Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский, сохраняя образность отдельных единиц

1. The stockholders debated the issue for a long time. The passions were brought to a boil.

2. The Chairman's statement was like a bolt from the blue.

3. The opposition have really shot their bolt; they'll never get any more votes than this.

4. They've cut their expenses to the bone.

5. Play by the book, the President of the club used to say.

6. Not everything in Japan looks bleak: they have filled their boots with cheap capital and are now happy.

7. He crowded a lot of adventures into his young life.

8. His mind navigated rather large spaces.

9. He reached the highest points in his career.

10. A bottleneck in supplies may well develop. Something must be done.

11.1 would not like to bow to pressure.

12. Brush off all your concerns and you'll face a new situation.

13. Now (after all his financial adventures) he is on the bubble.

14. It is not easy to make a buck from this situation.

15. He behaves like a bull in a china shop.

16.1 think that the company's position now is afar cry from its position of 2000.

17. In effect, profits on these shareholdings are a cushion against bad debts because they can be turned into cash.

18. Precious metaks will be less exciting. Gold is dead in the water — and likely to stay that way.

19. I've set a deadline for you. Try to stick to it.

Упражнение 2. Ниже даются весьма известные в английском языке фразеологизмы. На основе анализа контекста и с по­мощью фразеологических словарей постарайтесь най­ти подходящий эквивалент по-русски. Обсудите с пре­подавателем ваш вариант.

1. Не tends to exaggerate, so if I were you it's take everything he says with a pinch of salt.

2. I think you'd better phone your mother to tell her you've arrived safely. It will set her mind at rest.

3. It's getting very late. I think we ought to call it a day.

4. He's going to become Prime Minister one day. Mark my words!

5. The owner needed to sell his Jaguar in a hurry, so I got it for a song — only for £1,000!

6. Wfe're off to a conference on Wfednesday, so we're relying on you to hold the fort until we get back.

7. The doctor told me to take it easy.

8. I can't think why they ever got married. They have absolutely nothing in common.

9. If you keep taking digs at me like that, our friendship won't last long.

10. All her life Mary earned her living by the sweat of her brow.

11. He spared no effort to strike up a friendship with his boss.

12. People of every stripe and color took part in the demonstration.

13. He is the guy who stands up for human rights.

14. He was not afraid to speak out in the presence of his boss.

15. He really got into the soup when he had to pay the bills of his mistress.

16. We were snowed under with invitations for the holidays.

17. When cheap computers went on sale, the shoppers snapped up the bargain in a day.

18. How come you don't get it when it is clear as daylighf.

19. 1 was robbed on the street in broad daylight.

20. My boss promised me a salary raise and I was sure he would deliver the goods.

21. I am sure the politician will deliver.

22. "Never say die" — thought Tom when he flunked his exam and decided to go for a second try.

23. The inheritance went partly toward paying up debts, and the difference was split between the sons.

24. "Don't dirty your hands with drug money," he was warned.

25. The noise in the quarry is driving me nuts (— is driving out of my wits).

26. The doctor's arguments drove home the point to George that he had to give up smoking.

27. Don't try to throw dust into my eyes!I know you enough!

First we thought that Peter was joking, but then we realized that he spoke in

28. dead earnest.

29. "Easy does itf said Alex.

30. Mary was eating her heart out at every trifle. As a result, she had a nervous breakdown.

31. Ann promised once to help me out! But when it really came to it, she ate her words.

32. You need a lot of elbow grease to become a good mason.

33. Basically we agreed that just a few loose ends remained to be cleared up.

34. How are things? - Business as usual!

35. Don't try to cheat during your exam. The teacher has eyes in the back of his head.

36. We asked the babysitter to keep an eye on our daughter.



Клише — характерное явление для английского языка. В целом существуют два типа клише: клише, которые уже закрепились в языке, и клише, которые появились сравнительно недав­но и статус которых все еще не очень ясен. Конечно, если клише, например, в английском языке, уже хорошо известны, то их всегда можно найти в словарях, узнать, что они обозначают. Будет легче искать и русское соответствие. Что касается «жизни» нового клише, то она мало предсказуема. Ниже дается таблица отдельных устойчивых клише на англий­ском и русском. Прокомментируйте эти единицы. Отметьте, хорошо ли они вам известны.

Клише на английском Клише на русском
all things considered учитывая все вышесказанное
ample opportunity неограниченная возможность
appear on the scene появиться на сцене
apple of discord яблоко раздора
armed to the teeth вооруженный до зубов
be in the same boat with быть в одной упряжке
bear the brunt of the battle нести основную тяжесть
beat swords into ploughshares перековать мечи на орала
beaten track проторенная дорожка
behind the scenes за кулисами
between two fires меж двух огней
beyond a shadow of a doubt вне малейшего сомнения
bitter irony горькая ирония
bless one's lucky star благодарить свою судьбу
bone of contention предмет спора
breach of contract нарушение контракта
burning question животрепещущий вопрос
call a spade a spade называть вещи своими именами
cast in one's lot with связать свою судьбу
cast pearls before swine метать бисер перед свиньями
cast-iron will железная воля
castles in Spain воздушные замки
child of Nature дитя природы
cut a long story short короче говоря
cut one's coat according to one's cloth мерить на свой аршин
do away with illiteracy ликвидировать неграмотность
dollar shortage нехватка долларов
draw a veil over обойти молчанием
eat humble pie молча проглотить обиду
face the music не пасовать перед трудностями
far-reaching effects далеко идущие последствия
a forlorn hope слабая надежда
freeze to the marrow продрогнуть до костей
frightened out of one's wits напуганный до смерти
go public превращаться из частной компании в публичную
guiding principle руководящий принцип
happy solution удачное решение
heavy damage значительный ущерб
it is all to the good всё к лучшему
objective phenomenon закономерное явление
put (set) the cart before the horse поставить с ног на голову
sport of nature игра природы
tied to someone's apron strings быть под каблуком
wolfish appetite волчий аппетит


Иногда клише отражают определенную тематику. Тогда тоже могут возникать проблемы понимания. Чтобы убедиться в этом, рассмотрим следующие примеры и отметим, в какой степени нам могут помочь существующие и, в частности, недавно из­данные словари, которые включают разговорную лексику и клише.

Весьма удачное перечисление таких лексических единиц да­ется в статье «Наша точка зрения», помещенной в американском журнале «Ти-ви гайд»'.

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