Information for students

1. Don’t smoke in the college building.

2. (Smoking is possible in the garden.)

3. Don’t bring food or drinks into the classrooms.

4. (It is possible to get coffee and tea in the college café.)

5. Show an identify card when you come into the college.

6. Don’t use mobile phones during the lessons.

7. Using the computers in the library is possible in the evenings.

8. (It isn’t necessary to pay to use the computers.)

9. Bring a pen and some paper to lessons.

10.(But it isn’t necessary to bring a dictionary.)


Упражнение 17. Расскажите о своей работе, используя данные выражения:

I have to …/ must …/ don’t have to …/ can …/ can’t …/ mustn’t …

… be late for office hours

… wear a uniform for work

… visit customers

… smoke in the office

… have one hour for lunch

… do paper work (promptly)

… speak English in the company

… be ready to do overtime work

… control myself

… use my mobile phone at work

… leave earlier

Упражнение 18. Заполните пропуски, используя подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или эквивалент:

1. All of us … be in time for classes.

2. I live far from the Institute and I … get up early.

3. Will you … have lunch with me tomorrow?

4. You … go out.                        

5. … I take your pen?

6. I … not go to the stadium with them last night because I … revise grammar rules for the test.

7. Please, send them the message. –   Oh, … I do it now?

8. You … take a taxi if you don’t want to be late for the concert.

9. He … to enter the concert hall after the third bell.

Упражнение 19. Перепиши предложения, используя подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или эквивалент:


It’s a good idea to join a gym if you want to get fit.

You should join a gym if you want to get fit.

1. In the UK it is necessary to wear seatbelts (ремень безопасности) in the back of a car. – In the UK you …

2. It’s possible for me to do my homework while I watch TV. – I …

3. It’s a good idea to go to Germany to improve your German. – You …

4. It’s necessary to show your students card to get a reduction (скидка). – You …

5. It’s not necessary to drive me to the airport. I’ll get a taxi. – You …

6. It’s not a good idea to drink coffee just before you go to bed. – You …

7. It’s not possible for me to finish this report today. – I …

8. It’s a good idea to buy our tickets earlier. – We …

9. It isn’t necessary to pay for children. – You …

10.She needs to do her exam again. – She …

11.Is it possible for me to go home now? – … I … home now?

12.Is it necessary to read this book? – Do we …?

13.Is it necessary for me to leave? – … I … leave?

Упражнение 20. Перефразируйте данные ниже предложения, используя подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или эквивалент:

1. I advice you to buy this book.

2. It isn’t necessary for him to take the exam again.

3. I’m sure Terry isn’t at the office.

4. It is possible that Janet will call me this evening.

5. You aren’t allowed to eat and drink in the classroom.

6. We are obliged to (вынужденный) clock in (начинать работу) at 8.30.

7. I’m sure the boys weren’t upset with the results.

8. Would you like me to do anything to help?

9. Perhaps we will go for a picnic on Sunday afternoon.

10. Sam managed (суметь) to reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours.

11. How about throwing a party on your birthday?

12. It was necessary for John to attend the seminar.

13. They are obliged to go to a meeting every day.

14. How about visiting some friends on Saturday?


Упражнение 21. Переведите предложения. Назовите предложения, в которых речь идет о запланированном действии.

1. I often have to go to the library.

2. The question is to be discussed at the conference.

3. What are we to do next?

4. Do you have to get up early?

5. I had to wait for him?

6. He is to be back in an hour.

7. Who is to make the report?


Упражнение 22. Переведите вопросы, обращая внимание на то, чем выражено сказуемое. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many credit tests and exams are you to take this term?

2. Which of the exams will be most difficult for you?

3. Will you be able to pass all your tests and exams?

4. Will you be allowed to use cribs?

5. Will you prepare yourself for examinations?

6. How much time will it take you to get ready for one examination?

7. Will you be able to pass all your exams well?

8. Will you be able to pass any of your tests and exams in advance?

9. How many times will you be allowed to repeat the same examination?

10.Will you have to take any of the examinations or credit tests several times?

11.When will you take your last examination?

12.What will you do when you pass all exams?



Упражнение 23. Выучите слова по теме «Высшее образование». Составьте предложения с этими словами.

accept [ək`sept] = admit to be accepted into the university to be admitted to the university принимать, зачислять
authority [ɔː`θoriti] authorities local authorities отдел, управление, департамент (органы) власти
award [ə`wo:d]   award a degree for research присуждать, назначать (награду, премию, наказание)
college [`koliX] колледж
contribution [,kontri`bju:ʃən] make a contribution пожертвование, взнос
cover [`kΛvə] to cover the cost (of smth) покрывать, охватывать
education [,edju`kei∫n] higher education Local Education Authority образование высшее образование
degree [di`gri:] Bachelor’s degree postgraduate degree [,pəust`grædjuit di`gri:] PhD = Doctor of Philosophy (учёная) степень, звание; диплом   ученая степень (выше бакалавра)   доктор философии (докторская степень, общая для всех областей знаний; высшая академическая квалификация)
department [di`pa:tmənt] кафедра, отделение
deal [di:l] with иметь дело, касаться
depend [di`pend] (on) It depends on the results. It depends зависеть (от)   Всё зависит от обстоятельств
differ [`difə] Tastes differ. отличаться; различаться
divide [di`vaid] (into) to be divided into faculties делить
introduce [,intrə`dju:s] to introduce a system of loans вводить, внедрять
faculty [`fækəlti] faculty of science faculty of liberal arts факультет
full-time study дневное обучение
grant [gra:nt] стипендия (средства безвозмездно выделяемые органом гос. власти, мест. самоуправления или какой-л. другой организации на конкретные цели)
hall of residence Syn.AE dormitory [ˈdɔːmɪt(ə)ri] общежитие
level [`levəl] Advanced Level (A Level)     Ordinary Level (O Level) on the basis of A level results to accept students on the basis of their A level results 1) уровень; 2) степень, ступень экзамен по программе средней школы второго (продвинутого) уровня сложности
pay to pay back платить
polytechnic [,poli`teknik] former [`fo:mə] polytechnic политехнический институт бывший ~
provide [prə`vaid] to be provided by обеспечивать
receive to receive a degree получать
take … years занимать … лет
tutor [    `tju:tə] руководитель группы студентов, наставник
tutorial system университетская система обучения путём прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам
undergraduate course undergraduate student базовый университетский курс


Упражнение 24. Прочитайте определение и скажите, о ком (о чем) идет речь:

a) education at universities or similar educational establishments, especially to degree level;

b) an educational institution or establishment, providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training;

c) a group of related departments in some universities;

d) a person or organization having political or administrative power and control;

e) an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education;

f) the higher of the two main levels of the GCE (General Certificate of Education) examination;

g) a university or college teacher responsible for the teaching and supervision of assigned students;

h) buildings with rooms or flats, usually built by universities or colleges, in which students live during the term.


Упражнение 25. Распределите данные выше слова по соответствующим ассоциативным группам.




Упражнение 26. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на слова выделенные курсивом.

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