История Европы. 7 W. De Burgh, Legacy of the Ancient World (London, 1936), ch

7 W. De Burgh, Legacy of the Ancient World (London, 1936), ch. ii, «The Reception of Roman Law».

8 Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. 9.

9 Virgil, Georgics, ii. 490; iii. 284; Eclogues, xi. 32; i. 66; Aeneid, i. 362.

10 Вергилий. Энеида. Л.-M., 1939.- С.31.

11Гораций. Сочинения. M.,1970. 1. Оды. Кн.3, II, 13 (с. 128); Наука поэзии. (с. 386); Послания (с. 374); 30, 1,6 (с. 176)

12 Ovid, Ars Amatoria, ii. 107.

13 Theodor Mommsen, The History of Rome, English trans (London, 1890), iv. 90.

14 Ronald Syme, The Roman Revolution (Oxford, 1939), p. vii.

15 Ibid. 11.

16 Ibid. 201

17 Гай Светоний Транквилл Жизнь двенадцати цезарей. — М., 1964. С.70- 72.

18 Ibid. 113, 123

19 Ibid. 147.

20 Ibid. C. 158.

21 Ibid. 204.

22 Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. 3.

23 Ibid.

24 Письма Плиния Младшего. M.,1982. C.188-206.

25 Марк Аврелий Антонин, Размышления, СПб 1993, iii.16.

26 Ibid. vi. 44, 36.

27 Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. 10.

28 Речь идет об Иосифе Флавии, авторе Иудейской войны и Иудейских древностей.

29 Речь идет о Филоне Александрийском.

30 Ibid. ch. 15.

31 См. G. Vermes, Jesus and the «World of Judaism (London, 1983); D.

Flusser, Judaism and the Origins of Christianity (Jerusalem, 1988); and M. Baigent and R. Leigh, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (London, 1991).

32 С благодарностью к Al-Shalom Reformed Synagogue, Glencoe, 111.

33 Irenaeus, Adversus Heraeses, III. iii. 1-2

34 Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. 16.

35 C. P. S. Clarke, A Short History of the Christian Church (London, 1929), 69;

или J. F. Bethune-Baker, An Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine (London, 1903). There are, in fact, two different formulas of the Nicene Creed — the shorter version issued at Nicaea in 325 and a longer version, also known as the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, possibly drawn up at the General Council of 381. See World Council of Churches, Confessing One Faith...: the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (Geneva, 1991).

36 Jacob Burckhardt, The Age of Constantine the Great (1852), trans. M. Hadas (New York, 1949), 343-53.

37 Eusebius of Caesarea (с. 260-340), Vita Constantini, quoted by Burckhardt,

Constantine the Great, 231. См. The Essential Eusebius, trans. Colm Luibhaid (New York, 1966).

38 Gibbon, Decline and Fall, chs. 14, 16.

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