IV. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке. Затем выполните письменный перевод

¨ We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,


Joan Dumorieur

Personnel Manager

¨ New Publishers, 26 Greenhouse Street, Aberdeen PV31 23 TR

¨ Telephone 9593385749 Fax 9593 75843

¨ 26 May 2014

¨ Dear Mr. Castellos

¨ Mr. G. Castellos, 37 Star Road, Aberdeen VH42 57 GT

¨ Thank you for you letter of application for the post of PR manager. We would like to invite you to attend an interview. We shall be conducting interviews on Monday 30 May and ask you to contact us to arrange a suitable time.

V. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок. Затем выполните письменный перевод.

.I am writing in connection with the above invoice for an MX3 Facsimile machine. We received this machine yesterday. Unfortunately, the power cable is missing. We would be very grateful if you could send us one as soon as possible.

1. Letter of apology

2. CV

3. Contract

4. Letter of complaint

VI. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

(1)___: Purchasing&Sales Supervisor

From: (2) ______

(3)___: Drinks and Beverages Co

Date: 1 Feb

Drinks and Beverages Co recently delivered our (4) _____. Unfortunately, we ordered 75 kilos of tea and 60 kilos of coffee powder and they only sent us the tea.

¨ Manager

¨ Order #378

¨ Subject

¨ To

Вариант № 4

I Подберите определения к словам из левой колонки.

a.performance 1. the amount of money used for doing business

during a period of time

j. shareholder 2. owner of shares

k. remuneration 3. notable action, achievement, results of


l. subsidiary 4. dismissal from the job

m. promotion 5. period spent in a particular job

n. turnover 6. being given a higher position or rank

o. redundancy 7. income

p. market share 8. payment, salary

q. tenure 9. a company more than 50 per cent owned by a

parent company

j. revenue 10. the percentage of sales a company has in a

particular market

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