Crime in the global world

А. А. Лебедева, Г. Н. Аксенова, Е. В. Бараник,

М. В. Лагутенкова, С. А. Литвинова



Учебное пособие






А. А. Лебедева, доктор филологических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков РПА Минюста России;

Г. Н. Аксенова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры иностранных языков РПА Минюста России;

Бараник Е.В., кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков РПА Минюста России;

Лагутенкова М.В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков РПА Минюста России;

Литвинова С.А., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков РПА Минюста России.



И. А. Калужская, профессор кафедры иностранных языков Российской академии правосудия, кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Л. В. Шестакова, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Российской правовой академии Минюста России


Лебедева, А. А.

Юридический английский: учеб. пособие / А. А. Лебедева [и др.]; под ред. А. А. Лебедевой; РПА Минюста России. М.: РПА Минюста России, 2014. - 172 с. - 156 экз. - ISBN 978-5-89172-845-5.


Учебное пособие содержит аутентичные тексты из английских источников: словарей, энциклопедий, учебников по праву, а также произведений юристов, оригинальные лексико-грамматические упражнения на развитие навыков чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, задания монологического и диалогического характера, способствующие достижению коммуникативной компетенции. Может быть использовано как на аудиторных занятиях под руководством преподавателя, так и при самостоятельном изучении английского языка.

Учебное пособие подготовлено профессорско-преподавательским составом кафедры иностранных языков Российской правовой академии Минюста России на основе учебной программы курса английского языка для юридических ВУЗов. Учебное пособие рассчитано на учащихся магистратуры и аспирантуры юридических вузов, а также на широкую аудиторию специалистов, изучающих английский язык в связи с правовой специальностью.


Подготовлено при информационной поддержке

справочной правовой системы "КонсультантПлюс"

ISBN 978-5-89172-845-5                                                                   РПА Минюста России, 2014



Unit 1. CRIME IN THE GLOBAL WORLD.......................................


Unit 3. COMPANY LAW.....................................................................

Unit 4. PROPERTY LAW.....................................................................

Unit 5. TAX LAW..................................................................................






           Основной задачей и целью учебного пособия является предоставить возможность учащимся читать, понимать, переводить, комментировать и в дальнейшем использовать в своей профессиональной деятельности литературу юридического профиля, способствовать развитию навыков извлечения основной информации, свёртывания её путем аннотирования и реферирования и её использования в условиях устной и письменной коммуникации, научить приемам и способам самостоятельной работы с иностранным языком после окончания вуза.

Наряду с аутентичными юридическими текстами в учебном пособии  представлена дифференцированная система упражнений, нацеленная на развитие навыков речевой деятельности студентов разных уровней подготовки. При работе с пособием преподаватель имеет возможность учесть конкретные особенности реального учебного процесса и выбрать такие формы практической работы, которые дадут ему возможность наилучшим способом использовать многоуровневую разноплановую систему упражнений, а также другие достоинства учебника.

    Так, тексты и задания под рубрикой содержат интересную дополнительную информацию, но при этом не являются обязательными для изучения и рассматриваются по выбору преподавателя.


    Тексты под рубрикой


адаптированы для учащихся с более слабым уровнем владения английским языком.

    Учебное пособие состоит из пяти разделов. Они знакомят учащихся с различными юридическими и правовыми вопросами, основными понятиями и терминами в области юриспруденции. В каждом уроке содержится большое количество разнообразных лексических, грамматических и коммуникативных упражнений для подготовки студентов к практике иноязычного общения по изучаемым проблемам юриспруденции.

    Учебное пособие подготовлено преподавателями кафедры иностранных языков Российской правовой академии Министерства юстиции РФ и прошло  апробацию на занятиях со студентами разных уровней языковой подготовки.

В учебном пособии использованы следующие условные обозначения:

коммуникативно-направленные упражнения на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи (типа «Debate»)
упражнения на понимание и осмысление текста с коммуникативно-направленным заданием
упражнения на закрепление активной лексики, переводы
тексты, адаптированные для учащихся с более слабым уровнем владения английским языком
Вопросы к текстам
тексты и задания, содержащие интересную дополнительную информацию, но при этом не являющиеся обязательными для изучения (рассматриваются по выбору преподавателя)





Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice

court - суд (court-room - зал суда) trial - заседание суда, судебный процесс to try smb / to put smb on trial - судить к-л. accused/defendant - обвиняемый / подсудимый plaintiff - истец usher / bailiff - пристав в суде (судебный пристав) clerk - судебный секретарь court reporter - протоколист суда witness - свидетель judge - судья prosecutor - прокурор accomplice - сообщник to investigate (a crime) - расследовать (преступление) to apprehend / to detain sb - задержать кого-л. to search sb - обыскать кого-л. to take sb into custody - взять кого-л. под стражу to charge sb with sth / to accuse sb of sth - обвинить к-л. в ч-л. (charge - обвинение)   to convict sb of sth - осудить кого-л. за что-л. to sentence sb (to 3 years of imprisonment) - приговорить кого-л. (к 3 годам тюремного заключения) a sentence - приговор to imprison sb / to lock sb up - заключить кого-л. в тюрьму to take / make / swear an oath - дать клятву / принять присягу on oath / under oath - под присягой to put smb on oath; to administer the oath to smb - привести кого-л. к присяге to give evidence against smb - свидетельствовать против к-л. to contradict one's earlier testimony - противоречить своим предыдущим свидетельским показаниям to stand mute of malice - отказываться отвечать на вопросы суда case for the prosecution / case for the defense - версия обвинения / защиты; дело, выигранное обвинением / защитой case for the defendant / case for the plaintiff - факты в пользу подсудимого / факты в пользу истца


Task 1.Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:


1) to apply law a) нарушать закон
2) to violate / break law b) вносить поправки в закон
3) to amend law c) правоохранительные органы
4) to enforce law d) применять закон
5) law enforcement agencies / bodies e) законопослушные граждане
6) to observe law / to keep within law / to abide by law f) осуществлять закон, проводить закон в жизнь
7) law-abiding citizens g) правонарушитель
8) law-breaker h) соблюдать закон



In its reportINTERPOL specified the priority crime areas of the global law enforcement community: drugs, terrorism, trafficking in human beings, crimes against children, corruption, apprehension of wanted criminals. Do you agree with this choice of crimes?

Task 2. Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other references & source books on law. Pay special attention to the words and word combinations in bold type.



    The global abuse of drugs and the drug trafficking situation is becoming more complex, in part due to political and economic changes around the world which have led to increasingly open borders between many countries. These include:

1. the emergence of a more affluent class of drug abuser with higher disposable income to spend on so-called 'recreational' drugs;

2. cultural changes brought about by globalisation and rapid communications.

The drug trade involves growers, producers, couriers, suppliers, dealers and users and affects people in almost all of INTERPOL's 187 member countries.

    Drug trafficking is frequently linked to other serious crimes such as people smuggling, organized prostitution and travel-document counterfeiting. It is often cited as a means to finance the more violent and distructive activities of criminal and terrorist organizations, because of the major cash benefits derived from relatively minimal time and investment.

    INTERPOL's primary drug-control role is to identify new drug trafficking trends and criminal organizations operating at the international level and to assist all national and international law enforcement bodies concerned with countering the financial and high-tech crimes - currency counterfeiting, money laundering, intellectual property crime, payment card fraud, computer virus attacks and cyber-terrorism, for example - can affect all levels of society.

    INTERPOL has stepped up its efforts in this area, working with stakeholders such as pharmaceutical makers, Internet service providers, software companies, central banks and other relevant bodies to devise solutions to thwart criminals and protect consumers.

Answer the following questions:

    1. Why is the global abuse of drugs and the drug trafficking situation is becoming more complex nowadays?     

    2. What is INTERPOL's primary drug-control role?   

    3. What are the negative potentials of currency counterfeiting and money laundering?         

    4. Why do currency counterfeiting and money laundering have the potentials to destabilize national economies and threaten global security?

    5. What industries is intellectual property crime a serious financial concern for?

Task 3. Translate the following word combinations into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

    Злоупотребление наркотиками; контрабанда; подделка документов; возможность получения большого объема наличных в результате минимальных затрат времени и денежных средств; изготовление фальшивых денег; отмывание денег; мошенничество с кредитными карточками; атаки компьютерных вирусов; терроризм в киберпространстве; пресечь деятельность / остановить преступников; защитить потребителей.

    Ситуация с потреблением и торговлей наркотиками в мире все больше усложняется, частично из-за экономических и политических изменений, которые привели к более открытым границам между многими странами, в том числе в результате появления более состоятельного класса наркоманов и культурных изменений, вызванных глобализацией и ускорением темпа жизни. Торговля наркотиками включает в себя производителей, поставщиков, курьеров, дилеров и пользователей. Торговля наркотиками затрагивает людей из всех стран-членов ИНТЕРПОЛА. Часто это средство финансировать более жестокую и разрушительную деятельность криминальных и террористических организаций. Основная роль ИНТЕРПОЛА в сфере наркоконтроля заключается в выявлении новых способов доставки наркотиков и обнаружении криминальных организаций, действующих на международном уровне, а также в оказании помощи всем заинтересованным национальным и международным правоохранительным органам в противодействии финансовым и высокотехничным преступлениям.




Read the information below and discuss the situation with computer virus attacks and cyber-terrorism with your peers. Give examples of computer virus attacks and cyber-terrorism. Compare the Russian Federation legislation in this field of law with that of other countries.


'Spam' is becoming more than just a nuisance for Internet users, as criminals are using it in increasingly sophisticated ways to defraud consumers. In 2000, the so-called 'Love Bug' virus, which affected millions of computers around the world within hours, exposed the vulnerability of corporate and government networks to such attacks.


Task 4. Find the appropriate definitions of the offences listed in the left column of the table using the word combinations from the right column:


offence  правонарушение
felony тяжкое уголовное преступление
murder / homicide убийство
malice aforethought злой умысел
manslaughter причинение смерти по неосторожности (непреднамеренное убийство)
arson поджог
tort деликт, гражданское правонарушение
misdemeanor преступление средней тяжести, мелкое преступление, судебно наказуемый поступок
treason измена
theft / larceny кража, воровство
robbery грабёж, ограбление (с применением насилия)
burglary  кража со взломом
Terms Definitions
1) Felony 2) Theft 3) Robbery 4) Manslaughter 5) Misdemeanor 6) Offence 7) Burglary 8) Tort 9) Treason 10) Arson 11) Murder   a) is the unlawful killing of a person without malice. b) is a serious crime such as murder or arson. c) is a general category of violations of the rights of individuals. d) is any unlawful entry[7] or remaining in any building, with intent to commit any crime[8]. e) is an illegal act or omission[9], or event, whether or not it is also a tort, a breach of contract or a breach of trust[10]. f) is unlawful killing of another human being with malice. g) is taking another person's property by violence or by putting him in fear. h) is a crime involving adherence to the enemy and rendering him aid and comfort. i) is a less serious crime such as driving without a valid license and creating a disturbance. j) is taking another’s property unlawfully, with the intention of depriving the owner of its use. k) is an offence of unlawfully setting fire to property[11].


Have you ever thought about APPREHENSION OF WANTED CRIMINALS?


Read the information below and discuss the legal situation with international fugitives with your classmates. Compare the Russian Federation legislation in this field of law with that in other countries.


One of the most important fields of activity of the global law enforcement community today is the apprehension of wanted persons. Fugitives pose a serious threat to public safety worldwide. They are mobile and opportunistic; they frequently finance their continued flight from the law through further criminal activities, which may result in criminal charges in more than one country.

    Fugitives also undermine the world's criminal justice systems. They may have been charged with a violation of the law but not been arrested. They may have been released on bail and then fled to avoid prosecution or, perhaps they have escaped from prison. When fugitives flee, cases are not adjudicated, convicted criminals fail to meet their obligations, and crime victims are denied justice.


Task 5. Use the word combinations related to legal matters given in the box to complete the sentences.


wanted criminals - разыскиваемые преступники prosecution of crimes - судебное преследование преступлений evidence / testimony - свидетельские показания circumstantial evidence - косвенные улики


(1) INTERPOL's activities in relation to international fugitives have been part of its core business since the organization's creation. INTERPOL circulates internationally, at the request of member countries, electronic diffusions and notices containing identification details and judicial information about ____________.

(2) The international community takes measures to ensure effective _________ of serious crimes.

(3) There was insufficient evidence for the court to convict him. The ___________ against him was thin. The evidence that pointed to Alan as his accomplice was never submitted at the trial.


Have you ever thought about PUBLIC SAFETY AND TERRORISM?

Read the information below and discuss legal instruments and other measures that may help combat terrorism with your classmates.


Terrorism poses a grave threat to individuals' lives and national security around the world. The global law enforcement community tries to protect citizens from terrorism including bio-terrorism, firearms and explosives, attacks against civil aviation, maritime piracy, and weapons of mass destruction. The growing possibility of terrorists launching attacks with biological or chemical weapons is a particularly urgent concern.

    INTERPOL member countries are encouraged to report on other crimes which may be linked to terrorism, such as suspicious financial transactions, weapons trafficking, money laundering, falsified identity documents. 


Task 6. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations which do with legal matters.


NB to bring a criminal (civil) action against sb возбудить уголовное дело (гражданский иск) на кого-л. (против кого-л.)
  to charge sb with sth / to accuse sb of sth обвинить кого-л. в чем-л.
  to convict sb of sth осудить кого-л. за что-л., вынести приговор


criminal law to commit a crime penalty offenders to imprison to fine / to impose a fine to place under supervision criminal offence felony misdemeanor burglary armed robbery simple assault minor theft


1. Уголовное право регулирует отношения между государством и личностью.

2. Уголовное право регулирует общественное поведение личности и обозначает ее обязанности перед обществом.

3. Уголовное дело – это судебный иск, возбужденный государством против личности, обвиненной в совершении преступления.

4. За уголовные преступления полагаются наказания.

5. Правонарушители могут быть отправлены в тюрьму, оштрафованы, помещены под надзор или подвергнуты иному наказанию.

6. Уголовные преступления подразделяются на тяжкие уголовные преступления и преступления средней тяжести.

7. Тюремное заключение более одного года назначается за тяжкие уголовные преступления.

8. За преступления средней тяжести может быть назначено наказание в виде тюремного заключения на один год и менее.

9. Тяжкие уголовные преступления - это серьезные правонарушения, такие как убийство, кража со взломом, вооруженное ограбление и др.

10. Преступления средней тяжести – это менее серьезные преступления, такие как нападение или мелкая кража.


Have you ever thought about TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS?

Read the information below and answer the question:

What is the difference between human trafficking and people smuggling? Discuss measures that may help combat trafficking in human beings with your classmates.


The global law enforcement community aims to end the abuse and exploitation of human beings for financial gain. Women from developing countries and young children all over the world are especially vulnerable to trafficking, smuggling or sexual exploitation.

    Human trafficking is distinct from people smuggling in that it involves the exploitation of the migrant, often for purposes of forced labour and prostitution.

    People smuggling implies the procurement, for financial or material gain, of the illegal entry into a state of which that person is neither a citizen nor a permanent resident. Criminal networks which smuggle and traffic in human beings for financial gain increasingly control the flow of migrants across borders.


Task 7.Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other references & source books on law. Pay special attention to the words and word combinations in bold type.


A bailiff is a court officer who may serve you a subpoena or escort you from the jail to the courtroom and back. If you are serving as a juror, the bailiff will escort you from the jury room to the courtroom and back, arrange for your meals, and communicate to the judge on your behalf. To some extent, the bailiff’s duties depend upon the particular county and judge to whom he or she is assigned. In some counties, bailiffs work for the clerk of courts; in other counties they work for the sheriff. They are officers of the court who have the power to arrest you, and they must be obeyed. Also, most bailiffs carry firearms.

A bailiff has authority from the judge to do whatever is necessary to maintain order and uphold the law. A bailiff’s duties may include clearing a courtroom if the public becomes unruly, evicting you from your home, seizing and selling your property, issuing warrants and citations, and carrying out a warrant to arrest someone (most often, for failing to appear in court). The bailiff also may serve your employer with papers to garnish your wages; the employer will then deduct some of your pay and pay it to the court instead of giving it to you. Keep in mind that the bailiff is charged with carrying out the orders of the judge and is not acting out of any personal feelings against you.

Bailiffs are authorized to enter your home or business and seize your property according to a court order, whether you are home or not. They will always leave paperwork indicating that they have done so and informing you of your options. One mistake many people make is in failing to return the “exemption” paperwork listing property or money that the law allows you to keep. Very often, filling in this paperwork can result in money coming back to you; you just have to complete the forms and return them to the clerk of court’s office in a timely manner to qualify for the return of your exempt property or money. [12]

Modern bailiffs in England and Wales

    There are seven offices whose holders are commonly referred to as 'bailiffs'.

    Bailiffs (other than County Court, water bailiffs and jury bailiffs) will be replaced by the term enforcement agents when the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, comes into force which has been announced as April 2014.

    1) Civilian enforcement officers

       Civilian enforcement officers are employees and contractors of Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service and carry out the enforcement of magistrates and Crown Court orders. The companies contracted to carry out this work are: Marston Group, Collectica, Excel Enforcement and Swift Credit. These companies are contacted to enforce magistrate and crown court orders which include but are not limited to: the enforcement of arrest warrants, the collection of unpaid fines and the service of documents.

    2) County court bailiff

       County court bailiffs are employed by Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service and carry out enforcement for county courts - mainly involving payment of unpaid county court judgments. They can seize and sell goods to recover a debt. They can also affect and supervise the possession of the property and the return of goods under hire purchase agreements, and serve court documents. They also execute arrest warrants and execute search warrants. Service of personal papers such as oral examinations and divorce papers can also aid the Tipstaff in their duties if necessary.

    3) High Court enforcement officer

       High Court enforcement officers are authorised by the Lord Chancellor to execute High Court writs. They can seize and sell goods to cover the amount of a debt owed. They can also enforce and supervise the possession of property and the return of goods.

    4) Certificated bailiff

       Certificated bailiffs are employed by private companies and enforce a variety of debts on behalf of organizations such as local authorities. They can seize and sell goods to cover the amount of the debt owed. They also hold a certificate, which enables them, and them alone, to levy road traffic debts, council tax and non-domestic rates. Certificated bailiffs are required to gain peaceable entry into property before a levy of goods inside a property can take place.

    5) Non-certificated bailiff

       Non-certificated bailiffs are employed by private companies and are entitled to recover the money owed for a variety of debts by seizing and selling goods but cannot levy distress for rent, road traffic debts, council tax or non-domestic rates, or enforce the collection of money due under High Court or county court orders.

    6) Water bailiff

       Water bailiffs also exist in England and Wales to police bodies of water and prevent illegal fishing. They are generally employees of the Environment Agency and are to be deemed as a constable with the same powers and privileges for the purpose of the enforcement of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975.

    7) Jury bailiffs

    Jury bailiffs are court ushers who monitor juries during their deliberations and during overnight stays.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is a bailiff?

2. What are a bailiff's duties?

3. What are bailiffs authorized to do?

4. Where was the term bailiff first applied?

5. How many offices whose holders are commonly referred to as 'bailiffs' are there in England and Wales?


Task 8. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box.


court ushers; executed writs; have the power; exercises his jurisdiction; jail to the courtroom; prevent illegal; authorized; enforce a variety of debts; enforcement of magistrates; to maintain order and uphold the law


(1) A bailiff is a court officer who may serve you a subpoena or escort you from the ______________ and back. (2) Jury bailiffs are __________ who monitor juries during their deliberations and during overnight stays. (3) They are officers of the court who ____________to arrest you, and they must be obeyed. (4) Certificated bailiffs are employed by private companies and __________ on behalf of organizations such as local authorities. (5) A bailiff has authority from the judge to do whatever is necessary ____________. (6) Bailiffs are __________to enter your home or business and seize your property according to a court order, whether you are home or not. (7) The term eventually narrowed to refer to an officer of a hundred court, appointed by a sheriff, and who assisted judges at assizes, served process, _______________, assembled juries, and collected fines in court. (8) The district within which the bailiff ____________ is still called his bailiwick. (9) Civilian enforcement officers are employees and contractors of Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service and carry out the __________ and Crown Court orders. (10) Water bailiffs also exist in England and Wales to police bodies of water and __________ fishing.

Task 9. Find the appropriate definitions.

1) bailiff 2) writ 3) jury 4) judge 5) debt 6) judgment 7) arrest warrant a) an official with the authority and responsibility to preside in a court, try lawsuits and make legal rulings. b) the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution c) a sum of money due to another d) a court official, usually a deputy sheriff, who keeps order in the courtroom and handles various errands for the judge and clerk. e) it is a group of citizens called to hear a trial of a criminal prosecution or a lawsuit, decide the factual questions of guilt or innocence or determine the prevailing party (winner) in a lawsuit and the amount to be paid, if any, by the loser. f) a judge's order to law enforcement officers to arrest and bring to jail a person charged with a crime g) a written order of a judge requiring specific action by the person or entity

Task 10. Complete these sentences using the correct active or passive form of the verb.

1. Certificated bailiffs __________ by private companies and enforce a variety of debts on behalf of organizations such as local authorities (to employ).

2. Jury bailiffs are court ushers who _________ juries during their deliberations and during overnight stays (to monitor).

3. Certificated bailiffs __________ to gain peaceable entry into property before a levy of goods inside a property can take place (to require).

4. If you _________ as a juror, the bailiff will escort you from the jury room to the courtroom and back, arrange for your meals, and communicate to the judge on your behalf (to serve).

5. To some extent, the bailiff’s duties depend upon the particular county and judge to whom he or she ____________ (to assign).

6. The term first ________ in Norman England to the king's officers charged with local administrative authority (to apply).

7. The district within which the bailiff _______ his jurisdiction is still called his bailiwick (to exercise).

8. The term eventually _________to refer to an officer of a hundred court, appointed by a sheriff, and who assisted judges at assizes, served process, executed writs, assembled juries, and collected fines in court (to narrow).

9. Under the manorial system a bailiff of the manor ______ the peasants to the lord, __________ the lands and buildings of the manor, __________ fines and rents, and managed the profits and expenses of the manor and farm (to represent; to oversee; to collect).

10. Bailiffs (other than County Court, water bailiffs and jury bailiffs) ___________by the term enforcement agents when the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, comes into force which has been announced as April 2014 (to replace).

Task 11. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Судебный пристав - это служащий, у которого есть полномочия арестовать вас и которому необходимо подчиняться. 2. Судебные приставы носят огнестрельное оружие. 3. Судья предоставляет приставу полномочия делать все, что необходимо, чтобы обеспечить порядок в зале суда. 4. По требованию судьи пристав может очистить зал суда, если присутствующие ведут себя неподобающим образом. 5. Судебный пристав может конфисковать имущество. 6. Судебный пристав может прислать вашему работодателю документ, по которому на часть вашей зарплаты будет наложен арест. 7. Термин "судебный пристав" впервые появился в Англии при Норманнах. 8. В Англии судебные приставы исполняют выданный судом ордер на арест. 9. Судебные приставы могут продать ваше имущество, чтобы закрыть ваши долги перед кредиторами. 10. По решению суда пристав может войти в ваш дом даже в ваше отсутствие.



Discuss legal instruments and other measures that may help combat corruption with your classmates.


Corruption is a manifestation of institutional weakness, poor ethical standards, skewed incentives and insufficient enforcement. When corrupt officials slowly drain the resources of a country, its potential to develop socially and to attract foreign investment is diminished, making it incapable of providing basic services to or enforcing the rights of its citizens.



Task 12. Study the text below and answer the questions.


A government is a political organization that attempts to maintain control of a state. If there are several nations within a state they may have local governments which do not have the full power of a national government.

"Control" involves activities such as collecting taxes, controlling entry and exit to the state, preventing invasion of the territory by neighbouring states and preventing the establishment of alternative governments within the state.

Governments use a variety of methods to maintain control, such as police and military forces. A government makes agreements with other states and maintains support within the state. Typical methods of maintaining support are the following: to provide justice, to administrate social welfare, to hold elections for important posts within the state, to limit the power of the state through laws and constitutions.

A government in a developed state has various sub-organizations known as offices or departments. These offices and departments are headed by officials - ministers or secretaries. Ministers may in theory act as advisors to the head of state. They have a certain amount of direct power in specific areas.

In most modern democracies, the legislative assembly elected by the citizens, has the power to dismiss the government, though the head of state generally has power to appoint a new one.


to attempt - пытаться

to maintain – поддерживать

national government – федеральная власть

invasion of a country - вторжение в страну

neighbouring state - соседнее государство

establishment – учреждение, установление

to provide - 1) предусматривать 2) снабжать; обеспечивать; предоставлять

to administrate [əd'mɪnɪstreɪt] - управлять; контролировать

welfare - социальное обеспечение

legislative assembly - законодательное собрание

advisor – советник, консультант

Answer the following questions:

1. What is government?

2. How is government organized if there are several nations within a state?

3. What does governmental control involve?

4. What are the methods of this control?

5. How does a government maintain its support?

6. What are ministers or secretaries?

7. What are the functions of ministers?

8. Who can appoint and dismiss a government?

9. What do you know about social contract theory?

Task 13. Find equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the text above:

       поддерживать контроль; пытаться; в пределах государства; федеральная власть; местные власти; деятельность; включать, вовлекать; сбор налогов; вход и выход их состава государства; предотвращение вторжения; соседние государства; предотвращение; установление альтернативной власти в стране; разнообразие методов; военные силы; заключать соглашения; обеспечивать поддержку внутри страны; ограничивать власть посредством законов и конституции.

Task 14.   Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right column. Study the information in the table and answer the question: What forms of government do you know? Describe them briefly.


(1) monarchy (a) a form of government which resides in* the absolute power of a single individual.
(2) autocracy (b) a form of government in which the people, either directly or indirectly, take part in governing.
(3) democracy (c) government in which absolute power is concentrated in the hands of a dictator
(4) dictatorship (b) a form of government with a monarch at the head

*to reside in – принадлежать

Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice

plea bargaining - амер. переговоры о заключении сделки о признании вины plea - сделанное ответчиком заявление negotiations - переговоры prosecution - обвинение defense - защита a defense lawyer - адвокат защиты outcome of the case - результат/исход дела to plead guilty / not guilty - признать себя виновным / невиновным to indict sb for a crime - предъявить кому-л. обвинение в преступлении (по обвинительному акту)   indictment - юр. официальное обвинение, предъявление обвинения в суде to bring in an indictment against sb - предъявить обвинение кому-л. to waive the indictment / to drop the charges - снять обвинение the U.S. criminal justice system - система уголовного правосудия США R v Turner(Rex versus Turner - король против Тернера)-дело против Тернера theft - кража a custodial sentence / a non-custodial sentence - приговор с лишением свободы / приговор без лишения свободы Court of Appeal - апелляционный суд


Task 15. Study the text below and give your attitude on the problem of plea bargaining in written form or orally using the active vocabulary from the text.


Plea bargaining is the name given to negotiations between the prosecution and defense lawyers over the outcome of a case; for example, where a defendant is choosing to plead not guilty, the prosecution may offer to reduce the charge to a similar offence with a smaller maximum sentence, in return for the defendant pleading guilty. Although plea bargaining is well known in the U.S. criminal justice system, for many years the official view was that it did not happen in Britain, although those involved in the system knew quite well that in fact it happened all the time.

    Effective plea bargaining requires the active cooperation of the judge. In R v Turner (1970), the defendant was indicted for theft and pleaded not guilty. He had been advised by his counsel to change his plea, on the grounds that a guilty plea normally reduces the sentence, so that if he pleaded guilty he was unlikely to receive a custodial sentence, whereas if he stuck with his plea of not guilty, he was likely to end up in prison. This advice was repeated after the defense counsel had a meeting with the judge, and Turner then changed his plea. The Court of Appeal held that although there should be freedom of access between the judge and counsel and that counsel could advise a client in strong terms, any such discussion should involve both prosecution and defence, and should be restricted to matters that counsel could not mention in open court. The Court also stressed that judges should not indicate what sentence they had in mind in a particular case, except to say that, regardless of plea, the sentence would not take a particular form.

(From the book "English Legal System" by C. Elliot, F. Quinn, Longman, 2000)

Answer the following questions:

         1. What is 'plea bargaining'?

    2. In the criminal justice system of what country is plea bargaining well known?

    3. Why does effective plea bargaining require the active cooperation of the judge?

    4. What crime was the defendant indicted for in R v Turner (1970)? Did he first plead guilty or not guilty?

    5. On what grounds did the defense counsel advise Turner to change his plea?

    6. When and why did Turner change his plea?

    7. What did the Court of Appeal hold?


Task 16. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the table:

plea bargaining; negotiations; the judge; defense lawyers; indicted for theft; in prison; to reduce the charge; pleading guilty; the sentence; changed his plea; pleaded guilty


    (1) Plea bargaining is the name given to... between the prosecution and... over the outcome of the case.

    (2) If a defendant pleads not guilty, the prosecution may offer... to a similar offence with a smaller maximum sentence, in return for the defendant....

    (3)... is well known in the U.S. criminal justice system.

    (4) Effective plea bargaining requires the active cooperation of....

    (5) In R v Turner (1970), the defendant was... and pleaded not guilty.

    (6) A guilty plea normally reduces....

    (7) If the defendant... he could receive a non-custodial sentence, whereas if he stuck with his plea of not guilty, he could end up....

    (8) The defense counsel had a meeting with the judge and Turner....

Task 17. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations from the text above:

    1. Переговоры о заключении сделки о признании вины; переговоры между обвинением и адвокатами защиты по поводу исхода дела; например; если ответчик не признает себя виновным; предложить уменьшить обвинение до уровня подобного правонарушения с меньшим максимальным приговором в обмен на признание ответчиком своей вины; активное сотрудничество с судьей; ответчику предъявили обвинение в краже; ответчик не признал свою вину; встретиться с судьей и повторить свой совет; несмотря на признание или непризнание ответчиком своей вины.

    2. Адвокат защиты посоветовал ответчику изменить сделанное ранее заявление о своей виновности на основании того, что заявление ответчика о своей виновности обычно уменьшает приговор.

    3. Если бы ответчик признал свою вину, он мог бы получить приговор без лишения свободы, в то время как если бы он придерживался своего заявления о невиновности, он мог бы попасть в тюрьму.

    4. Апелляционный суд постановил, что хотя должна быть свобода общения (доступа) между судьей и адвокатом и адвокат может давать советы своему подзащитному, в любом обсуждении такого рода должны принимать участие как обвинение, так и защита.

    5. Апелляционный суд подчеркнул, что судьи не должны уточнять, какой приговор они предусматривают в каждом конкретном деле, разве что сообщить, что несмотря на признание или непризнание ответчиком своей вины, приговор не будет иметь какую-либо конкретную форму.


Task 18. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:


1) negotiations 2) a defense lawyer 3) prosecution 4) a defendant 5) a plaintiff 6) to plead guilty 7) to charge sb with sth 8) to indict sb for a crime 9) to sentence sb to four years of imprisonment 10) outcome of the case 11) Court of Appeal a) обвинение b) истец c) признать свою вину d) обвинять кого-л. в чем-л. e) исход дела f) переговоры g) приговорить кого-л. к 4 годам тюремного заключения h) апелляционный суд i) адвокат защиты j) предъявить кому-л. обвинение в преступлении k) ответчик, подзащитный



Read the information below, check the situation with plea bargaining in Russia to discuss it with your classmates. Give your opinion on the problem.


The British legislation allows the courts, when sentencing offenders, to take into account the stage at which they indicate an intention to plead guilty and the circumstances in which that indication was given. If the court imposes a less severe punishment as a result of plea bargaining, it must state in open court that it has done so. In time, this will lead to case law regarding the level of discounts for late or early guilty pleas. Since defense counsel and the court will need to make defendants aware of these discounts, plea bargaining is likely to become more overt in the future. Research carried out by Flood-Page and Mackie ('Sentencing during the Nineties', 1998) found that offenders who pleaded guilty had their sentences reduced by around a third at the Crown Court.


Task 19. (a) Translate the following sentences into English using the words and word combinations which do with legal matters.


NB to plead guilty (to all charges) / to admit one's guilt признать свою вину
  to confess Признаться
  to find smb guilty признать кого-либо виновным
  to be innocent быть невиновным
  attempted murder покушение на убийство
  an attempt of a coup d'état попытка государственного переворота


to bring a suit to a court to be brought before the court to plead guilty to comply with the suit aggravating (mitigating) circumstances to testify/give testimony to sue sb for alimony to drop the prosecution / case to deny a confession in court to force a confession                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


(1) За совершение этого преступления он предстанет перед судом. (2) Мой отец завтра даст показания в суде в качестве свидетеля обвинения. (3) Я подам в суд на туристическое агентство. (4) Она подала в суд о взыскании алиментов с бывшего мужа. (5) Вы признаете себя виновным? (6) Суд вынес решение о прекращении дела. (7) В этом деле есть смягчающие обстоятельства. (8) Суд удовлетворил иск истца. (9) Подозреваемый заявил о том, что следователь вынудил его к признанию вины. (10) Подсудимый отказался в суде от сделанного признания. (11) Cтранно, но в уголовном праве наказание за попытку государственного переворота есть, а за государственный переворот нет.


    (b) Make sentences with the verbs below according to the model. While doing this, put the verbs in the sentences into Passive Voice:

The Ripper was never caught so he was never charged with any crime. Bonny and Clyde were never convicted of robberies though they admitted to their crimes.
to convict sb of sth - осудить кого-л. за что-л. to charge sb with sth / to accuse sb of sth - обвинить кого-л. в чем-л. to sentence sb to (5 years in jail) - приговорить кого-л. к (5 годам тюрьмы) to arrest someone for a crime - арестовать кого-л. за преступление to suspect someone of sth - подозревать кого-л. в чем-л. to find someone guilty of sth - признать кого-л. виновным в чем-л. to want sb for sth - разыскивать кого-л. за что-л.


Read the information below concerning courtroom etiquette to discuss it with your peers. Pay special attention to the words and word combinations in bold type.


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