D. Grammar Expansion: The Infinitive

The Infinitive is a non-finite form of the verb. It does not express person, number or mood and cannot be used as a predicate of a sentence. Non-perfect Infinitive shows a simultaneous action with the finite verb. Perfect Infinitive indicates an action preceding the action of the finite verb. The forms of the Infinitive are:

  Active Passive
Simple to ask to be asked
Continuous to be asking --
Perfect to have asked to have been asked
Perfect Continuous to have been asking --

Used as an independent part of a sentence the Infinitive can function as:

- Subject of the sentence (often with the anticipatory “it” at the beginning): It was the best way forward to hold a competition.

- Object (often with a modal verb): He may hope to keep influence behind the scenes.

- Attribute (in post-position after nouns, pronouns, adjectives, enough / too + adjective): Plans to build 4 dams on the Moraca river could solve the problem.

- Adverbial Modifier (of purpose, result): He left his native Croatia as a young man to join the BBC in London.

- Predicative (a part of a predicate): Its really big idea is to treat voters like grown-ups.

Define the functions of the Infinitive in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. If the fate of your company hinges on the verdict, you will want a brilliant lawyer to argue your case.

2. The exams are different now but you still have much to complaint about.

3. They make no attempt to deny their influence on the company’s policy.

4. In Luxemburg the Chinese tourists paused just long enough to photograph the palace. 5. What they wanted to do was to design a car with a small engine.

6. It is a dismal way to measure happiness in terms of money.

7. Mankind is wrong to dread ageing.

8. America fails to explain how the country’s medium-term finances are to be sorted out.

9. Investors may be worried about the Irish and Spanish governments’ ability to pay their debt.

10. To calculate this, the team took data from forest studies.

11. The group is not the only one to have used data in this way.

12. It is possible to estimate the quantity of carbon stored in the area.

13. Gabon, a heavily forested country, is keen on being paid to stay that way.

14. It costs a mere $13 to avoid a tone of carbon dioxide emission.

15. Whether it is strong enough to overcome the age-old human instinct remains to be seen.

Express various degrees of certainty by changing the sentences as in the model:

Model: They wrote off his debts (unwise). – It was unwise of them to write off his debts. – It was unwise enough to write off his debts. – It was too unwise to write off his debts.

1. Pub-owners make efforts to restore the social web around the pub (typical). 2. Even big brewers advertise the spring water (sensible). 3. European tourists grumbled about the food (unfair). 4. They installed a highly sophisticated GPS (wise). 5. America keeps social mobility high (reasonable). 6. He hopes the management will accept his application (optimistic). 7. She misses classes regularly (foolish).

E. “For … to + Infinitive” Construction.

Study the following examples:

- It is desirable for you to know it. – Желательно, чтобы вы это знали.

- He waited for the papers to be published. – Он ждал того, чтобы статьи были опубликованы.

- There is only one thing for you to do. – Это единственное, что вы можете сделать.

- For the experiment to be successful they had to do much work. – Для того, чтобы этот эксперимент оказался успешным, им пришлось много поработать.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the forms of the Infinitive, its functions and “For … to + Infinitive “ construction:

1. Microsoft and other big internet firms, including eBay, Amazon and Yahoo!, are going to be negotiating various alliances.

2. As soon as Google says it is moving into a particular market, small fry in that market now dart for cover, unless they are lucky enough to be acquired by Google.

3. For Microsoft to be more innovative it has to face fierce competition.

4. But in the new era of internet services, open standards predominate, rivals are always just a click away, and there is far less scope for companies to establish a proprietary lock-in.

5. Without a proprietary lock-in to protect its dominant position, Google will have to work hard to stay on top.

6. For a start, it is a far more innovative company, and its use of small, flexible teams has so far allowed it to remain innovative even as it has grown.

7. Google will not be able to establish an IBM or Microsoft-style lock on the industry. 8. For many people to have the front door to the internet Google provides its services.

Complete the following sentences:

1. It is necessary for him …. 2. It is advisable for them …. 3. They waited for us …. 4. It was important for them …. 5. There was no reason for him …. 6. It is essential for an engineer …. 7. It was impossible for a scientist …. 8. It will be crucial for the specialists … 9. It will be desirable for students …. 10. It will be indispensable for graduates ….

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