Electronic Research and Engineering Laboratory

15. Переведите иа русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфи­нитив в различных функциях.

1 The problem to be discussed is connected with the city water supply system.

2. This method is not good enough to be used everywhere.

3. A new comfortable coach was developed to transport people over long distances.

4. He was saving money to travel about the country.

5. It did not take much time to pave the road.

6 The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design

7 The road surface to be repaired was destroyed many years ago by heavy vehicles.

8. Goods to be transported to the north are stored at the railway station.

9. He was too tired to be asked any questions.

10. England looks like one well ordered park. Englishmen like to preserve various old trees. There are some trees which were even too old to be cut for building ships in the seventeenth century.

11. A high speed electronic machine has introduced great changes in carrying out various mathematical calculations. This electronic machine works according to a programme to be prepared in advance and can carry out several thousand arithmetic operations per second.

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