Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1 Codification of law   a) Бездіяльність
2 Double jeopardy   b) свідома дія
3 Voluntary act   c)злочинний намір
4 Omission   d) кодифікація права
5 Sleepwalking   e) визначення, передбачене законом
6 Mental disorders   f) лунатизм
7 Criminal intent   g) заборона повторного переслідування зі тієї ж справи

 8 Statutory definition                                                                     h) психічні захворювання

Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant

1. The ___________ sentences the defendant after the jurors have brought in a guilti verdict.

a) jurist      b) jury          c) foreman        d) judge

2. The legal ptocesses of taking someone to court is called a _______________.

a) lawyer        b) lawsuit      c) jurisdiction   d) litigant

3. The solicitor prepared a______________ for the barrister.

a) brief      b) trap            c) breeze           d) briefcase

4. That is an exception-it is not the____________.

a) normal  b) normality   c) norm             d) nominal

5. When farmers get permission to use someone's land, they are granted a ___________.

a) letting   b) lease           c) license           d) landmark


6.   Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

- Aleatory

- Ipso jure

- Counteroffer

- Action ultra vires


Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання

VI variant


Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________


Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Assault, larceny, scholarly works, crime rates, property crime, violent crime


At the basic level, and______________ in the U.S. are reported under two general categories. One is __________________(against individuals) and the other is_____________. Violent crime includes murder and manslaughter, rape, robbery, and_______________. Property crimes include burglary, ________________ and theft, and motor vehicle theft. There is however enormous variation within the U.S. in crime and crime rates – geographically, economically, and socially.


The are figures, and many studies, which show who in the U.S. is most affected by crime. Such "victim studies" indicate differences by race or ethnic group, sex and age. Again, there are great differences, some extreme. Taking murder and manslaughter as an example, it can be seen that black males are much more likely to be murdered than black females, white males, or white females.

First, actual research has focused on a large number of possible causes. Among the most frequently studied are unemployment, poverty, education level and educational opportunity, drug abuse and drug dealing, racism, ethnic and cultural attitudes, easy availability of weapons, consumerism and the media, ineffective courts and policing, poor prisons, single-parent families and unwed mothers, youth gangs. Each of these possible causes is the subject of serious debate. There are many____________ which try to indentify the causes of crime in America, and to determine what must, could, or can be done.

Mark these statements T(true) of F(false) according to the text

£4m Art Theft

     One of the largest art thefts in America has been resolved, with 14 of the 28 stolen paintings recovered. No arrests have been made, however, because one of the thieves has died and the rest have been jailed for other crimes.


     The woks, thought to be worth as much as $8 million (£ 4.1 million), were stolenin 1988 from Colnaghi in Manhattan, sister to the Bond Street gallery in London. In a night raid, the thieves swung on ropes between two buildings and entered a skylight which did not have an alarm.

     The police said the thieves became frightened when they learned of the haul's real value in newspaper and television reports. They pawned some of the works for $ 50,000 and the country.


  1. The works, thought to be worth as much as $ 4.1 million were stolen in Manhattan/
  2. In a night raid the thieves swung on ropes between two buildings.
  3. A policeman entered a skylight which did not have an alarm-clock.
  4. The police said the thieves became excited when they learned of the real value in newspaper and television reports.
  5. They pawned some of the works and fled the country.

Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1 Tenets of international law   a)  відносини між країнами
2 Mitigation of warfare   b) постійна організація
3 Direct negotiations   c) придушення агресії
4 Customary international law   d) принципи міжнародного права
5 Permanent organization   e) прямі переговори
6 Suppression of acts of aggression   f) особа без громадянства
7 Intercourse among nations   g) звичаєве міжнародне право

  8 Stateless person                                                                          h) пом'якшення прийомів

                                                                                                                    ведення війни

Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant


  1. When you are legally responsible for something, you are said to be_________________.

a) Lawful          b) legal          c) leasehold         d) liable

  1. The robber tried to terrify the shopkeeper by threatening him with a_______________ gun.

a) False              b) forget       c) fraud                d) fake

  1. It looked like my signature on the cheque but it was not – someone had_______________it.

a) Forget            b) cheated     c) framed             d) reproduced

  1. The authorities found that she had given them a________________ name and address

a) Forget            b) false          c) infamous          d) fraud

  1. Working in the accounts department gave her a wonderful opportunity to___________the Company of thousand of pounds.

a) Defraud         b) embarrass  c) embrace           d) embroil



6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

   -Void contract

   - Intoxication

   - Defence of entrapment

   - Warrant


Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання


VII variant


Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________


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