Зразок виконання ДО вправи №1

1. 2. She said. "I'll do it later." "I've finished all my work," she said. She said (that) she would do it later. She said (that) she had finished all her work.  


1.     2. Susan supervises six girls in the reception area. (Who, Where)   We normally hold our tourism conference in Portugal. (What, Where) Who supervises six girls in the reception area? Where does Susan supervise six girls? What do we normally hold in Portugal? Where do we normally hold our tourism conference?  


1.     2. She's too tired … (concentrate) on her work today. She's too tired to concentrate on her work today.   He ran all the way home without … (stop). He ran all the way home without stopping.       Вона занадто втомлена, щоб зосередитися на своїй роботі сьогодні.     Він біг всю дорогу додому не зупиняючись.


1.     2. I booked my holiday through an … I booked my holiday through an agency. We often have to … this problem. We often have to deal with this problem.   Я забронював свою відпустку через агентство.   Нам часто доводиться мати справу з цією проблемою.


1.     Тур починається в старовинному місті Тріполі – столиці Лівії.     The tour begins in the ancient city of Tripoli, the capital of Libya.  


Вправа № 1

Переформулюйте речення з прямої у непряму мову.


1. He said, "I'll lend you my car."

2. He asked, "Where did he stay?"

3. "Have you found the book?" she asked me.

4. He said to me, "Come with me."

5.       "You must try my home-made pie," he said.


Вправа № 2

Поставте запитання, використовуючи слова у дужках.


1. He decides on prices and discounts because he is a tourism manager. (Who, Why)

2. They are putting a new tour together. (Who, What)

3. He is an experienced tour operator. (Who, What kind of)

Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (the -ing form or the infinitive with or without "to"). Перекладіть речення. 


1. The accused denied … (do) anything wrong.

2. She says she would love … (come) to dinner with us tonight.

3. When he had written his first book he went on … (write) seven more.

4. I've been trying … (start) this car for hours.

5. I heard the phone … (ring) twice and then stop.

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

Erected, parade, monument, period costume, audio-tour, dome, depicts

1. The … passes through the city centre.

2. This is a … to a famous writer.

3. I can see the … of the cathedral.

4. Visitors can go on an … of the castle.

5. The guide’s dressed in ….

6.  The statue was … in 1905.

7. The painting … a famous battle.


Вправа № 5


Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.


1. Міжнародний аеропорт Кейптаун знаходиться на відстані 22 кілометрів від центра міста.

2. Туристичний інформаційний центр в Копенгагені надає інформацію, яка не міститься в туристичних путівниках чи агенціях.

3. У В’єтнамі є багато торгових сіл, де Ви можете купити чудові вироби з чорного бамбуку та глини.

4. Тріумфальна Арка була збудована на початку 19 сторіччя, щоб вшанувати французьку армію Наполеона.

5. Деякі туристи цікавляться місцевою їжею, вони шукають страви, що притаманні для різних місцевостей.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.

Пояснення до тексту:

to snatch – хапати to notice – помічати to relieve – звільняти   immense – величезний respectable – поважний conventional – традиційний to purchase – купувати obviously – очевидно mysteriously – загадково, на диво encouraging – заохочувальний

1. Many travelers love to spend their time in duty free stores as they wait for their flights. Many tourists may often snatch up everything that they can see thinking that they save a lot of money anyway. However, it may not always be so.

2. The world’s first-ever duty free shop opened at Shannon Airport in Ireland in 1947. The store still works today. Airport employees noticed that passengers of transit flights, who change planes on the way from Europe to the USA, were spending a lot of time at the airport, although they were not making an official entry to the country. The waiting room of the airport was legally a neutral territory, which did not belong to any country.

3. Ireland’s Ministry for Finance allowed opening a store behind the passport control line. The prices there were lower because the goods had been relieved of taxes and customs fees since the goods did not cross the customs border of the state where they were sold. The simple and yet brilliant idea gained immense popularity all over the world soon afterwards.

4. Duty free shops can be found in any more or less respectable airport. One may visit such stores only after they have their plane tickets registered. Duty free stores, especially in large airports, sell any kinds of goods: from pens to fur coats. However, duty free shopping may not always be favorable.

5. Alcohol and tobacco products are the two most popular categories of goods sold at duty free stores. Perfumes and cosmetic products come third. These three types of goods have the highest taxes in conventional stores. Therefore, they are a lot cheaper in duty free stores. Purchasing all other goods may not be that favorable though.

6. As for the quality of duty free stores, the international airport of Dubai is obviously the leader at this point. The duty free shop there is huge – it is a paradise for shoppers. Dubai’s duty free megamall sells practically everything, even luxury cars. The prices are rather encouraging too: some goods are sold 50 percent cheaper than in the city. Prices on Swiss watches, for example, are mysteriously 20 percent cheaper than in Switzerland’s duty free shops.

Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. Where and when was the world’s first-ever duty free shop opened?

2. How did the idea of a duty free shop appear?

3. Who may visit duty free shops?

4. What are the most popular categories of goods sold at duty free shops?

5. What is special about Dubai’s duty free shop?


Вправа № 1

Переформулюйте речення з прямої у непряму мову.

1. "He likes walking," she said.

2. "Where have you been?" Gary asked his wife.

3. He asked, "Did you have a nice time?"

4. He said to me, "Don't lie to me."

5. "Can I go home now?" he asked.

Вправа № 2

Поставте запитання, використовуючи слова у дужках.


1. They are our new suppliers. (Who, What)

2. This tour operator paid us a 10 per cent commission. (Who, What)

3. Our tour operators develop new tours every season. (What, How often)

Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (the -ing form or the infinitive with or without "to"). Перекладіть речення. 


1. Paul pretended … (win) a lot of money but in fact he had won nothing at all.

2. She must … (work) outdoors when we rang. She didn't answer the phone.

3. I regret … (tell) you that you have failed the test.

4. I don't remember … (see) this film before.

5. Tim saw Jill … (stand) outside the butcher's as he was driving to work.

Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

Gratuity, first aid kid, pax, hazards, commentary, comfort break, Must Tells

1. There’s a … for you to listen.

2. Extra money or tips are called ….

3. Important stories or info are “…”.

4. There is a … in case someone is hurt.

5. Te coach will stop soon for a ….

6. The guide warned the group about ….

7. A technical term for “passengers” is ….


Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. В Лівії ми відкрили для себе Аполлонію – дивовижний старовинний порт, який знаходиться під водою.

2. Минулого року вони здійснили незабутню подорож до Галапагоських островів.

3. Джейсон здійснює перевірку розміщення та безпеки туристів, він відповідає на запити туристів, допомагає їм вирішити проблеми, пов’язані з проживанням в готелі.

4. Інформаційний центр скеровує відвідувачів до цікавих місць та місцевих пам’яток.

5. Прийом їжі в турецькому ресторані проходить повільно та може тривати декілька годин.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.

Пояснення до тексту:

acquisition – придбання shipping – транспортування to launch – запускати steamship – пароплав eventually – в кінці кінців   profitable – вигідний china – фарфор thriving – що активно розвивається deem – вважати subsidiary company – дочірня компанія

1. Completed six years ahead of schedule on November 7, 1885, the Canadian Pacific Railway was founded in 1881 with the purpose of connecting Canada's largest eastern cities with its unpopulated western regions. The last spike, which was driven by Donald A. Smith in Craigellachie, British Columbia, made way for the train's first journey from Montreal to Port Moody the following June.

2. The Canadian Pacific Railway was the second company in North America to offer passenger service after the Pullman Company in Chicago, Illinois. With the acquisition of the Dominion Express Company, the Canadian Pacific Railroad doubled as an express shipping business.

3. In addition to its transcontinental railroad service, the CPR began launching steamships on the Great Lakes in 1883, a fleet of chartered ships on the Pacific in 1886 and eventually the Pacific fleet in 1891. Paddle wheelers were launched in British Columbia's interior in 1893, the coast of British Columbia in 1901 and the Atlantic Ocean in 1903.

4. Excited by the new Canadian Rockies national park system, the Canadian Pacific Railroad became interested in the hotel and tourist industry as well. As more and more business ventures became profitable, the Canadian Pacific Railroad even began manufacturing goods such as china and bottled water, and providing services such as waste management, forestry and radio broadcasts. In 1942, the Canadian Pacific Railroad entered the thriving airplane industry with a purchase of 10 plane companies.

5. During World War II, the Canadian Pacific Railroad was put to use to aid in the war effort. The second largest company in Canada by 1986, the Canadian Pacific Railroad, which by then had been deemed the "Canadian Pacific," included the subsidiary companies PanCanadian Energy, Fording Coal, CP Hotels and CP Ships.

6. As of May, 2010, the Canadian Pacific is its own entity, with its previous five subsidiary companies taking on individual corporation titles in 2001. A public company traded on the Toronto and New York stock exchange, the Canadian Pacific now encompasses 14,000 miles of rails from Vancouver to Montreal in Canada and the United States' Chicago, Newark, Philadelphia, Washington, New York City and Buffalo.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.


1. What was the purpose of the Canadian Pacific Railway foundation?

2. What happened in 1883?

3. What goods did the Canadian Pacific Railroad manufacture and what services did it provide before World War II?

4. What was the role of the company during World War II?

5. What is the market position of the company now?



Вправа № 1

Переформулюйте речення з прямої у непряму мову.

1. "He left an hour ago," she said.

2. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked him.

3. "Has Jack given you his telephone number?" she asked me.

4. "Don't play with matches," his mother said.

5. "May I call you by your first name?" he asked her.

Вправа № 2

Поставте запитання, використовуючи слова у дужках.


1. The booking agent handled bookings over the phone. (Who, How)

2. The tourism manager is selecting new employees. (Who, What)

3. Travel agents always provide a travel insurance with the tour package. (Who, What kind of)

Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (the -ing form or the infinitive with or without "to"). Перекладіть речення. 


1. We'd better not bother her − she seems... (study).

2. He must … (practice) that piece for hours – he plays it very well now.

3. She forgot … (invite) her best friend to the party.

4. The baby didn't stop …. (cry) all night.

5. Jane stopped to watch the river … (flow) down the mountainside.


Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

pedal boats, couples, public relations, retired people, fitness centre, badge, scuba diving

1. Staff should always wear a name ….

2. Hotel entertainers need good … skills.

3. See you in the … for a quick work-out!

4. The hotel offers lessons in ….

5. Guests can hire … at the beach.

6. This hotel is perfect for young ….

7. Our guests are … − usually over 60.


Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Страва, з якою туристи асоціюють Британію, – це риба та смажена картопля.

2. Ресторан на башті CN в Торонто – один з найбільш популярних ресторанів у цьому місті, що пропонує прекрасну їжу і чудові краєвиди.

3. Одна зірка означає, що готель «прийнятний»: він задовольняє основні потреби відвідувачів, є чистим та зручним.

4. Деякі музеї були перетворені у «живі музеї», де актори в костюмах зустрічають відвідувачів і виконують роль героїв з минулого.

5. Шпиль – висока загострена башта на верхівці церкви.


Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.

Пояснення до тексту:

captive – взятий в полон habitat – ареал, місце проживання customized – зроблений на замовлення overland – сухопутній big game – велика дичина   pith helmet – тропічний шолом (зроблений з серцевини пальми) slouch hat – шляпа з м’якого фетру з широкими опущеними полями to attribute – приписувати in reference to – стосовно whale – кит

1. Wildlife tourism can be an eco and animal friendly tourism in both captive and wild environments. It has experienced a dramatic and rapid growth in recent years worldwide. Wildlife tourism, in its simplest sense, is watching wild animals in their natural habitat.

2. Wildlife tourism is also a multi-million dollar industry offering customized tour packages and safaris.

3. A safari is an overland journey. It usually refers to a trip by tourists to Africa, traditionally for a big-game hunt; today the term often refers to a trip taken not for the purposes of hunting, but to observe and photograph big game and other wildlife. There is a certain theme or style associated with the word, which includes khaki clothing, belted bush jackets, pith helmets or slouch hats, and animal skins — like leopard's skin.

4. Entering the English language in the late 19-th century, the word safari means "long journey" in Swahili originally from the Arabic ‘safra’ meaning a journey. The verb for "to travel" in Swahili is "kusafiri", the noun for the journey is "safari". These words are used for any type of journey, e.g. by bus from Nairobi to Mombasa. The person generally attributed to having used the word in English is Sir Richard Francis Burton, the famous explorer.

5. Although the word safari came to popular usage in reference to hunting and touring expeditions in East Africa, it is now also used to mean watching and photographing wildlife in all parts of Africa. The term has also spread to cover other adventurous journeys and expeditions, including whale watching safaris, Arctic safaris, Amazon safaris, eco-safari, etc.

6. The most well known safari areas in Africa include The Masai Mara and Serengeti in East Africa, Kruger National Park in South Africa, Etosha in Namibia, and The Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana.

Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. What is wildlife tourism?

2. What does a term ‘safari’ traditionally refer to?

3. Where does the word ‘safari’ generate from?

4. When is the term ‘safari’ used now?

5. What are the most well known safari areas in Africa?



Вправа № 1

Переформулюйте речення з прямої у непряму мову.


1. "Tom is leaving tomorrow," she said.

2. He asked me, "Where has he gone?"

3. The man asked, "Are there any more books here?"

4. "Go to bed!" Father said to the children.

5. "She must try harder if she wants to succeed," he said.


Вправа № 2

Поставте запитання, використовуючи слова у дужках.


1. You advertise your tour packages in mass media every month. (Where, When)

2. The guide is conducting a tour of the museum. (Who, What)

3. The animator entertains passengers on a cruise ship. (Whom, Where)

Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (the -ing form or the infinitive with or without "to"). Перекладіть речення. 


1. He seemed … (swim). He was all wet.

2. You should … (study) now instead of watching TV.

3. I'll never forget … (see) snow for the first time.

4. On the way home he stopped … (buy) some chocolate.

5. Listen to the wind … (blow) through the trees.


Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.



Access, hearing aid, renovated, niche, ramps, discriminate, wheelchair



1. He can’t walk, so he uses a ….

2. I’ve had a … for about ten years.

3. There are … at all the entrances.

4. The elevator allows … to the top floor.

5. It’s a … market with little competition.

6. The temple has been recently ….

7. It’s illegal to … against disabled people.


Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.


1. У В’єтнамі Ви матимете можливість спостерігати за обробкою рису та приготуванням традиційних страв.

2. Мешканці села радіють, коли туристи фотографують процес виготовлення вина, дегустують та купляють його.

3. О 12 годині відбудеться екскурсія на човні зі скляним дном, що дасть можливість спостерігати за морським життям.

4. Фасад – найбільш помітна частина будівлі.

5. Готель «Гранд» у Лас Вегасі надає туристам можливість спостерігати за левами у їх природному середовищі, годувати та гратися з ними.

Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:

steep – різкий, крутий rural – сільський hub – вузол, центр rescue – рятувальний to enable – давати можливість   county – графство, округа hangar – ангар storage – зберігання on-demand – за вимогою to comply with – підкорюватися

1. Southern Colorado is home to ski resorts, steep mountains, vast wilderness, ranches and wide open spaces. Airports provide service for visitors coming to enjoy Colorado's tourist destinations, residents traveling around and out of state, special districts and utility companies, and private aircraft owners who enjoy Colorado's rural lifestyle. Much of southern Colorado is rural, and airports serve as transportation hubs for the public, emergency and rescue operations, military operations and training, flight training and special events.

2. Colorado Springs is the only large commercial airport in southern Colorado. Seventy miles south of Denver and six miles south of downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Airport (COS) provides nonstop service to 11 U.S. cities across the country.

3. Regional airports connect smaller cities and rural towns with major cities such as Denver, Colorado and Phoenix, Arizona. Southern Colorado's regional airports accommodate smaller commercial aircraft, enabling residents to connect to larger centers.

4. Counties across southern Colorado have airports for private plane owners and their clients. These airports are publicly owned by the county or municipality, and are open to the public. Commercial airline service is not available. The municipality, county or a private fixed base operator manages the airport, providing public information, aircraft and airport maintenance, hangars and storage facilities. Some offer flight training and special public events such as airplane fly-ins or long-distance races. Lamar Municipal Airport (LAA) has an on-demand shuttle service to Denver.

5. Ranch owners, utility companies, hospitals and other private landowners own small airports for their own use. These airports do not provide commercial service and are not open to the public. They must comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulations. In 2011, there were more than 130 private airports in southern Colorado, most of them in rural areas.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.


1. Who do Colorado airports provide service for?

2. What types of airports are there in Colorado?

3. What is Colorado Springs?

4. What airports do counties across southern Colorado have?

5. What is special about the airports that ranch owners, utility companies, hospitals and other private landowners own?



Вправа № 1

Переформулюйте речення з прямої у непряму мову.

1. "He is watching TV," she said.

2. He asked me, "How old is he?"

3. He asked, “Have they sold the picture?”

4. “Explain to me how to solve this problem,” said my friend to me.

5. She asked, "How shall I do this?"


Вправа № 2

Поставте запитання, використовуючи слова у дужках.


1. Next month our boss is going to the capital to meet the Minister of Tourism. (Who, Where)

2. We want a room which overlooks the garden, not the park. (Who, What kind of)

3. Mr Duval owned 60 % of the shares in the group and managed one of the largest hotels. (How many, What)


Вправа № 3

Розкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму (the -ing form or the infinitive with or without "to"). Перекладіть речення. 


1. I should … (give) him some money before I went out, but I forgot.

2. The two men appeared … (try) to break into the building when the police arrived.

3. The baby didn't stop …. (cry) all night.

4. I'm sorry … (tell) you your car has been stolen.

5. The witness saw the burglar… (break into) the house and steal the television.


Вправа № 4

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами, поданими в рамці. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


Presentation, product launch, projector, delegates, capacity, flip chart, break-out room   


1. She gave a great … about a new site.

2. Can you switch on the digital … for me?

3. Each group wrote their ideas in a ….

4. There were 2,000 … at the conference.

5. I was invited to the … of the new car.

6. There is a … next to the conference hall.

7. The room has a … of 150.

Вправа № 5

Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Дитячий аніматор повинен усвідомити, що з батьками дуже легко працювати.

2. Одне з сіл у В’єтнамі має 400-річну історію торгівлі, воно відоме завдяки традиційній шовковій тканині.

3. Природні пам’ятки, такі як піщані пляжі та гори, не можуть дуже змінитися, але все ж відбулися зміни, пов’язані зі збереженням навколишнього середовища.

4. Робота туристичного гіда передбачає дослідження пам'яток, читання, збір інформації, створення та проведення турів.

5. Турецька кухня смачна, багата та різноманітна. Там ніколи не використовуються консервовані чи заморожені інгредієнти.


Вправа № 6

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-2 абзаци тексту.


Пояснення до тексту:

to seek – прагнути intact – незайманий accessible – доступний to straddle – охоплювати з обох сторін bungee-jumping – стрибок з мотузкою з моста white-water rafting – спуск по річках BASE jumping – стрибок з парашутом з нерухомого об’єкта spelunking – дослідження печер to incite – стимулювати, спонукати trek – подорож to ameliorate – поліпшувати upheaval – переворот


     1. Although adventure tourism means different things to many people, it is generally defined as a type of tourism that engages a person in physical, natural or cultural excursions that bring the individual outside his comfort zone, generally through an established tour company. This broad idea is broken into two major subcategories of adventure tourism: hard adventure and soft adventure. Hard adventure tourism generally involves an element of physical danger or risk, whereas soft adventure tourism simply seeks to explore areas that are not typical for travelers, such as visiting relatively undeveloped destinations.

2. Generally considered to fall under the category of soft adventure tourism, ecotourism is a form of travel whereby the adventurer explores undeveloped, natural and culturally sensitive areas with a desire to experience it while leaving it intact and unchanged. Although ecotourism is more of a travel philosophy than a destination-oriented undertaking, some popular destinations for ecotourism include the Amazon rainforest, Arctic polar bear viewing, the Costa Rican rainforest and barrier reefs.

3. Accessible tourism straddles the line between hard and soft adventure tourism, providing excursions for the mobility-challenged that can take the form of cultural exploration and extreme activities such as bungee-jumping or white-water rafting.

4. Thrill tourism is the best known type of hard adventure tourism. Bungee jumping, white-water rafting, mountaineering, parasailing, BASE jumping, rock climbing and spelunking are all popular forms of thrill tourism, but anything that incites an adrenaline rush and a sense of danger applies. This type of adventure tourism is generally done through an established company that provides appropriate safety and training measures, since most thrill tourism activities can be extremely risky.

5. Ethno tourism is a form of soft tourism that brings participants into contact with cultures and diverse people around the globe. Often involving long treks into undeveloped areas, ethno tourism does involve a certain amount of risk, but reputable ethno tourism companies take these considerations into account to ameliorate risk factors such as exposure to disease, social or political upheaval, food safety issues and physical demands. Another consideration when undertaking ethno tourism is the potential for adverse effects on indigenous populations, such as the possibility of exposing them to illness to which they might have no immunity.


Вправа № 7

Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1. What is  adventure tourism?

2. What are 2 main subcategories of adventure tourism? Give examples of each subcategory.

3. What are popular destinations for ecotourism?

4. What are the forms of thrill tourism?

5. What does ethno tourism involve?


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