Translate the extract from English into Russian

The Pilgrims

The Pilgrims enjoy almost mythic status in American history. These brave refugees crossed the cold Atlantic in search of religious liberty, signed democratic compact aboard the Mayflower, landed at Plymouth Rock, and gave Americans Thanksgiving Day. As with most legends, this one contains only a grain of truth.

The Pilgrims were not exactly the crusaders who set out to change the world. They were called Separatists because they chose to break from the established Church of England. In 1609 a group of Pilgrims left England for the religious freedom in Holland, where they lived and prospered. After a few years their children were speaking Dutch and had become attached to the Dutch way of life. This worried the Pilgrims. They considered the Dutch frivolous and their ideas a threat to the children’s education and morality. So they decided to leave Holland and travel to the New World. Their trip was financed by a group of English investors, the Merchant Adventurers. It was agreed that the Pilgrims would be given passage and supplies in exchange for their working for their backers for seven years. On September 6, 1620, the Pilgrims set sail for the New World on a ship called the Mayflower. They sailed from Plymouth, England, and aboard were 44 Pilgrims, who called themselves the “Saints”, and 66 others, whom the Pilgrims called the “Strangers”. 




Translate the following text using the words: a great impact, the following generations, to exercise influence on, legacy, sketches, incomplete, society life, prototype, country house, not accomplished, a place of its own, source, didn’t mail it, to be preserved, couldn’t tear myself from it, to make a rough draft of

Пушкин- великий писатель, и его произведения сыграли громадную роль в русской литературе, оказали непосредственное влияние на писателей последующих поколений.

 В литературном наследии Пушкина остались наброски, незавершенные стихотворения, повести, романы. Так осенью 1828 года Пушкин начал работу над романом из светской жизни. Прототипом героини произведения являлась петербургская красавица А. Закревская.

Написанный отрывок начинался словами «Гости съезжались на дачу». План Пушкина остался не осуществленным, но набросок занял самостоятельное место в собрании его сочинений и в дальнейшем оказался источником замечательного произведения русской литературы.

Translate the extract from English into Russian.

The Romantic Movement, which originated in Germany but quickly spread, reached America around the year 1820. Romantic ideas centered around the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of nature, and the importance of the individual mind and spirit. The Romantics underscored the importance of self-expressive art for the individual and society. The development of the self became a major theme; self-awareness a primary method. If, according to Romantic theory, self and nature were one, self-awareness was not a selfish dead end but a mode of knowledge opening up the universe. If one's self were one with all humanity, then the individual had a moral duty to reform social inequalities and relieve human suffering.

The idea of "self," which suggested selfishness to earlier generations, was redefined. New compound words with positive meanings emerged: "self-realization," "self-expression," "self-reliance."As the unique, subjective self became important, so did the realm of psychology. Exceptional artistic effects and techniques were developed to evoke heightened psychological states.




Translate the following text using the words: idol, tragicomically, incident, well-founded request, to set the fashion, demand for, poachers


Джина Лолобриджида – кумир целого поколения и занимает в итальянском кино одно из первых по популярности мест. Эта необыкновенная популярность стала причиной одной трагикомической истории.

Однажды профессор Гржимек, директор зоопарка во Франкфурте-на-Майне и президент западно-германского общества по охране природы, обратился к актрисе с открытым письмом: «Дорогая Лолобриджида, не носите, пожалуйста, больше ваше леопардовое пальто, повесьте его в шкаф!»

Столь неожиданная просьба имела веские основания. Актриса часто фотографировалась в леопардовой шубке, и это было причиной ажиотажа среди модниц. Спрос на леопардовые шкуры увеличился в несколько раз. Хотя в Африке отстрел этих животных запрещен, отряды браконьеров устремились в леса и горы. Возникла реальная опасность полного изчезновения леопардов



Translate the extract from English into Russian.

Dorothy was eager to go with him on this journey, and Uncle Henry thought she would be good company and help cheer him up; so he decided to take her along. The little girl was quite an experienced traveler, for she had once been carried by a cyclone as far away from home as the marvelous Land of Oz, and she had met with a good many adventures in that strange country before she managed to get back to Kansas again. So she wasn't easily frightened, whatever happened, and when the wind began to howl and whistle, and the waves began to tumble and toss, our little girl didn't mind the uproar the least bit.

"Of course we'll have to stay in the cabin," she said to Uncle Henry and the other passengers, "and keep as quiet as possible until the storm is over. For the Captain says if we go on deck we may be blown overboard."





А.Фадеев “Разгром”

Сказать правду, спасенный не понравился Морозке с первого взгляда.

Морозко не любил чистеньких людей. В его жизненной практике это были непостоянные, никчемные люди, которым нельзя верить. Кроме того, раненый с первых же шагов проявил себя не очень мужественным человеком.

- Желторотый… - насмешливо процедил ординарец, когда бесчувственного парнишку уложили на койку в избе у Рябца. – Немного царапнули, а он и размяк.

Морозке хотелось сказать, что-нибудь обидное, но он не находил слов.

-Известно, сопливый… - бурчал он недовольным голосом.

- Не трепись, - перебил Левинсон сурово.

-Бакланов! Ночью отвезете парня в лазарет.

Раненому сделали перевязку.


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