Тема 1. Языковые средства оформления иноязычной речи








по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык в профессиональной коммуникации»

(модуль М. 1.3.1 "Иноязычная коммуникация в сфере научно-исследовательской


по направлению


Направленность (профиль) «Социология коммуникаций»


Кудрявцева Н.Ф., доцент кафедры современных европейских языков

Агафонова Л.И., доцент кафедры  современных европейских языков


  УТВЕРЖДЕНО На заседании кафедры современных европейских языков Протокол № 11 от 25.05. 2018 г.     УТВЕРЖДЕНО На заседании Ученого совета института иностранных языков Протокол № 1 от 31.08.2018 г.  


Перечень компетенций


Код   компетенции Содержание компетенции
ОК-1 способностью к абстрактному мышлению, анализу, синтезу
ОПК-1 способностью свободно пользоваться русским и иностранными языками как средством делового общения; владением навыками редактирования и перевода профессиональных  текстов
ПК-4 способностью и готовностью профессионально составлять и оформлять научно- техническую документацию, научные отчеты, представлять результаты исследовательской работы с учетом особенностей потенциальной аудитории

Оценка освоения планируемых результатов

Виды и формы контроля

Текущий контроль по дисциплине осуществляется в форме тестирования по разделам дисциплины, успешного выполнения заданий на практических занятиях, а также выполнения инвариативных и вариативных заданий самостоятельной работы.

Промежуточная аттестация осуществляется в форме экзамена.


Текущий контроль

Инвариантная самостоятельная работа

Вариативная самостоятельная работа

Тестовые задания

Инвариантная самостоятельная работа

Тема 1. Языковые средства оформления иноязычной речи.

Задание 1. Выполнение имитационных, трансформационных, подстановочных и конструктивных упражнений; заданий на множественный выбор и заполнение пропусков в тексте.

1. Put the tenses in this dialogue in the correct form: Past simple or Present perfect.

a. What ______ (do) today? - I ______ (work) on my project. I ______ (search) the Web for sites on digital cameras.

b. ______ (find) any good ones? - I ______ (find) several company sites - but I ______ (want) one which ______ (compare) all the models.

c. Which search engine ______ (use)? - Dogpile mostly. ______ (ever use) it?

d. Yes, I ______ (try) it but I ______(have) more luck with Ask Jeeves. Why don't you try it? - I ______ (have) enough for one night. I ______ (spend) hours on that project.

e. I ______ (not start) on mine yet. - I bet you ______ (do) it all.

2. Complete the extracts with Passive forms of the verbs.

First the post ______ (advertise) in the local or national press. When applications arrive they ______ (sort) and unsuitable applications ______ (discard). Next, the candidates ______ (shortlist) and ______ (interview). Then samples of the best candidates’ handwriting ______ (sent) to a graphologist where they ______ (analyze). After that, the successful candidates ______ (interview) again, and finally the selection ______ (make).

Several surveys ______ (conduct) recently concerning the relationship between work and play. According to psychologists, activities are more likely to ______ (perceive) as play – and therefore attractive - rather than work if they ______ (enter) voluntarily. In one experiment, for example, volunteers ______ (give) a problem-solving game to perform: some ______ (pay) to perform the game and some were not. Those who ______ (pay) spent less time per­forming than those to whom the only motivation was the pleasure of the game. Thus, motiva­tion to play springs from within and the readiness to perform activities ______ (reduce) by external rewards.

3. Complete the text by choosing the most appropriate phrase.

Airports will be packed / will pack / will be packing to capacity this year. If you are not de­layed at check-in, air-traffic control will be getting / will get / will be gotten you. In the next three years alone the number of people passing through airport terminals will be rising / will rise /will be risen by 270 million.

Airport terminals will be becoming / will become / will have become more commercial. Air­ports will be speeding up / will be speeded up / will have been speeded up. Increased use of smart cards and electronic tickets are easing the pressure on terminals by cutting queues. More airlines will follow / will be followed will have followed Cathay Pacific in creating downtown check-in facilities. Before long, luggage deliveries will improve / will be improving / will be improved by the incorporation of microchips in suitcases.

4.  Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb and putting it in the appro­priate form:

look forward to die arrange consider face grow appear intend dare

a. I hardly ______ ask how much it cost!

b. Have you ever ______ taking a year off work?

c. I didn't like the town at first, but I ______ to love it eventually.

d. What do you ______ doing after this course has finished?

e. We are all ______ our holiday in Australia this year. It's going to be such an adventure.

f. Jim and I ______ to meet at 6.00 but he didn't turn up.

g. It ______ that we won't need to pay so much after all.

h. I can't wait for Saturday! I'm really ______ to see you!

i. I can't ______ getting up at 6.30 tomorrow morning! I'll catch a later train.

5. Choose the correct item.

Webpages are created by adding HTML tags to plain text to be determined | determining | to determine the way that the webpage will display | displays | be displayed in a browser program. Webpages can be created using a very basic word processor program known | knowing | to know as a text editor, but special programs are available that allows | allow | allowed the user to create webpages without knowing about HTML e.g. Netscape Composer.

A website owner can register their website on a search engine. This means that they submit their Web address and details of their website include | be including | be included in the search engine base. Websites provide a variety of facilities as well. These include enabling users to have formed | form | to form newsgroup club that discuss various topics use | using | to use email. It is important that the creator updates the web­pages frequently to vary and improve the website, keep the information up to date and make sure that the hyperlinks still connect to existing | exist | ex­isted websites.

Форма контроля: зачтено / не зачтено.

Критерии оценивания. Задание считается выполненным, если количество допущенных ошибок не превышает 20% от общего числа баллов.

Примечание. Задания направлены на оценку уровня сформированности ОПК-1 (готовность осуществлять профессиональную коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач профессиональной деятельности) – см. таблицу 10 в РПД.

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