Overview of chemistry

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Cherkassy State Technological University




For the Students of Civil Engineering department

(Speciality: Technologist in Chemistry)



Cherkassy 2010


Укладач: Махиня Н. В., к. п. н., доцент кафедри іноземних мов ЧДТУ.  
Рецензенти: Лісун О. В.  


Методичний посібник містить тексти для читання та лексико-граматичні завдання для студентів будівельного факультету, напрям підготовки «Хімічна технологія та інженерія», спеціальність «Хімічна технологія неорганічних речовин».




Міністерство освіти і науки України

Черкаський державний технологічний університет




для студентів БФ за напрямом «Хімічна технологія та інженерія»



Затверджено на

засіданні кафедри іноземних мов ЧДТУ

Протокол № ____

від __ __________ 2010 року.


Черкаси 2010








TEXT 4 MODERN CHEMISTRY……………………………………....17




TEXT 8 STATES OF MATTER…………………………………….......28

TEXT 9 WATER…………………………………………………….......31

TEXT 10 ATMOSPHERE……………………………………………….34

TEXT 11 REACTIONS OF OXYGEN………………………………….38

TEXT 12 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY…………………………………….41

TEXT 13 CARBON……………………………………………………...44

TEXT 14 THE ORIGIN OF COAL……………………………………...46


TEXT 16 THE AGE OF POLYMER…………………………………….50

TEXT 17 PLASTICS……………………………………………………..53

TEXT 18 STRATOSPHERIC OZONE……………………………….....55

TEXT 19 PETROLEUM………………………………………………......58

TEXT 20 BIOSPHERE………………………………………………......61










Збірник текстів та практичних завдань призначений для студентів будівельного факультету напряму “Хімічна технологія та інженерія”.

Основна мета видання – розвиток навичок читання фахових текстів, практика перекладу та усного мовлення студентів.

Кожен розділ складається з передтекстового словника, власне тексту, лексичних вправ, матеріалів для активізації письмової та усної комунікації. Окремі завдання сприяють формуванню навичок перекладу професійної лексики. Питання та вправи на зворотній переклад допоможуть провести перевірку засвоєного матеріалу.

У кінці збірника подано перелік хімічних елементів із прийнятими позначеннями та перекладом, що дозволяє студентам зорієнтуватися в перекладі певного хімічного терміна.




Learn the new vocabulary:

definition визначення
the study of matter вивчення речовини; наука про матерію
space простір
in addition на додачу
a set of properties низка / набір властивостей
substance речовина
personality traits особисті риси
ancient times стародавні часи
to be based (on / upon) базуватися (на)
practical goal практична мета
to be related (to) бути пов’язаним (з)
complex substance складна речовина
basic / fundamental concepts основні поняття / ідеї


1. Read and translate the text:

What is chemistry? All definitions of chemistry include the study of matter.Matter is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space. All matter is arranged and organized. The way it is arranged is called its structure. The parts of the structure and the ratio in which they are organized are called its composition. In addition, all matter has characteristics or properties. That is, each substancehas a set of properties that are characteristic of that substance and give it a unique or special identity. These physical or chemical properties are the personality traits of that substance. In brief, chemists study the properties, the composition, and the structure of matter. They also study changes in the composition and the structure as well as the reactionsof matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. Basically, chemistry is a science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and with the reactions by which substances are produced from, or converted into, other substances.

People have practiced chemistry since ancient times. The Egyptian, Arabic, Greek, and Roman cultures each contributed significant developments to chemistry. These early developments were empirical. That is, they were achieved by trial and error and were not based on any valid theory of matter. The alchemists (500-1600 A.D.) whose practical goal was to change base metals into gold and to prolong life, also contributed to the development of chemistry. However, it was not until the 17th and 18th centuries that modern chemistry began to develop through systematic experimentation rather than trial and error. In fact, this systematic experimentation, called the scientific method,is usually credited with being the most important single factor in the development of chemistry and its application to technology.

Chemistry is related to physics, another basic branch of science. It is also related to biology, the science of life, because life itself is basically a complicated system of interrelated chemical processes.

The range, or scope, of chemistry is very wide. In fact, it includes the whole universe and every animate (living) and inanimate (nonliving) thing in it. Chemistry may be broadly classified into two main branches: organic chemistry (the chemistry of living things) and inorganic chemistry (the chemistry of nonliving things). Through the study of chemistry we try to learn and understand the principles and lawsthat control the activity of all matter.

Chemists may try to observe and to explain natural situations, or phenomena, or they may invent experiments that will show the composition and structure of complex substances. They may look at methods to improve natural processes or, sometimes, create or combine substances that are unknown in nature.

Even though the total of chemical knowledge is so enormous that no one could learn all of it in one's lifetime, the basic concepts are not difficult. In fact, these fundamental concepts in chemistry have become part of the education required for many professionals in a wide variety of fields and they have contributed to the rapid growth of technology.


2. Look through the text again and decide which of the following ideas are not expressed in the passage:

1. Chemistry plays the central role in the life of modern world.

2. Chemistry studies the composition, the properties and the structure of matter.

3. Reactions of matter in atomic and molecular systems are also studied by chemists.

4. It's necessary to demonstrate the influence of chemistry on science in general and its position in society.

5. The history of chemistry can be traced back to ancient times.

6. Experimentation in chemistry began only in the 17th and 18th centuries.

7. In chemical reactions one or more substances change their chemical composition and form one or more new substances.

8. Scientific method is the most important factor in the development of chemistry.

9. Every chemical element is characterized by a definite atomic number.

10. Chemistry is related to other sciences, e.g. physics and biology.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why are the contributions of ancient cultures to chemistry called empirical?

2. What were the principle goals of alchemists?

3. When did chemistry begin to develop through systematic experimentation?

4. What is the most important single factor in the development of chemistry?

5. What other sciences is chemistry related to?

6. How are subfields of chemistry classified?

4. Match the words in column Awith their definitions in column B :

1. matter 2.structure 3.composition 4. property 5. chemistry 6. scientific method 7. animate   8. inanimate 9. space 10. ratio   11. substance 12. trial   13. error 14. branch 15. universe a) a material, type of matter b) a division of science c) a way or manner of doing scientific work d) a quality or power, or effect that belongs naturally to smth e) smth done wrongly, a mistake f) all space and the matter around us g) the material that makes up the world and everything in space and can be seen or touched h) the arrangement of various parts of which smth is made up i) the science studying the substances which make up the Earth, the universe and living things j) nonliving objects k) a figure showing the number of times one quantity contains another l) living animals and plants m) m) the way in which parts are formed into a whole n) the way in which parts are formed into a whole o) an act of testing smth p) smth that surrounds all objects and continues in all directions  

5. Using a dictionary give the plural form of the following Latin words and translate them into Ukrainian:

phenomenon, basis, thesis, index, focus, criterion, datum, equity, librium, medium, synthesis, analysis, curriculum, symposium, spectrum, maximum, vacuum, stratum, hypothesis, phasis, nucleus.

6. Using chemical terms given below complete the following sentences in the text:

scientific method, law, composition, experiments, chemistry, changes, properties, branch, matter, science

(1)..., which is the study of the (2)... and (3)... of (4)..., and of the (5)... that it undergoes, is a (6)... of (7)..., which itself provides us with the way of knowing and understanding the universe we live in. In the operation of the (8)... we ask questions of the universe through tests and (9).... By observing the results we can formulate additional questions, perform additional experiments, and finally develop a tentative explanation of what we have learned. If this tentative explanation is confirmed by others and becomes widely accepted, it becomes a (10)... and helps us understand better the world around us.

7. Translate the following text into English:

Хімія – це наука, яка займається питаннями, пов’язаними з речовинами, їх складом, якостями та перетвореннями (transformations). Із стародавніх часів людина почала використовувати багато хімічних процесів. Хімія розвивалася в тісному зв’язку з усіма практичними потребами (needs) людського суспільства (society). Стародавні цивілізації зробили значний внесок у розвиток хімії.

До XVII—XVIII століть хімія розвивалася шляхом накопичення (accumulation) практичних знань і експериментальних навичок (skills). Лише в XVIII столітті почали з’являтися науково обґрунтовані основи хімії.

Сучасна хімія складається з декількох галузей: органічної хімії, що вивчає властивості хімічних елементів та їх перетворень – неживу матерію; органічної хімії, об’єктом вивчення якої є сполучення вуглецю (carbon) – живої матерії; фізичної хімії, що активно застосовує методи фізики для вивчення хімічних процесів тощо (etc).

Хімія тісно пов’язана з біохімією, що вивчає хімічні процеси живих організмів; геохімією, що досліджує хімічні процеси в земній корі (the Earth's crust) тощо (and so on).


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