Зразок виконання ДО вправи №1


1.   2. I have (near) finished. I have nearly finished. He died (tragic) in the car crash. He died tragically in the car crash.   Я майже закінчив.   Він трагічно загинув в автокатастрофі.


1.  I (to do) my homework by 6 o’clock tomorrow. I will have done my homework by 6 o’clock tomorrow. 2. They are in the reading-room. They (to work) for already 3 hours. They are in the reading-room. They have been working for already 3 hours. Я виконаю своє домашнє завдання до 6 години завтра. Вони у читальній залі. Вони працюють вже 3 години.


1.   2. The train from London … (arrive) at 4.45. The train from London arrives at 4.45. He … (leave) for Paris in 30 minutes. He is leaving for Paris in 30 minutes.       Поїзд з Лондона прибуває о 4.45.   Він від’їжджає в Париж через 30 хвилин.


1.     2. We’ve just …… in Washington. We’ve just landed in Washington.   If you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a …… If you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a brochure.   Ми щойно приземлились у Вашингтоні.     Якщо Ви бажаєте обрати відпочинок, найкращий спосіб для початку – прочитати брошуру.


1.     Пітер працював у власній туристичній компанії.     Peter ran his own travel company.


Вправа № 1

Доповніть речення правильною формою прислівника чи прикметника, використовуючи слова у дужках. Перекладіть речення.


1. You are quite ……. (good) at playing the piano, aren’t you?

2. Computers are ……. (wide) used in schools nowadays.

3. Think about it ……. (careful) before you make a decision.

4. Please don’t drive so ……. (fast).

5. The egg smells ……. (awful).


Вправа № 2

A. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect. Перекладіть речення.

1. When I called at his house, they told me he (to leave) an hour before.

2. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

3. You (to finish) this work by next Sunday?


B. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous або Future Perfect Continuous. Перекладіть речення.

1. By next Friday I (to work) on this project for two weeks.  

2. They are running now. They (to run) for ten minutes without rest.

3. When we came to Pete’s house last Sunday he (to read) a book for 2 hours already.


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (Future Simple, to be going to do something, Present Continuous, Present Simple). Перекладіть речення.


1. We haven’t got any more coffee. – Haven’t we? Ok, I ……. (ask) someone to buy some more.

2. The art exhibition …… (open) on 3 May and ……. (finish) on 15 July.

3. All the tables are booked so it …… (be) a really busy evening in the restaurant.

4. Smith’s ……. (open) a new branch in this street in July.

5. The Prime Minister ……. (fly) to America tomorrow.

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Identify, campaign, marketing, advertise, promotional, improve, innovative

1. You should ……………………….. your customers’ needs.

2. ……………………….. your product on TV or the Internet.

3. ………………………….. your product through evaluation.

4. We launched a new ………………………………… in July.

5. We used different ………………………………. techniques.

6. That bridge is an ……………………… piece of engineering.

7. Promotion is part of the ………………………………. mix.

Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Стюардеси розносять їжу та напої та слідкують, щоб всі закріпили ремені безпеки.

2. Конференція – велика офіційна зустріч, яка часто триває декілька днів. На неї запрошують представників організації чи компанії з метою обговорення питань, пов’язаних з роботою.

3. Службовці за стійкою реєстрації перевіряють паспорти та багаж пасажирів, роздають посадочні талони та показують, до яких воріт слід іти.

4. Туристи поступово відмовляються від традиційних пляжних комплексних турів. Вони обирають коротші, але більш різноманітні типи відпочинку.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:

research tourism – дослідницький туризм picturesque – мальовничий mammals – ссавці extinct species – вимерлі види evidence – докази gravity – тяжіння to consider – розглядати various – різноманітний to attend – відвідувати

1. Some people think that research tourism is connected with conferences of scientists who meet to discuss developments in their field and enjoy spending time in a comfortable place in picturesque surroundings. Other people connect research tourism with expeditions to certain parts of the world to study nature: the living things or plants. These may be birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, flowers, or trees. The aim is to identify almost extinct species or relics of old periods. Research tourists want to find out what the rare species look like, where they live and how they behave.

2. Other research tourists are interested in finding evidence of earth’s changes caused by water, wind, weather, plants, animals and gravity. They study how people change the face of the earth, the climate, the atmosphere and then use the data for weather forecasts, e.g. about warming of the atmosphere, changes in climate etc.

3. In this case polar and Antarctic expeditions can be considered as a sort of research tourism. Researchers also travel to various areas to better observe sun or moon eclipses, to observe meteors, meteors showers or to examine a fallen meteorite area, or the crater of a volcano.

4. To do research working in the world of water people tour oceans, seas, lakes and rivers on a ferry, barge, commercial vessels, fishing boats, dive boats. Voyages are made by oceanographers, hydrologists, immunologists (who study fresh water in ponds and lakes), biologists (who study the water inhabitants).

5. Ethnographers tour countries and national areas to study the culture, art, crafts, traditions and customs of the ethnic groups living there. They try to attend national religious ceremonies, see their national clothes, taste their national food and drinks. Other ethnologists tour areas to collect old object of folk art as well as folk tales, poems and songs. Research tourism is a term close to exploration tourism and research tourists may be called explorers.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.


1. What do research tourists want to find out?

2. What is research tourism connected with?

3. What do ethnographers study?

4. What term is the notion “research tourism” close to?



Вправа № 1

Доповніть речення правильною формою прислівника чи прикметника, використовуючи слова у дужках. Перекладіть речення.


1. I like my bedroom because it’s so ……. (cosy).

2. The sales went up ……. (dramatic).

3. The ability to think ……. (logical) is an important skill.

4. You’d better work ……. (hard) if you want to keep your job.

5. …… (Unfortunate), I can’t help you.


Вправа № 2

A. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect. Перекладіть речення.

1. I promise I (to write) my composition by Monday.

2. When I came to the station, I didn’t find my friend as it was 5 minutes late and the train (to leave).

3. He just (to come) home.

B. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous або Future Perfect Continuous. Перекладіть речення.

1. How long you (to learn) English by the end of this term?

2. He was angry. He (to argue) with his daughter.

3. He is in the garden. He (to play) badminton with his friend since breakfast time.


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (Future Simple, to be going to do something, Present Continuous, Present Simple). Перекладіть речення.


1. Look at those black clouds! It ……. (rain).

2. I’m sure Bill ……. (get) the job.

3. I ……. (not/go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money.

4. Have you finalized arrangements with that tour operator? – Yes, we ……. (sign) a contract with them tomorrow.

5. An excursion ……. (start) at 10 o’clock.


Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Paperless, short-haul, stopover, emissions, carrier code, baggage, budget airline


1. A ……………………….. can break up a long flight.

2. A ……………………………… is a low-cost carrier.

3. A ………………………. flight is less than 1000 km.

4. …………………………… ticketing keeps costs low.

5. Carbon dioxide …………………… pollute the skies.

6. The ……………………………... identifies an airline.

7. ………………… includes checked and hand luggage.


Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Ви хочете сидіти біля вікна чи біля проходу?

2. Більшість людей надає перевагу комплексним турам.

3. Турагенти бронюють тури, замовляють місця в літаку, підтверджують замовлення, продають дорожні чеки та іноземну валюту.

4. Туристичні оператори – люди та компанії, що організовують відпочинок та створюють різні типи турів.

5. Системи комп’ютерного бронювання виникнули у 1950-х роках. Спочатку вони використовувались лише авіалініями.


Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:


an enterprise – підприємство a purpose – мета a marina – пристань catering services – послуги з організації харчування a denominator – знаменник resentment – обурення failings – недоліки irritation – роздратування


1. Tourism is not a single industry, but rather a group of related enterprises that are joined together in the common purpose of providing services for the travelling public. Among them are transportation companies – air, ship, rail and bus; the accommodation companies – hotels, motels, camping grounds and marinas; catering services – restaurants, bars, night clubs and food stores; and the wide variety of stores and entertainment that contributes to the amusement of the tourist.

2. The entire field of tourism pulls a lot of positions together into a single entity – travel agents, tour operators, guides and so on. A majority of the jobs in tourism have one common denominator: contact with the public, including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings.

3. Openly expressed resentment of tourists can cause a decline in business in any resort areas. Anyone who has chosen a career in tourism should enjoy working with people and be tolerant of their failings, especially since the irritations with travel can bring out the worst qualities in some people.

4. In many of the jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is necessary or desirable. People who hold jobs of this kind include travel agency employees, ticket and reservations agents, airline flight personnel, front-desk employees in hotels, tour conductors or guides, waiters, barmen, and so forth.

5. The degree of language skill may vary, from using special terms in catering service to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may also vary according to the location of the job. Greater skill is required in tourist destination areas than in market areas. In the latter, travel personnel usually work with their own nationals. However, there is not always a clear distinction between a destination and a market area. Paris is an excellent case in point, since it both receives and generates large number of tourists.

Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. What common denominator do the jobs in tourism have?

2. What can openly expressed resentment of tourists cause?

3. What should anyone who has chosen a career in tourism enjoy?

4. Why are language skills necessary in tourist destinations?


Вправа № 1

Доповніть речення правильною формою прислівника чи прикметника, використовуючи слова у дужках. Перекладіть речення.


1. It makes me feel … (sad) to think of you living alone.

2. You’re bound to make mistakes if you write so … (careless).

3. Gillian behaved very … (bad) at the party last night.

4. She drives … (careful).

5. She left too … (late) to catch the train.


Вправа № 2

A. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect. Перекладіть речення.

1. The telegram came some minutes after he (to leave).

2. How many pages you (to read) by 5 o’clock tomorrow?

3. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.

B. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous або Future Perfect Continuous. Перекладіть речення.

1. He had a backache. He (to dig) the garden.

2. By the time he arrives in London, John (to drive) for 5 hours.

3. I (to wait) for you since two o’clock.


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (Future Simple, to be going to do something, Present Continuous, Present Simple). Перекладіть речення.


1. I … (meet) her at the station at ten.

2. You’ve bought a lot of paint. You … (redecorate) your kitchen?

3. You … (miss) your train.

4. We’ve run out of milk. I … (go) to the supermarket and … (get) some.

5. … (the flight/leave) at 3.30 or 4.30?

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Contact, rapport, browse, visa, process, consultant, awareness


1. Michaela is a sales ………………………..

2. There are six steps in the sales ………………………..

3. Advers create ……………………….. of new products.

4. You ……………………….. for information on the Internet.

5. Do I need a ……………………….. for Kazakhstan?

6. Please leave your ……………………….. details with me.

7. Establish a good ……………………….. with new clients.

Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Я ненавиджу чекати на багаж. Це займає надто багато часу.

2. Команда літака була дуже ввічливою, стюардеси посміхались та із задоволенням давали відповіді на наші питання.

3. Вам сподобався ваш відпочинок в Ірландії? – Так, ми зупинилися в чудовому готелі, з вікна якого відкривався вражаючий вид на море. Обслуговування номерів було чудовим.

4. Важливо усвідомлювати, як слід себе поводити під час відвідування інших країн.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-4 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:


sanative tourism – лікувальний туризм treatment – лікування free of charge – безкоштовно kite – повітряний змій flotation devices – плавзасоби snorkeling – підводне плавання з трубкою to surface – випливати на поверхню routes – маршрути

1. Sanative tourism is usually understood as visiting resorts, spas, and undergoing medical treatment. But tourism offers also sport activities which serve for sanative purposes and one should include sport into sanative tourism. Sanative tourism is closely connected with sports, because they require training to attain both physical and psychological fitness.

2. Recreation tourism is connected with recreation activities which are planned differently in the city and in the countryside.

3. There are free recreation activities and those that cost money. Recreations that need money are visits to museums, art galleries, theatres. They can be planned for tourists on the discount policy.

4. One may go in for some outdoor sports or games free of charge. For example, you can take to the skies with a kite or a Frisbee in a cafe area for flying objects, organize a roller skating or bicycle (competition or trip); look for parks, grass fields, gardens and watch the wildlife. Look for fishing places with unpolluted water because only in clear water the caught fish will be eatable. Ponds, lakes and rivers may be used for personal flotation devices.

5. Ponds, lakes and rivers can be also used for boating and swimming excursions if there is a special permission for it. There are certain places where people can swim with their snorkels. But tourists should be checked for their snorkeling skills to feel themselves safe. They should be able to choose a mask that sits the face, know how to clear the mask, be able to surface, dive, swim underwater, resurface and clear the snorkel and mask.

6. The most popular recreation activity in the countryside is walking. Walking is a good exercise in personal fitness. For a long walking it is better to take a well-balanced snack. Don’t forget to put on the right brand walking shoes. The walking routes should include picturesque sights, monuments of culture and history. There must be a list of interesting places, nearby picnic and toilet facilities. Collecting mushroom or berries is also a good recreation (poisoning ones should be recognized). Provide yourself with care for sunburn, insect bites, heat exhaustions, heat stroke and blisters before a walking.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. What is sanative tourism?

2. Why is sanative tourism closely connected with sports?

3. What recreation activities require money?

4. What should walking routes include?


Вправа № 1

Доповніть речення правильною формою прислівника чи прикметника, використовуючи слова у дужках. Перекладіть речення.


1. Your perfume smells … (beautiful).

2. I … (true) believe this to be the finest novel ever written.

3. He tries very … (hard) to make her happy.

4. Charles and Camilla have been living together … (happy) for years.

5. Have you seen any good films … (late)?


Вправа № 2


A. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect. Перекладіть речення.

1. They (to book) a tour for us by next week.

2. I (not to see) him before we met at the concert.

3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.

B. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous або Future Perfect Continuous. Перекладіть речення.

1. This man is a writer. He (to write) books since he was a student.

2. He was tired. He (to swim) for hours.

3. By the end of this month I (to live) in London for exactly 3 years.


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму ( Future Simple, to be going to do something, Present Continuous, Present Simple ). Перекладіть речення.


1. I’m sure he … (pass) the test.

2. I … (see) my bank manager this morning.

3. Look what I’ve just bought at an auction! − What an extraordinary thing! Where you … (put) it?

4. The concert this evening … (start) at 7.30.

5. Where you … (go) for your holidays this year? − I … (go) to Holland.

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Health farm, mountain, volcano, white-water, yoga, conservation, cattle ranch


1. We visited a ……………………….. to relax.

2. Meditation and ……………………….. can be very relaxing.

3. You can stay on a working ………………………..

4. We did some ……………………….. work on the coast.

5. We went ……………………….. climbing in Himalayas.

6. ……………………….. rafting is really exciting.

7. There is an active ……………………….. in Costa Rica.

Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Переліт починається, коли пасажир прибуває до аеропорту.

2. Спочатку пасажир реєструється і проходить контроль безпеки, далі він чекає на оголошення рейсу.

3. Коли останній пасажир сідає, двері закриваються і літак повільно рухається злітно-посадочною смугою.

4. Один з найбільш важливих моментів у житті студентів, що навчаються за спеціальністю «Туризм», – відвідування туристичного ярмарку.

5. Цей готель пропонує двомісні та сімейні номери з окремою ванною, кондиціонером, телефоном, балконом.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-2 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:

a hostel – гуртожиток relatively – відносно delightful – чарівний rural area – сільська місцевість self-catering – самообслуговування although – хоча refreshments – закуски to allow – дозволяти benefits – переваги

1. There are many different types of accommodation in the UK from hotels and B&Bs to campsites and apartments, and cheaper accommodation like hostels and campuses.

2. Hostels are great for those on the move. Hostels offer simple accommodation at a budget price, and are ideal whether you’re travelling on your own or as part of a group. Youth hostels are relatively low-cost and traveller-friendly. They’re very popular in large cities, but you can also find many delightful village hostels in rural areas. They generally provide private and shared rooms for individuals, couples or groups. Hostels are usually self-catering, although they sometimes provide hot meals and refreshments. Most hostels allow member and non-member guests, although members and owners of an International Hostelling Card may enjoy more benefits. Whether you’re backpacking all over Britain, or taking a short city break, youth hostels are a great way to travel on a budget and have a fantastic social experience at the same time.

3. Britain is scattered with historic and well-known universities. During holiday periods many open their campus doors offering good value comfortable accommodation for every type of visitor. Britain’s university cities are famous for their historic architecture, spectacular cathedrals, soaring towers and well-mannered locals. There are dozens of Campus locations throughout Britain and wherever you go you’ll find countless interesting places to visit and things to do nearby. You’ll also benefit from the fact that most universities have an excellent range of services including shops, banks, laundries, bars, lounges, TV rooms and sports facilities. These are designed for students, so will be either on campus, or conveniently located in the surrounding area. There’s a choice of bed and breakfast, half-board or self-catering accommodation available.

Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. What types of accommodation are there in the UK?

2. What do hostels offer?

3. Where can you find youth hostels?

4. What services do universities offer?


Вправа № 1

Доповніть речення правильною формою прислівника чи прикметника, використовуючи слова у дужках. Перекладіть речення.


1. That chicken tastes … (delicious).

2. The scientist was … (deep) respected.

3. I haven’t seen him … (late).

4. She smiled … (happy) at him.

5. I was not … (whole) convinced by her reasoning.


Вправа № 2

A. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect. Перекладіть речення.

1. I (to finish) reading this book by the time you come to visit me tomorrow.

2. He told me he (to learn) that from the newspaper.

3. The wind (to blow) the man’s hat and he can’t catch it.

B. Розкрийте дужки, поставивши дієслово в Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous або Future Perfect Continuous. Перекладіть речення.

1. What you (to do) here since morning?

2. By the end of this year she (to work) here for two years.

3. He (to wait) for an hour before the bus came.


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (Future Simple, to be going to do something, Present Continuous, Present Simple). Перекладіть речення.


1. He … (play) tennis on Monday morning.

2. Why’s he putting the camera on a tripod? − He … (take) a group photo.

3. What time … (the next train/leave)?

4. We’d better leave a message for Jack. Otherwise he … (not know) where we’ve gone.

5. He … (start) a new job on Friday.

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Flow, temperate, countryside, landscape, remote, cathedral, inbound


1. The climate in the UK is ………………………..

2. The ……………………….. is varied and unspoilt.

3. I prefer holidays in the city not the ………………………..

4. There is a Gothic ……………………….. in Palma.

5. She stayed in a ……………………….. cottage in Scotland.

6. France has a lot of ……………………….. tourism.

7. We’ll look at the tourist ………………………..

Вправа № 5


Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Джейн не любить літати тому, що часто їй доводилось стояти у довгих чергах під час реєстрації або декілька годин чекати на власний багаж.

2. Існують перельоти на довгу відстань та на коротку відстань.

3. Кенія пропонує чудові пляжі, сафарі, походи, корти для гольфу, альпінізм.

4. Цей тризірковий готель розташований у п’яти хвилинах їзди від міжнародного аеропорту.

5. З допомогою систем комп’ютерного бронювання консультанти з продажу мали змогу отримати доступ до інформації про наявність перельотів, які пропонувались різними компаніями.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-2 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:

  occasional – випадковий, незапланований secluded – усамітнений caravan – фургон, будинок на колесах a pitch – місце для палатки   drainage – каналізація a TV aerial – телевізійна антена self-catering – самообслуговування a huge variety – велика різноманітність

     1. Camping was born in Britain and, despite the occasional rain-shower, is enjoyed by millions every year. You’ll find a huge variety of sites in Britain, from secluded forest locations to purpose-built parks. Whatever your preference, if you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you’ve got a fantastic choice. Holiday, Touring & Camping parks are excellent for families, and offer great value for money in a friendly environment. Some parks have caravans or chalets for hire, which are often very spacious, accommodating between two to eight guests.

2. You can also expect all the modern conveniences such as a shower, kitchen and television. It’s best to bring your own tent if you want to camp, as very few sites have tents for hire. Pitches start from around £5 depending on the facilities and location. Caravans and motor-homes are welcome at all touring parks, which often have connections to water, drainage, electricity and perhaps a TV aerial.

3. If you are looking for a place to live rather than just a place to sleep, self-catering accommodation is ideal. This type of accommodation is great value, especially for longer stays and for families. Many properties have gardens, children’s play equipment, books and televisions and of course cooking equipment so you can eat in whenever you like. If you stay on a farm, there may also be fun activities to do like horse riding, fishing or watching the farmer milk the cows.

4. Generally, all self-catering properties are supplied with household equipment such as cutlery and crockery, although very often you’ll be charged extra for linen or towels as well as for gas and electricity. Serviced apartments offer the comfort, privacy and flexibility of a self-catering property, together with the added benefits of many hotel-type services − such as maid service, internet access points, room service and concierge/reception.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.


1. Where was camping born?

2. What modern conveniences are offered by camping parks?

3. What activities are offered by farms?

4. What is offered by serviced apartments?


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