Growth of sibilants and affricates

In OE there were no affricates and no sibilants, except [s, z]. the new type of consonants developed from OE palatal plosives [k’, g’], which had split from the corresponding velar plosives [k] and [g], and also from the consonant cluster [sk’]. The three new phonemes which arose from these sources were [t∫], [dз] and [∫]. In Early ME they began to be indicated by special letters and digraphs, which came into use mainly under the influence of the French scribal tradition – ch, tch, g, dg, sh, ssh, sch. As a result of these changes – and also as a result of the vocalization of [γ] – the consonant system in Late ME was in some respects different from the OE system.

Palatal sonsonant finished palatalization: k-g, sk-∫ -sh. All palatal consonants disappeared. There was some dropping(сочетание) of consonants in initial position before sonorant. Hlof-lof, hlafa-lord. In Southern dialect –f- in initial position turn into –v-. Vocalization of -з- in the initial position before front vowel. з- formed new diphthong after front vowels. з – j –initial, з – I – final. (dæз –day [ai], weз – wei [ei], fæзer –fair [ai] –middle position)

NE From the combination of /ng/ appeared a phoneme / ŋ/.

Loss of consonants in some groups: Voiceless velar fricative lost in /night/; pronounced as f in /laugh/. [b] dropped in final -mb cluster (dumb, comb). [l] dropped between[ a] or [o] and consonant (half, walk, talk, folk). [r] dropped sometimes before [s] (Worcestershire). [k] and [g] dropped before/n/in initial position (knee, knight, gnat-nat). [g] in -ing endings (more commonly pronounced [ɪn]). Finally, assibilation occurred when the alveolars [s], [d], [t], and [z] preceded the palatal glide [j], producing the palatal consonants: [š], [ǰ], [č], [ž]. Zj-ж(decision), tj-ч(nature), dj-dз(solder). /w/dropped before /r/ in the initial position(wright-right). /h/ is dropped in the middle position –which-wich. /p/ is not pronounced in the initial position –physiology. NE vocalization of /r/(diphton-on) between the vowel and /r/ appeared, then /r/ was reduced(сокращена). Results: /e:/-/i:/-/iэ/-here, dear. /з:/-/e:/-/зэ/bear and /iэ/-clear. /a:/-/ei:/-/зэ/ -care, dare. /o:/-/u:/-/uэ/-poor, moor.

Вопрос 1 Subject matter and aims. Sources of lang history. Subject is the historical development of E. language: phonetic structure and spelling, evolution of grammatical system and growth of vocabulary,so as to understand a current status of language, we should to examine each phenomenon of modern language as known result of long historical development.

Language constantly develops under the certain laws. The law of development of Language: The Law of gradual transition of language from one quality to another, thus elements of new quality slowly collect, and elements of old quality slowly die off.

All the modern languages trace their roots back to great antiquity. It means, that elements of modern English language laid during period, when the tribes of Angles, Saxones and Utes still lived on the European continent, long before 5-th century A.D. Since that time the grammatical system of language slowly changed, and its vocabulary structure contained new words. These changes occurred in close relations with development of the society. The Manufacture began to develop, the states are appeared, there was a literature and writing, and the printing-press has been invented.

The aims – we should achieved both theretical and practical eimes So, one of the aims is to providethe student with a knowledge of linguistic history sufficient to account for the principal features of present-day English. For example, through centuries writing and spelling was changing in English. At the time when Latin letters were first used in Britain (7th c.) writing was phonetic: the letters stood for the same sound. After the introduction of printing (15th c.) the written form of the word became fixed, while the sounds continued to change. Another important aim of this course is of a more theoretical nature. While tracing the evolution of the English language through time, the student will be confronted with a number of theoretical questions such as the relationship between statics and dynamics in language, the role of linguistic and extralinguistic factors and so on. One more aim of this course is to provide the student of English with a wider philological outlook. The history of the English language shows the place of English in the linguistic world.

Вопрос 2 Germanic invasion. Formation of the G. states The 5th c. was the age of increased Germanic expansion. The history of the English language begins with the invasion of the British Isles by Germanic tribes in the 5th c. of our era. Newcomers were of the 3 races of Germany: the Saxons, the Angles and Jutes. Angels and Saxons the were called by Romans and by celts – Angelcyn. And their conqued territories Angelcunes land. The story of the invasion is told by Bede (673-735), a monastic scholar who wrote the first history of England, HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA GENTIS ANGLORUM. According to Bede, the invaders came to Britain in A.D. 449 under the leadership of two Germanic kings, Hengist and Horsa. The first wave of invaders, the Jutes or the Frisians, occupied the extreme south-east: Kent and the Isle of Wight. The second wave of immigrants was largely made up of the Saxons, who had been expanding westwards across Frisia to the Rhine and to what is known as Normandy. The Saxons consolidated into a number of petty kingdoms, the largest and the most powerful of them was Wessex. Last came the Angles from the lower valley of the Elbe and southern Denmark. They made their landing on the east coast and moved up the rivers to the central part of the island. Angles founded large kingdoms: East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria.

Вопрос 3 The Scandinavian invasion&influens upon English. In the 8th century Scandinavian Danes made their 1st attacks on England. He struggle lasted over 300 years. Then King Alfred proclaimed peace treaty of 878. England was divided into halves: the north-eastern (Danish) and called Danelagh. And south-western (Wessex). But in 10 century 1013 Danish attacked again headed by Sweyn and Canute. And Canute was a king of England. Under Canute death 1035 England became independent. A most important role in the history of the English language was played by the introduction of Christianity. It gave a strong impulse to the growth of culture and learning. Monasteries were founded all over the country with monastic schools attached. Religious services and teaching were conducted in Latin. Thus due to the introduction of Christianity the English language acquired much influence from Latin. Influence - The Germanic tribes in 5th and 6th c. spoke closely related tribal dialects belonging to the west-Germanic subgroup. Their original tongue transformed into single English tongue. Next – feudal system and a new phase in dialects. (Kentish, West Saxon, Mercian, Northumblian)

Вопрос 4 Norman Conquest. The struggle Eng&French. After Canute death, Edward was king of England. In 1066, upon Edward’s death, the Elders of England proclaimed Harold Godwin king of England. As soon as the news reached William of Normandy, he mustered (gathered) a big army by promise of land and, with the support of the Pope, landed in Britain. In the battle of Hastings, fought in October 1066, Harold was killed and the English were defeated. This date is commonly known as the date of the Norman Conquest. After their battle, William crown king and then he called the Conqueror.

After a Norman conquest both secular and church power completely belongs to Normans. The population of cities was mixed: it included both English, and Norman handicraftsmen (ремесл). The ruling class was feudal aristocracy and clergy - consisted of people of a Norman origin. The local population, both in countrysides, and in the cities continued to speak in English.

The struggle between English and French. Однако, английский был не единственным языком, на котором говорили и писали после нормандского завоевания. Как сказано выше, победители принесли с собою французский язык; точнее, его северный диалект - нормандский. В течение ближайших после за­воеваний столетий в Англии образовался так называемый англо-нормандский диалект. В течение XII-XIII вв. англо-нормандский был государственным языком Англии., третьим языком, функционировавшим в стране, была латынь, которая в Англии, как и во всей Западной Европе, была языком церковного обихода и языком науки. Таким образом, в Англии сосу­ществовали три языка: английский, французский (англо-норманд­ский) и латынь. Первым государственным документом, написанным на англий­ском языке, была Прокламация Генриха III (1258 г.). Она напи­сана на лондонском диалекте. преподавание в школах начинает вестись на английском; впервые английский язык стал изредка звучать в парламенте, К концу XIV в. английский окончательно стал государственным языком.

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