Common law and equity

      Common law is_______________. It is used to distinguish judge-made law from made by Parliament. It is also used distinguish that law originating from the English system as exported to other nations and law made along the lines of _________________,called civil or civilian law. It is essential to be careful with terminology, not just with the terms used but also with their context. This classification takes the phrace ______________ yet again and uses it to distinguish the law developed by the ________________(as apposed to legislation) and to pick out the law which dates bask across the centuries to the old common law courts and that which (although developed by the judges) dates bask to the Court of Chancery (the court from which modern Chancery Division was developed). This is a body of law called_________________. It is important to be able_____________ equitable rules and principles. To do this requires some ________________ of the history which gave rise to these two systems or strains of law within the English law taken as a whole.

Mark these statements T(true) of F(false) according to the text


Chess player accused of wounding

     A chess player was remanded on bail after allegedly wounding another competitor with a broken table lamp during a row in a restaurant at Eastbourne, East Sussex where the British chess championships are taking place.

    Conor Bracken, aged 22, of Reading, Berkshire, was charged at Easterboune wish maliciously wounding Philip Hughes, aged 21, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm.

    Bracken has been barred from the Hill-Samuel major open championship, which is running parallel with the British championship at the town's Winter Gardens. Mr. Hughes, who had not played Bracken, was recovering in hospital and was said to be comfortable.

    George Smith, secretary of the chess congress, said: "This incident is to the detriment of the chess congress. We have never had anything like this before".

  1. A chess player was remanded on bail after allegedly kicking another competitor with a broken table leg.
  2. A chess player wounded another competitor during a row in a restaurant.
  3. The British chess championships are taking place in a restaurant.
  4. A chess player was charged with maliciously wounding another competitor with inent to irritate him.
  5. The wounded competitor was recovering in hospital and was said to be comfortable.




Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1 Codification of law   a) бездіяльність
2 Double jeopardy   b) свідома дія
3 Voluntary act   c) злочинний намір
4 Omission   d) кодифікація права
5 Sleepwalking   e) визначення,передбачене законом
6 Mental disorders   f) лунатизм
7 Criminal intent   g) заборона повторного переслідування з однієї і тієї ж справи

  8 Statutory definition                                                                      h) психічні захворювання

Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant


  1. The decision will have a serious ___________ effect for the whole industry.

a) side           b) impact         c) knock-on           d) damage

  1. When someone suffers ______________ they are treaded unfairly due to gender or colour.

a) Assault      b) ambush       c) discrimination   d) derogation

  1. In US legal terms, showing disgraceful disrespect is called _____________ behavior.

a) Contemptuous b)discourteous   c) egregious     d) discounted

  1. A______________ ruling is not the final decision of the court.

a) Partial       b) purposeful     c) preliminary      d) particular

  1. The fear of going to prison _______________ potential criminals from committing crimes.

a) Deters       b) defers           c) incites                d) distracts           



6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

- To jump bail

- Coroner

- To dissent

- Probation officer




Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

 спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання


V variant


Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________



2. Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Matter right, enforcing rights, treaty, disregard the rights, came info force, convention


          The are several which one can try to ensure that the rights of citizens listed in a bill of rights are respected. One of by_______________. The earliest bill of rights was an English statute of 1689. Since in England (now Britain) the legislature is sovereign. It has the legal power to ____________________ listed in the bill, such as the right to free speech in Parliament. But in practice the legislature and government have respected these rights.


        Anither wav of ____________________ is through an international treaty. A state may agree to a ________________ that gives citizens certain rights and sets up a court to judge whether they have been respected by the government of the state, its legislature or its judges. This is what happened with the European Convention Human Rights, which __________________ in 1953. For instance, the European Convention gives a person charged with a crime the right to a fair trial.

Anyone who objects that he has not had a fair trial in, say, Britain can complain to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. If the court thinks that he has not been fairly tried, the state in which the trial has taken place has a duty to put the __________________, if necessary by changing  the law.

Mark these statements T(true) of F(false) according to the text


    The U.S. Justice Department opened an investigation into allegations if bribery in the awarding of the 2002 winter Olympics to Salt Lake City.

    A Justice Department prosecutor met in Salt Lake City with law enforcement officials looking at accusations that members of the bid committee used scholarship and other gifts and favors to buy the votes of International Olympic Committee members. The IOS selects yhe Olympic host cities.

     "We've opened an investigation into allegations of improprieties in connection with the Salt Lake City Olympics bid", a department spokesman said in Washington.

     Until now, the department had said only that it was conducting a preliminary review. But law enforcement officials have now decided they have enough information to broaden the inquiry.


  1. The U.S.A. Justice Department opened an investigation in two allegations of bribery in the awarding of the 2002 Winter Olympics to Atlanta.
  2. The U.S.A. Justice Department opened an investigation in two allegations of smulling.
  3. The U.S.A. Justice Department opened an investigation in two allegations of bribery in the awarding of the 2002 Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City.
  4. A Justice Department barrister met with law enforcement officials.
  5. A Justice Department prosecutor met with barristers.

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