Exercise 4. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

Mode l: I have covered the points I needed to.

a) covered b) spoken с) wanted d) advantage


1. As well as pros, there are also....................

a) cons b) compromise с) advantages d) negative

2. We have some time for a....................questions.

a) little b) few с) many d) much

3. The....................disadvantage is the time it would take.

a) small b) large с) main d) certain

4. Are there any....................questions or comments?

a) fast b) few с) more d) less

5. That's the plan in ……………...

a) real b) idea с) general d) theory.

Exercise 5. Choose the phrases which could be used in the final part of your talk:

I'm here today to inform you...

My purpose today is to introduce you to...

I'd like to finish saying that...

I will talk for fifteen minutes.

I'd like to conclude by reminding you that...

My presentation is split into three key areas.

To sum up then,...

There will be time for questions at the end...

In conclusion, may I remind you..

Please feel free to interrupt me as I go along.

To summarize my main points...

I'd like to review...

I'm going to analyse...

Let me end by...

Let's now move on to...

This brings me to...

Finally, I'd like you to look at this graph.

To illustrate my point let’s look at some diagrams.



Dealing with Questions

1. Read and discuss:

    Questions are a good opportunity for you to interact with your audience. It may be helpful for you to try to predict what questions will be asked so that you can prepare your response in advance. You may wish to accept questions at any time during your presentation, or to keep a time for questions after your presentation. Normally, it's your decision, and you should make it clear during the introduction. At the beginning of your talk you let the audience know when they can ask questions. You either suggest that the listeners should save their questions for the end or they may interrupt you at any moment to ask a question or make a comment. Be polite with all questioners, even if they ask difficult questions. They are showing interest in what you have to say and they deserve attention. Imagine yourself asking a question at a presentation and the speaker dismisses you instead of answering. How
would you feel? Annoyed, ashamed, or probably disappointed? Moreover, it is rude not to answer a
question. It is better to answer evasively rather than answer negatively. Sometimes you can reformulate a question. Or answer the question with another question. Or even ask for comment from the rest of the audience.

   If your listener not only asks you something, but also expresses his/her point of view which you do not share, learn to say: “I agree with you/I see your point, but… ”. This phrase will not let your listener feel incompetent. You will be equals discussing an important matter, and the atmosphere will become friendly.        Always make sure you have understood the question. Do not hesitate to ask the questioner to repeat it. Rephrase the question in your own words, if necessary, to check that you have understood it right.


Check your knowledge

Exercise 1. Work with a partner. Ask each other questions below.

1. Will you prefer questions during or after the presentation? Why?

2. How will you prepare for the question period?

3. How will you deal with questions you don’t want to answer?

4. What will you do if you can’t answer the question?

Exercise 2. Match two phrases with similar meaning.

1. We’ll look at this point in more detail later on

2. Does that answer your question?.

3. The time is up.

4. Can you give me an example to illustrate this?

5. Could you rephrase that?

6. That’s not really part of today’s discussion.

7. Let me summarize the points again.


a) Time has run out

b) We’ll discuss this problem later.

c) That’s not really what I’ve been asked to talk about.

d) Are you satisfied with the answer?

e) Could you reword that?

f) Let me recap the main points.

g) Could you prove it with an example?


Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a word given in bold: Model: Let me round up. say / round / do

1. I'd be..................to email you the details later.

  sorry / agree / happy

2. I'm.................I can't find the slide at the moment.

Afraid / happy / regret

3. ОК. Let me...............that.

  reply / return / rephrase

4. If I …………..you correctly.

          understood / listened/ looked

5. That's a good question. I'd actually...............to answer it at the end.

6................ I repeat my question?

    can / will / shall

7. That's not..................what I meant.

  really / probably / definitely

Exercise 4. Match the parts of the phrases:

1. I’m afraid I didn’t

2. Could you rephrase

3. If you don’t mind

4. Let me go back and explain

5. Unfortunately time won't allow me

6. How do you say that

7. I’ll be happy


a. To answer your questions at the end.

b. to describe the details of the graph.

c. in English?

d. Quite catch that.

e. I’ll come back to this question later.

f. how we solved the problem.

g. your question, please?


Exercise 5. Look at the suggested questions and try to make them more polite.

1. Are there any other options?

2. What would that mean for us?

3. How do we compare with other projects?

4. Will we cooperate with other Universities of the UK?

5. How did she arrive at these results?

6. Are there any figures to back this up?


1. May I ask if there are any other options?

2. Do you mind telling me _______________?

3. May I ask___________________________?

4. Can you tell me______________________?

5. Would you mind telling me_____________?

6. Could you tell me____________________?

Exercise 6. Now match the questions from above to the answers.

a. Of course. Basically we have two alternatives…

b. Well, first of all, more work for each of us.

c. Yes, we will. I’ve already contacted the London University.

d. Yes. As I said earlier, I’ll be passing out handouts with the latest data.

e. Very well. At the moment we are on the top.

f. Not at all. They are based on the latest study.

Exercise 7. Decide whether the sentences below are correct or not. Put С if they are correct and I if they are incorrect. Try to correct them.

Model:.I... I'd prefer to answer your question in (at) the end.


a. ___ What's the word I'm looking of?

b. ___ I'm afraid that's not my area.

c. ___ I'll just explain this last point shortly.

d. ___ We only have a little minutes left.

e. ___We've almost run out of time.

f. ___That was the wrong word. Let me do again.

g. ___We’ve heard you attentively.

h. ___ Sorry, what should I have said was the following.


Exercise 8. Put the following sentences into the correct order.

Model: I’ll be very glad/questions/any/ to answer/ at the end

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