Match English and Russian equivalents

1. Legislative organ не смотря на проблемы
2. The Council of Federation утверждать законы
3. the highest executive body наложить вето на законопроект
4. Direction of cultural development руководство культурным развитием
5. To draft current state plans бюджет страны
6. The Budget of the country Совет Федерации
7. justice суды разных инстанций
8. In spite of the problems прежние символы
9. Courts of different instances законодательный орган
10. Former symbols двуглавый орел
11. Two-headed eagle правосудие
12. To make treaty исполнительный высший орган
13. To veto a bill заключать договор
14. to enforce law заключать текущие государственные план

Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones.

Horizontal stripes, to symbolize liberty, ancient symbols, to originate from, representative organ, to consist of, chamber, to be elected for a term, power, rather numerous, long-term plan, district court, criminal case, social development, majority, judicial system, to check and balance, upper (lower) chamber, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, to represent the judicial branch of power, Constitutional Court.

Use English equivalents instead of Russian ones.

1) The Parliament of Russia is (представительный) and (законодательный орган) of the state.

2) The Council of Federation and the State Duma (избираются на срок) of 4 years.

3) (Полномочия) the Government has are (довольно) numerous.

4) (Правосудие) is administrated by (судами) of different instances.

5) (Верховный) Court is the highest in the (судебный) system.

6) The state symbol of Russia is (трехцветный флаг).

7) The Government (возглавляется) by the Prime Minister.

8) The President serves as (главнокомандующий).

Answer the following questions.

1. The President is the head of our state, isn’t he?

2. How many houses does the Russian Parliament consist of?

3. What kind of organ is it?

4. What is the highest executive and administrative body of state authority in our country?

5. What are the powers of the President?

6. How is justice administrated in our country?

7. What rights has the Constitutional Court?

8. Where are the majority of the criminal and civil cases considered?

9. What is the state symbol of Russia?

10. What do the stripes of the flag symbolize?

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