Declensions noun

Nouns are three declinations (depending on the nature of the modification of their endings in various cases).

Go to first declension nouns are masculine and feminine nouns ending in А and Я in the form of the nominative singular. In addition, the Russian language has nouns that do not relate solely to men or only to the women's race, and are called indeterminate. Examples of nouns I decline:

р а дуга - rainbow (feminine), няня - nurse (feminine), непос е да - fidget (unspecified gender),

во я ка -soldier (unspecified gender), заби я ка - bantam (unspecified gender), сирот а - orphan (unspecified gender), п а па - dad (masculine), д я дя - uncle (masculine).

The second declension nouns are masculine, which in the form of the nominative singular have no ending, and neuter nouns ending in О, Е and Ё. Examples of nouns II variation:

кот - cat (masculine), день - day (masculine), тюль - tulle (masculine), ог о нь - fire (masculine),

окн о - window (neuter), тряпь ё - rags (neuter), м о ре - sea (neuter), зд а ние - building (neuter).

By the third declension nouns are feminine without ending, 10 neuter nouns ending in the nominative singular to

МЯ and two masculine nouns ПУТЬ (path) and ГУСЬ (goose). Examples III declension of nouns:

мать - mother (feminine), дочь - daughter (feminine), глушь - Wilderness (feminine), фальшь - false (feminine), даль - distance (feminine), дверь - door (feminine), лошадь - horse (feminine), рожь - rye (female genus),

бремя - burden (neuter), время - time (neuter), вымя - udder (neuter), знамя - banner (neuter),

имя - name (neuter), пламя - flame (neuter), племя - tribe (neuter), семя - seed (neuter), стремя - stirrup (neuter), темя - vertex (neuter), путь - path (masculine), гусь - goose (masculine).

Note 1:

Of the words: бремя - burden, время - time, вымя - udder, знамя - banner, имя - name, пламя - flame,

племя - tribe, семя - seed, стремя - stirrup, the vertex - the plural may have only:

бремя (бремен а) - bremen (bremens), время (времен а) - time (times), знамя (знам ё н а) - banner (banners), имя (имен а) - name (names), племя (племен а) - tribe (tribes), семя (семен а) - seed (seeds),

стремя (стремен а) - stirrup (stirrups).

Note 2:

When a noun declension on cases, its prefix, root and suffix are not changed.


Fat cont e nt of the l e tter expr e sses the str e ss.

Underlin ed lett er - end of the word.

The letters in parentheses after the word (-s) - an alternate ending of the word (-s).

(The) letters in parentheses after (the) word - support (the) preposition (that) is not part of (the) word.

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