Factors Influencing Self-Control

Вопрос 3 Факторы, влияющие на самоконтроль человека. Самоконтроль как средство предотвращения ошибочных действий.

(+) In some extraordinary situations (e.g. emergency) self-control can become more active.

(–) However in other cases it can be weakened or switched off. For example, when a person is under influence of sincere experiences ( душевные переживания ) and strong emotional excitements, fatigue or illness.

(–) If a person neglects (игнорировать) self-control, the reasons of it can be various: insufficient professional motivation, lack of interest to the results of work, certain traits of character. Deficiency of self-control is directly connected with such traits of character, as laxity ( расхлябанность), excessive self-confidence ( чрезмрная уверенность в себе ), negligence ( халатность ), etc.

(+) At the same time sense of duty, discipline, responsibility and moral qualities (morals) of the personality as well as reasonableness ( рассудительность ), thoroughness (скрупулезность) and accuracy, consistency ([kənʹsıst(ə)nsı] логичность), are signs of good self-control, ability to supervise actions and improve reliability of seafarers' performance.

Self – Control and Mistakes

Self-control is aimed at timely prevention or detection of the mistakes already made. When self-control is not formed, it will inevitably affect the level of professional reliability.

Self-control thus is an important tool of creating immunity against mistakes ( иммунитет против ошибок ). It acts as a method of mastering professional activity and ensuring its reliability.

Faultless actions are a result of a person's self-control over his activity, as the development of self-control is one of the indicators of skills development. (Безошибочные действия – результат контроля человека за своей деятельностью, т. к. совершенство самоконтроля — один из показателей совершенства умений и навыков.)

In more general sense, the process of self-regulation of professional activity itself is an aspect of development of self-control./ В более общем смысле сам процесс саморегуляции профессиональной деятельности является аспектом развития самоконтроля.


1 Professional reliability is closely connected with reliability of human mentality, i.e. psychological aspects of Human Factor.

2 Professional reliability plays a crucial role in seafarers' life activity due to its specifics.

3 The main psychological mechanism of professional reliability is self-control (self-regulation).

4 Self-control is a necessary condition and result of healthy and adequate mentality of a person.

6 Self-control is an important tool of creating immunity against mistakes. It acts as a method of mastering professional activity and ensuring its reliability.


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