.- P.81-98.

487.Mensch Peter Van. Methodological Museology: Or Towards a Theory of Mu­seum Practice II Objects of Knowledge. - L., 1990. - P. 141-157.

488.Merriman N. Beyond the Glass Case: The Past, the Heritage and the Public in Britain. - Leicester: Leicester Univ. Press, 1991.- 256 p.

489.Merriman N. Museum Visiting as a Cultural Phenomenon II The New Museol-

ogy. -L.: Reaction Books, 1989. - P. 149-171. 490.Miers H.A. A Report on the Public Museums of the British Isles. - Edinburg:

T&A constable, 1928. - 35 p. 491.Muise P.A. Museums and the Canadian Community: A Historical Perspective.

The Vision II Towards 21st Century: New Directions for Canadian's National

Museums. - Ottawa, 1989. - P. 10-29. 492.Musee' II Encyclopedic ou dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des

metiers. - V.X. - P. 893-894. 493.The Museum: A Reference Guide / Ed. by Michael S. Shapiro and Lois Ward

Kemp. - N.Y.-West Port, Conn. - L.: Greenwood Press. - 1990. - 385 p. 494.Museum and Children / Ulla K. Oloffson, Gerald T. - Paris: UNESCO, 1979. -

195 p.: ill. 495.Museum Exhibition: Theory and Practice I David Dean. - L. - N.Y.: Rout-ledge, 1994.-175 p. 496.Museum Languages: Objects and Texts /Ed.by Gaynor Kavanagh. - Leicester:

Leicester Univ. Press. - L. -N.Y., 1991.- 180 p.: ill. 497.Museums, Adults and the Humanities: A Guide For Educational Program I Ed.

by W.C.Zipporah. - Washington: AAM, cop. 1981.- 330 p.: ill. 498.Museums and Education I Ed. by Eric Larrabee. - Washington: Smithsonian

Institution Press, 1968. - VII, 255 p. 499.Museums and Citizenship: A Resource Book I Tony Bennett, Robin Trotter

and Donna Mclear. - Vol. 39, part 1. - Brisbane: Queensland Museum, 1996. -

140 p. 500.Museums and the Making of "Ourselves". The Role of Objects in National

Identity I Ed. by Flora E.S.Kaplan. - L. - N.Y.: Leicester Univ.Press, 1996. - 140

P-501.Museums are for People I Scottish Museum Council. - Edinburg, 1985. - 100 p.

502. Museums for a New Century: A Report of the Commission on Museums for a New Century. - Washington, D.C.: AAM, 1984. - 144 p.

503.Museums, Imagination and Education. - Paris: UNESCO, 1973. - 148 p: ill.

504.Museums of the Mind: Magrittes' Labyrinth and other Essays in the Art /Ellen Hodler Spitz. - New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press, 1994. - 190 p.

505.New Museology I Ed. by Peter Vergo. - L.: Reaction Books, 1989. - 230 p.

506.Nicholson F. Museums in the 21st Century II Papers in Museology. - Umea Univ., 1992.-P. 124-128.

507.Objects of Knowledge I Ed. by Susan Pearce. - London and Atlantic High­lands: The Athlone Press, 1990. - 235 p.

508.The Official Museum Directory. - 26th ed. (1996). - (Washington): AAM, Bowker, 1995.-267 p.

509.Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in 16th and 17th Century Europe I Ed. by O.Impley. - Oxford: Clarendon, 1986. - XII, 335 p.: ill.

510.Orna E.P. Information Handling in Museums. - N.Y.: Saur: Bigley, 1980. - 190

P-511.Packard Vance O. The Status Seekers. An Exploration of Class Behavior in

America and the Hidden Barriers that Affect you, your Community, your Future.

- N.Y.: McKay, 1959. - 376p. 512.Papers in Museology I Almkvist and Wiksell International. - Stockholm,

Umea: Umea Univ. Press, 1992. - 208 p. - (N 1 (N 108)). 513.Paul Di Maggio. Social Class and Arts Consumption. - N.Y., 1978. -154 p. 514.Paying the Piper. Causes and Consequences of Art Patronage I Ed. by Judith

Higgins. Urbana and Chicago: Univ. Of Illinois Press, 1993. - 336 p. 515.Pearce S.M. Collecting Reconsidered II Museum language. - Leicecter, 1991. -

P. 135-154. 516.Pearce S.M. Objects as Meaning or Narrating the Past II Objects of Knowledge.

-L., 1990.-P. 125-140.

517. Perrot P. Profit and Museums: Funding, Sponsorship and Corporation Sup­port II Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit. - L.: MA, 1992. -P. 148-168.

518.Pierre В., Alain P. L'Amour de Г Art: les Musees d'Art Europeens et leur public. -Paris, 1969.-205p.

519.Porter G. Partial Truths II Museum Languages. - Leicester, 1991. - P. 101-108.

520.Radley A. Fascination and Morality: Reflections upon the Experience of Mu­seum Visiting II Museum Languages. - Leicester, 1991. - P. 63-82.

521.Rea P.M. The Museum and the Community, with a Chapter on the Library and the Community: A study of the Social Laws and Consequences. - Lancaster P.A.: Science Press, 1932. - 75 p.

522.Reall L. L' Organisation des Musees. - Paris: Lois Leif, 1909. - 44 p.

523.Ripley D. The Sacred Grove: Essays on Museums. - N.-Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1969.- 159 p.

524.Runyard S. The Museum Marketing. Handbook. - L.: HMSO, 1994. - 230 p.

525.San Roman L. Politics and Museums (1) II Museums 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit. - L.: MA, 1992. - P. 25-40.

526.Shapiro M.S. The Public and the Museum II The Museum. A Reference Guide. -N.Y.-L., 1990.-P. 231-261.

527.Smith N. Exhibitions and Audiences: Catering for the Pluralistic Public II Mu­seum Languages. - Leicester, 1991. - P. 119-134.

528.Sola T. Professionals and Museums: The Endangered Species II Museum 2000: Politics, People, Professionals and Profit. - L.: MA, 1992. - P. 101-113.

529.Sorensen C. Theme Parks and Time Machines II The New Museology. - L., 1989.-P. 60-73.

530. Spiess K., Spiess Ph. Museums Collections II The Museum. A Reference Guide. - N.Y - L., 1990. - P. 141-166.

531.Stransky Z.Z. Uvod do Studia Muzeologie II Univ. Purkyne' v Brne.: Univ. J.E.Purkyne' v Brne', 1979. - 167 c: cxem.

532.Taborsky E. The Discursive Object II Objects of Knowledge. - L., 1990. - P. 50-

77. 533.Talboys Graeme. Using Museum as Educational Resource: An Introductory

Handbook for Students and Teachers. - Aldershot: Area, 1996. - 186 p.

534.Teather S. Museum and Professionalism II The Museum. A Reference Guide. -

N.-Y.-1., 1990.-P. 299-328. 535.Toffler A. The Culture Consumers. A Study of Arts and Affluence in America.

- N.Y.: St. Martins' Press, 1964. - 263 p.

536.Towards a New Museum Policy. Government Memorandum I Summarized by J.W.M.Spaandonk. - The Hague: Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare, Netherlands Government Printing Office, 1977. - 68 p.: ill.

537.Towards the 21st Century: New Directions for Canada's National Museums I Canadian Museum of Civilization: Ed. by Tepper L.H. - Hull: Canadian Mu­seum of Civilization, 1989. - 174 p.

538.Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspectives I Ed. by Roger Miles and Lauro Zavala. - L. - N.Y.: Routledge, 1994. - XII, 203 p.: ill.

539.Tyler B. Information and Media Communication Department II Mercury series.

- Communication Division, Paper N 1 I Ed. by Tyler B. - Ottawa, 1973. - 12 p.
540.Verbaas F. Profit and Museums: Options and Unique Commercial Opportunity

for Museums Now and in the Future II Museums 2000: Politics, People, Profes­sionals and Profit. - L.: MA, 1992. - P. 169-190.

541.Volkert J.W. Monologue to Dialogue II Museum News. - 1991. - Vol. 70. - N 2. - P. 48-64.

542.Washburn W.E. Professionalizing the Museum II Museum News. - 1985. - Vol. 64.-N2.-P. 18-25,70-71.

543. Weil S.E. A Cabinet of Curiosities: Incuiries into Museums and their Prospects.

- Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution press, 1995. - 264 p.

544.Weil S.E. Beauty and the Beasts: On Museums, Art, the Law and the Market. -Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983. - 256 p.

545. What is Museoiogy. Local and Global - 2 Aspects of Museum Communication (1988): Rep. At the Dept. Of Museoiogy, Umea Univ. - Stockholm, 1992. - 203

P-546.Wittlin A.S. Exhibits Interpretive, Underinterpretive, Misinterpretive: Abso­lutes and Relative Absolutes in Exhibit Techniques II Museums and Education. -

Washington, 1968. - P. 95-114.

547.Wittlin A.S. Museums: In Search of a Usable Future. - Cambridge, Mass.-London: The MIT Press, cop. 1970. - XVII, 300 p.: ill.

548.Wohler J.P. The History Museum as an Effective Educational Institution. - Ot­tawa, 1976. - VII, 80 p.: ill. - (Mercury Series).

549.Zolberg V. Remarking Nations: Public Culture and Post-colonial Discourse II Paying the Piper. Causes and Consequences of Art Patronage. - Urbana and Chi­cago, 1993. - P. 234-250

Опубликованные отчеты музеев

550. Государственный Русский музей. Отчет. 1993-1997. -СПб.: Palace Edit.,
1998. -95 с.

551. Государственный Русский музей. Отчет. 1998. - СПб.: ГРМ, 1999. - 143 с.
552.Государственный Эрмитаж. Отчет о деятельности музея за 1996 год.£]б.:

ГЭ, 1997.- 112 с.

Периодические и продолжающиеся издания 553.Декоративное искусство: Ил. Худож. Журнал. - М.: Художник, 1975-1998.

554.Информкультура. Москва. Панорама культурной жизни зарубежных стран. Экспресс-информ. - М., 1990 -1999.

555.Информационный центр по проблемам культуры и искусства. Москва.

Музееведение и охрана памятников. Научно-реферативный сборник. - М.,

1976-1980. 556.Информационный центр по проблемам культуры и искусства. Москва.

Музееведение и охрана памятников. Обзорная информация. - М., 1982 -

1991. 557.Информационный центр по проблемам культуры и искусства. Москва.

Экспресс-информ. Серия «Музееведение и охрана памятников». - М., 1975 -

1991. 558.Исторический Музей. Москва. Труды Государственного Исторического

Музея. - М.: Сов. Россия, 1984-1998. 559.Курьер Петровской Кунсткамеры. Вып. 1. - СПб., 1995 -1998. 560.Мир музея: Ил. Ист. и худож. Журн./ М-во культуры Рос. Федерации и

РИК «Культура». - М.: СП «Панас», 1993 -1999. 561.Музей. Художественные собрания СССР. - М., Сов. Художник, 1980 -

1987. 562.Музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С.Пушкина. Жизнь музея. Бюлл.

Гос. Музея изящных искусств. - М., 1925-1930. 563.Музей изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина. Сообщения Гос. Му­зея изобразительных искусств. - М.: Изд-во АХ СССР, 1985 -1997. 564.Музей и современность. - М., 1975 -1991. 565.Музейное дело в СССР. - М., 1968 - 1992.

566.Музей революции СССР. Москва. Сб. науч. трудов. - М., 1966 - 1992. 567.Музеи России. Науч.- попул. ил. журн./ Ассоциация музеев России. - СПб,

1992- 1998.

568.Музеи России: поиски, исследования, опыт работы: Сб. науч. Тр./ Ассоциация музеев России. - СПб: ТОО «Терция», 1995 -1998.

569.Научно-исследовательский институт культуры. Москва. Сб. науч. Трудов. -М, 1971 - 1987.

570.Научно-исследовательский институт Музееведения. Москва. Труды НИИ му­зееведения. Вып. 1 -М.: Госкультпросветиздат, 1957-1970.

571.Российский Комитет Международного Совета Музеев (ИКОМ России). Ин-форм. Бюллетень. 1989 -1995.

572.Санкт-Петербургская Государственная Академия культуры. Музей в совре­менной культуре. - СПб, 1995 -1998.

573.Museum: Подборка ст. из журнала ЮНЕСКО «Museum" / Комиссия СССР по делам ЮНЕСКО Госкомиздат СССР. - М.: Прогресс, 1982 -1998.

574.Connousseur. A Magazine for Collectors. - Vol. 194(1985) - 221 (1991).

575.The Museum News I American Assoc, of Museums. - Washington, 1986-1994.

576.Museum of Fine Arts. Boston. Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Arts. - Bos­ton, 1985 -1998.

577.Museum of Modern Art. New York. Studies in Modern Art. - N.Y, 1991 -1998.

578.Museums and Monuments I UNESCO. - Paris, 1977 -.

579.Museums Association. London. Museums Bulletin. - L., 1984 -1992.

580.The Museum Journal. - 1984-1999.

Приложение 1.

1. Вид садов и дворика Бельведера в Риме.

Кендрик ван Крив, 1589. (по рисункам, сделанным в Риме в 1550-155 гг.). - Брюссельский музей Древнего искусства (409, с. 48-49).

2. Кабинет естественной истории неаполитанского натуралиста и
химика Ферранте Императо.

Гравюра из книги "Естественная история" - Неаполь, 1599 (409. с. 54).

3. Библиотека сэра Таунлея на Парк-Стрит.

Иохан Зофрани, 1782. - Художественная галерея и музей Таунлсй в Бернли (409, с. 148).

4. Ротонда музея Левериам. Музей сэра Анггона Левера
(Лсйсестсрхауз), Блэкфриарз Роуд.

Гравюра. 1773. (404, с. 31).

5. Гюбер Робер. План организации Главной галереи Лувра. 1790-е гг. (409, с. 178).

6. Хрустальный дворец. Лондон, 1851 (104, с. 459).

7. Промышленная выставка в Екатеринбурге. 1874. (Всемирная иллюстрация, 1874).

8. Музей восковых фигур мадам Тюссо. Сер. Х1Х в. (А04, с 336).

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Приложение 2:1

Цели, задачи и методика опроса музейных работников.

В 1997 году диссертантом был проведен опрос среди участников научной конференции «Музей в современной культуре». На протяжении 1997-1999 гг. также опрашивались музейные работники Санкт-Петербурга, которых, с нашей точки зрения, можно рассматривать в качестве экспертов в музейном деле.

Исследование осуществлялось с целью аргументации основных положений диссертации.

В ходе исследования были поставлены следующие задачи:

■ получение экспертных оценок по основным проблемам взаимодействия музея и общества;

■ характеристика музейных работников как особой социальной группы и подсистемы общества.

С участниками конференции было проведено анкетирование. С другой частью респондентов проводилось интервью по вопросам анкеты. Поставленные вопросы были как закрытыми, так и открытыми, предоставляющими возможность респондентам свободно высказывать свою позицию, находить для нее собственные дополнительные аргументы. По ходу интервью задавались уточняющие вопросы, вопросы по ситуации.

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