Задание 69. В текстах своей специальной литературы найдите и переведите предложения, включающие глаголы в форме сослагательного наклонения

Придаточные предложения

Задание 70. Переведите предложения, выделяя придаточные подлежащие.

1. What is more costly are the changes after the module has been coded. 2. What a decision problem is must be clearly defined. 3. What can be predicted is the probability of certain events which can be expressed in terms of distribution function or the probability density. 4. That it is easy to confuse the two notions is indicated by this example. 5. That there is a connection between life and poetry is obvious, and an obvious understatement. 6. That language is not only an instrument for the expression of thought but also for thinking is the thesis of these scholars. 7. Whether or not a social system evolves and survives is dependent on the efficiency and flexibility with which it processes information.

8. Whether the methods have been used since then is not known.

9. Whether or not this synthesis will take place is not known.

10. Whether this series has functional significance is not known.

11. Whether the Emperor Michael knew the Pope’s intention is to be found out. 12. How the plus and minus came into use is a matter of considerable conjecture. 13. How whales endure the tremendous pressure changes involved in dives of several hundred fathoms is not definitely known. 14. How pleasant work can be is shown by a simple fact. 15. Which method is preferred depends entirely on circumstances. 16. Which reaction is best must be decided on the grounds. 17. Why he has not done it is to be found out.

Задание 71. В текстах своей специальной литературы найдите и переведите придаточные предложения, вводимые союзами what, that, whether.

Задание 72. Выделите придаточные сказуемые и переведите их.

1.What matters here is that the problem can be solved by straightedge and compass alone. 2. What is wrong in such stories is that they are idealistic. 3. A serious difficulty will be in that such questions have not yet been considered. 4. The question remains whether this approach is applicable in all cases. 5. The result is that after many modifications a program becomes nearly unintelligible. 6. He was what has come to be known as a sociological critic. 7. The problem is whether the results of the test should be recorded, whether successful or not. 8. Another set of questions of importance is whether automation is likely to increase capital requirements materially. 9. The question remains whether these data are reliable.

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