Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1. to preserve independence                        a. судове рішення

2. rule of decision                                       b. встановити прецендент

3. to set a precendent                                  c.проведення судового засідання

4. trial court                                                d. винести вердикт

5. conduct of a court                                   e. розглядати спори

6. to reach a verdict                                    f. зберігати незалежність

7. to adjudicate disputes                             g.суд першої інстанції

8. appellate courts                                       h. апеляційні суди

5.   Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant

  1. A famous name may not be used by anyone else if it has been registered world trademark must not be ____________

a) Hijacked             b) appeared         c) directed             d) infringed


2. The technical name in English law for legal disputes that go to court is_____________

       a) Legal match        b) court scene     c) attack                 d) litigation


3.The factory near my house makes fashion clothing under________________

       a) license                 b) invention        c) claimant             d) citation

  4. A_________________is the owner of business such as a shop or restraint.

        a) private                b) peer                 c) proprietor          d) parson

  5. The contract states the licensee is not allowed to_____________ or change anything

       a) swap                    b) intervene          c) appendix           d) abridge


6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

- Strict liability

- Preponderance of evidence

- Summons

- Deposition


Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова


Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання


                                                                      III variant


Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________




Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Supplementary laws, main principles, scholarly writing, are binding, practicing lawyers, codes, to be comprehensive, private law


  One important theme is the relation between custom, writing and__________________. In civil law system the main branches of the law are embodied in written codes, which try ___________________ and clear. There are codes of criminal law, of criminal procedure, of_______________, of commercial law, and perhaps others.

  The codes are meant to contain the________________may be as important place in civil law system. Scholars explain and comment on the codes, statutes and decisions of courts. Court decision are also important, but are anonymous. Individual judges remain in the back ground.

Common law system has no codes. The decisions of judges of the higher courts _____________, and much of the law is left to the courts to develop. When a court consists of several judges each can express a separate opinion. Scholarly writing has some influence, and its influence is growing, but the opinion of ______________- is more impotent.

Mark these statements T(true) of F(false) according to the text

Employers "fail to support violence victims"

      One in four violent crimes happens to people at their place of work yet frequently employers offer then little help, according to the charity, Victim Support.

     "Violence in the work place can shatter employees' confidence and may destroy their ability to do their job", said Helen Reeves, a director of Victim Support, which helps around 400,000 people a year. "The response of the employed is an important factor in the victim's recovery"

      Recent cases included a cashier who lost all self-confidence after being held at gun-point three times in the building society where she worked. Her employed offered little assistance and she felt she had to resign.

      A security guard seriously assaulted during an armed raid suffered night mares and panic attacks. He became terrified of going to work and took frequent sick leave.

      Victim Support says there is a financial incentive for employers to provide more assistance.

Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1 Welfare of children   a) кримінальний злочин
2 loan   b) особа яка понесла збитки
3 aggrieved person   c) винагорода за зусилля
4 to be infringed   d) торгова марка
5 Criminal offence   e) позика
6 terms   f) добробут дітей
7 trade mark   g) бути порушеним

 8 reward for the efforts                                                                   h) умови

5.   Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant

  1. Th person who brings a complaint in a civil case is called the______________

a) petitioner          b) plaintiff          c) complainer     d) civilian

  1. Someone who shows______________ does not act fairly one party preferentially

a) deception         b) bias                 c)perjury             d) treachery

3._______________damages are designed to deter others from committing the same crime

a) punishment       b) compensation  c) capital            d) punitive

4. A jury will bring in____________of guilty when there is no reasonable doubt.

a) a verdict            b) a decree           c) a decision      d) an edict

5. When someone goes to court in a civil matter, they file a______________

a) suiting               b) pursuance         c) pursuit           d) suit

6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:


- Standing to sue

- Rent-a-judge procedure

- Rain check

- Infliction


Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

спеціальність „Правознавство”


IV variant


Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________



2. Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Common law, equity, grasp, Roman law, judges, to sport, slippery phrace

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