Зависимый и независимый причастные обороты

Когда обстоятельственный причастный оборот относится подлежащему предложения, он называется зависимым:

Inspecting the motor, the engineer made some valuable remarks. - Осматривая мотор, инженер сделал несколько ценных замечаний.

Независимый причастный оборот имеет собственное подлежащее, выраженное существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением, он всегда отделен запятой от остальной части предложения. На русский язык этот оборот переводится придаточным обстоятельственным предложением, начинающимся союзами если, так как, когда, после того как и др., если оборот предшествует подлежащему со сказуемым.

His father being very ill, he had to send for the doctor. - Так как его отец был очень болен, он должен был послать за доктором.

The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long. - Так как студент хорошо знал английский язык, экзамен продолжался недолго.

Предложение с независимым причастным оборотом, стоящим в конце предложения, чаще всего переводится на русский язык сложносочиненным предложением с союзами причем, а, и, но:

Her aunt having left the room, I declared my love for Judy. -Ее тетя вышла из комнаты, и я объяснился в любви Джуди.

The steamer could not enter the dock, its length exceeding 120 metres. -Пароход не мог войти в док, так как его длина превышает 120 метров.

Упражнение1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на причастия.

1.the student attending all the lectures;

the plan containing many details;

the workers building a new house;

the engineer using a new method;

the car developing the speed of 80 km;

2.using new methods;

constructing new machines;

achieving good results;

discovering new lands;

receiving important information;

3.having entered the Institute;

having calculated the distance;

having developed the speed of 120 km;

having decided to leave the city;

having obtained the necessary information;

4.all developed countries;

the information obtained recently;

the railway built between the two towns;

the research made in the laboratory;

the letter sent to his parents;

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастия в предложении.

1. The professor told the students about the experiments being carried out in the laboratory.

2. Having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he called his secretary.

3. The sun having risen, they continued their way.

4. The talks between the two countries were conducted behind the closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

5. The goods having been loaded, the workers left the port.

6. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south, she decided to spend her rest in Sochi.

7. Driving a car at night he met with an accident.

8. Having been taught by a good teacher he knew German well.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод независимого причастного оборота.

1. The sun being near the zenith, its rays are nearly vertical.

2. The temperature of an object being raised, the velocity of electrons increases.

3. About 24 million visible meteors reach the Earth’s atmosphere every 24 hours, their total weight amounting to about 5 tons per day.

4.The name electronics is known to be derived from the word “electron”, the electron itself being the basic unit of negative electricity.

5. Getting no aid from the government, Yablochkov had to spend all he had on his invention.

6. With Peter working in London, the house seemed empty.

7. At this mine the method of working is longwall, the faces being rather long.

8. Good results having been obtained, the researchers could continue the experiment.

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