Best International cities for business

Santiago, Chile AUSTIN



1. How does a company change itself to make it more attractive for business?

2. What ideas did other communities use to encourage business activity?

3. Give your own idea how to encourage business activity?

4. What ideas can the towns use to try to improve their economic position and make them attractive to International Business (Flint Michigan and Spartanburg South Carolina)?



1. How ____ a company change itself to make it more attractive for business.

a. has

b. does

c. did

d. is


2. Tax system must be fair and _______.

a. quick

b. unique

c. unencumbering

d. independent


3. Profit must be ________.

a. great

b. tremendous

c. fair

d. safeguarded


4. A special program ______was performed in Cincinnati Ohio.

a. Fair Development

b. Fair Work

c. Fist Development

d. First Work


5. Thanks to this program there has been _____increase in the number of employees in the past 5 years.

a. a 30 %

b. a 70%

c. a 50%

d. a 20%


6. Flint Michigan is the birth place of _____.

a. General Motors.

b. Spartanburg South Carolina

c. Charleston

d. Chicago


7. _________has reached the astronomical growth in the location of enumerable multinational corporations.

a. General Motors.

b. Charleston

c. Chicago

d. Spartanburg South Carolina


8. ______ is the 7th largest port in the US.

a. General Motors.

b. Charleston

c. Chicago

d. Spartanburg South Carolina

Session 2.



a quotation- цитата

an encounter- сталкиваться, наталкиваться (на трудности)

an effective international transfer of experience- эффективная международная передача опыта

critical capabilities- важнейшие потенциалы

a determinant- фактор

a foreign venture- иностранное предприятие

a shared meaning- общее знание

to distinguish- отличать

to inherit - наследовать

to acquire- приобретать, достигать

a lens- лупа, линза

a software- программное обеспечение

bipolar dimensions- биполярные параметры

to account for- отвечать за; объяснять что-либо

a power distance- дистанцированность власти

ties- связи unquestioning

cohesive- связывающий

an unquestioning loyalty- безусловная верность

loose- свободные

In this lecture you'll be given some information on how national culture affects business structures, practice and effectiveness.

Let's start with this quotation:

"There are truths on this side of the Pyrenees which are falsehood on the other."

This is one of the major problems we encounter in conducting International Business. Things are not as they seem everywhere in the world.               

It was found that the effective international transfer of experience which exits, effective transfer of critical capabilities of the organizations constitute the single most important determinant of foreign venture's success.

The key determinant of being able to transfer critical capabilities was people (human resources). Today you'll be given some tools that will help you to determine critical differences that exist in different parts of the world and how you can effectively work with each other in spite of these differences. Now let's try to determine what is culture?

•Based on the work of Geert Hofstede •Culture is    

- a system of behavior, rituals, and shared meaning   

- the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another

- culture is learned, not inherited

How we acquire a particular culture. How culture is formed in a particular country. There are number of factors that are going to determine culture:

Culture is "software of mind".

Culture can be understood through the lens of 5 bipolar dimensions.

These are tools for analysis.

The bipolar dimensions account for 49% of the variations in data from one country to another.

Cultural differences can be described, to some extent, using 5 bipolar dimensions.

The position of the country on the scale allows us to make predictions about how society and management processes operate.

1. The first bipolar dimension is POWER DISTANCE:

The extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. In countries with a low power distance with a very little distance in status and position organizations tend to be more decentralized. Decentralization means that decision making is pushed down to the lowest level. Many members of an organization are given decision making power. You can see lower percentage of people who are engaged in supervision. On the contrary in the countries with a great power distance authority is far more centralized. Most decisions are taken at the top of an organization. There are many layers of management throughout the organization.

The second one can be presented bipolar opposite dimensions:

2. Individualism - the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and the immediate family.

Collectivism- people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups which throughout people's lifetimes continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.    

Individualism when it is high appears to be correlated to high GNP. Individualistic
countries are: the USA, England etc. Countries where collectivism prevails are: Latin
and Asian countries.    

3. Uncertainty avoidance (избежание неопределенности).

The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations. In countries which have a high degree of uncertainty avoidance people would believe that what is different is dangerous. In countries with very low uncertainty avoidance people would believe that what is different is interesting. In countries which are fearful to new things: management is less risk oriented; lower labor turnover.

Countries which are opened to new ideas have high labor turnover and far fewer written rules in an organization.

4. Masculinity stresses assertiveness (напористость), competition, achievement and success. Femininity stresses nurturance (воспитание, обучение), concern for relationships, and concern for the quality of life and the living environment (качество жизни).

Countries with a high masculinity index place a great importance on earnings, on recognition, on challenge. Many managers think that employees don't like work. Considerable matter of control is implemented in these organizations. In countries with a low masculinity index a great deal of value is placed on cooperation, very friendly work atmosphere an employment security (гарантия занятости). Managers give their employees more credits, more responsibility, allow them more freedom.

5. Long-term orientation stresses persistence (упорство). Ordering (упорядоченность) relationships by status and observing the order, thrift (бережливость), and having a sense of shame.

Short-term orientation stresses personal steadiness (устойчивость) and stability, protecting your face (сохранение чувства самоуважения), respect for tradition, and reciprocation (обмен) of gifts, greetings, and favors.

These values as you can see are strongly based on Confucianism.


1. What is the culture?

2. What does decentralization (centralization) mean?

3. Give your own examples of centralized and decentralized companies in our country.

4. Tell about Individualism and Collectivism. Give the examples.

5. How can you characterize such dimension like Uncertainty avoidance (with examples)?

6. What does Masculinity (Femininity) mean (with examples)?

7. What does Long-term orientation (Short-term orientation) mean (with examples)?

Session 2.


1. In this lecture yousome information on how national culture affects business structures.

a. give

b. wi ll be given

c. are given

d. will give

2. The collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.

a. C ulture

b. Collectivism

c. Decentralization

d. Femininity

3. _______ stresses nurturance, concern for relationships.

a. Short-term orientation

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Decentralization

d. Femininity

4. In the countries with a great power distance authority is far more            .

a. decentralized

b. centralized

c. inherited

d. learned


5. Culture is learned, not__________.

a. decentralized

b. centralized

c. inherited

d. learned

6. Culture can be understood through the lens of                  bipolar dimensions.

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

7. ______ stresses respect for tradition, and reciprocation of gifts, greetings, and favors.

a. Short-term orientation

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Decentralization

d. Femininity

8.                   means that decision making is pushed down to the lowest level.

a. Short-term orientation

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Decentralization

d. Femininity

9.         stresses assertiveness (напористость), competition, achievement and success.

a. Masculinity

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Decentralization

d. Femininity

10.                   stresses ordering relationships by status and observing the order, thrift.

a. Short-term orientation

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Long-term orientation

d. Femininity

11. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations.

a. Short-term orientation

b. Uncertainty avoidance

c. Decentralization


Business and trade.

Session 3

Culture and organization.


 to observe- наблюдать, соблюдать (правила), замечать

 a thrift- бережливость, экономность

to stress-подчеркивать, ставить ударение на

a steadiness- устойчивость

to protect-защищать, охранять

to respect- уважать, почитать

an obligation- обязательство, обязанность, долг regardless- равнодушный (of) - не считаясь с

to keep up- поддерживать, продолжать, бодро держаться

to overspend-перерасходовать

to spare- щадить, жалеть, уделять (time)

a resource- ресурс, средство, способ

to be available- имеющийся; быть доступным (быть в наличии)

to expect- ожидать, рассчитывать на: надеяться, полагать

a concern- интерес, забота; беспокойство; дело, отношение; значение, важность;предприятие

a perseverance- упорство, настойчивость

a willingness- готовность

a virtue- добродетель, достоинство

universalism- универсализм

particularism- избирательность

a practice- практика, тренировка, привычка

to impose- навязывать, налагать: ~ upon- злоупотреблять, навязываться

an idea- идея, мысль, понятие; намерение, план

to apply- прилагать, прикладывать, применять; обращаться (за)

individualism- индивидуализм

communitarianism- коммунитаризм

an identification- соотносенность, сравнивнение

to hold in check- держать под контролем

specific- специфический

diffusion- распространение

to'share-делить, разделять, участвовать, совместно владеть

private- частный, личный, тайный

to be similar- быть похожим на..

a title- название, заглавие; титул, звание

efficient-работоспособный, эффективный, производительный

an achievement-достижение, подвиг, выполнение

to attend- посещать, присутствовать

structurally- структурно

to solve-решать

an agenda- повестка дня

a college- колледж

equal - равный

an accent- акцент

in depending on- в зависимости от..

flexible- гибкий, податливый, легко приспосабливающийся

to compromise- уметь идти на компромисс

to associate with- ассоциировать с..

particular- особенный, определённый, тщательный

a ceremony- обряд, церемония

an attribute- свойство, характерный признак; атрибут, определение
a ballet-балет                                                        

a hierarchy privileges- иерархия привилегий

stage (scenic) art - сценическое искусство

realism - реализм

to combine - объединять(ся); сочетать(ся); смешивать(ся)

a soul - душа: человек, существо

a mixture - смесь

intense - напряженный, интенсивный; пылкий, сильный

unique - уникальный

an index (showing) - показатель

human resources - человеческие ресурсы

an application - заявление; заявка; просьба, заявление

a parameter - параметр




South Korea- Южная Корея

Australia- Австралия

Sweden- Швеция

Venezuela- Венесуэла

Indonesia- Индонезия

China- Китай

Mexico- Мексика

Netherlands- Нидерланды, Голландия

Switzerland- Швейцария

Spain- Испания

Hong Kong- Гонконг

Singapore- Сингапур

Austria- Австрия

Belgium- Бельгия

Greece- Греция

India- Индия

Brazil- Бразилия

Israel - Израиль

Read, translate and learn by heart the following definitions:

IBM research

Long-term orientation:

Ordering relationship by status and observing in the order, thrift, having a


Short – term orientation:

Stresses personal steadiness and stability, protecting your “face”, respect for traditions.

Short-term orientation: - respect for social and status obligations regardless of cost - social pressures to keep up with the Jones even if it means overspending   Long-term orientation: - Adaptation of traditions to a modern context - respect for social and status obligations within limits                              obligations within limits - thrift, being sparing with        resources - large savings, funds available for investing
quick results expected concern with “face”, concern with processing the Truth: Taiwan, Japan, South Korea. For these people what you do it is important.   perseverance towards slow results (Ex.: One company in Japan makes 8 plans); - willingness to subordinate oneself for the purpose; - concern with respecting the demands of Virtue.
Achievable: How well you do your job it is important here (Austria, USA, Switzerland, Grate Britain). Ascription: Age, social connections, status,           where you attended the college is important here (Venezuela, Indonesia, China).
Past oriented: Traditions, customs are important (Venezuela, Indonesia, Spain). Belgium and France have the equal accent on the past and future. Future oriented: The future is being important, making plans, how to attend the goal it is important here (USA, Italy, Germany).
Synchronous:                                         The plans can be changed in                    depending on situation. Sequential:  They keep appointments very structurally.
Control over the nature:                      They control everything (USA,             Switzerland, Austria).                                 Harmony over the nature:   They are more flexible, compromise. They live in harmony with nature (Japan, Greece, China, Singapore).

A little about the book “Understanding the Global Cultures” written by Martin Garner. He's found the event that helps to him symbolize the culture of particular country. Ex.: In USA it is a game of American football. It helps us to understand the American culture. In Japan there is the tea ceremony, which is an attribute of their culture. In Russia there is a ballet. There are three main attributes, which help us to understand the Russia culture in ballet. There are a hierarchy privileges, scenic art and realism and finally it is the Russian soul meaning the mixture of intense feelings that are very similar to soul that Russians have, and it is unique.




1. Compare Short-term orientation and Long-term orientation. Name the appropriate countries. What can your say about Russia?

2. Compare such dimensions as Achievable and Ascription. Name the appropriate countries. What can you say about Russia?

3. Compare such dimensions as Past oriented and Future oriented. Name the appropriate countries. What can you say about Russia?

4. Compare such dimensions as Synchronous and Sequential. Name the appropriate countries. What can you say about Russia?

5. Compare such dimensions as Control over the nature and Harmony over the nature. Name the appropriate countries. What can you say about Russia?

6. What does Martin Garner help to symbolize the culture of particular country? Maybe you can give your own examples?



Session 3


1. Age, social connections, status, where you attended the college it is important here.

a. Sequential

b. Short-term orientation

c. Past oriented

d. Ascription

2. They keep appointments very structurally.

a. Ascription

b. Short-term orientation

c. Sequential

d. Past oriented

3. This book                               was written by Martin Garner.

a. “Understanding the Culture of Global Multinational Companies”

b. “Understanding the Global Dimensions”

c. “Understanding the Global Cultures”

d. “Understanding the Global Markets”

4. It helps us to understand the American culture.

a. The tea ceremony

b. a game of American football

c. rugby

d. scenic art

5. The tea ceremony is an attribute of culture.  

a. American

b. Japanese

c. China

d. Russian

6. There aremain attributes, which help us to understand the Russia culture in ballet.

a. five

b. four

c. two

d. three

7. ________ stresses personal steadiness and stability, protecting your “face”, respect for traditions.

a.   Short-term orientation

b. Past oriented

c. Sequential

d. Future oriented

Session Five.

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