Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1 Mutual assent   a) обов'язки осіб
2 Commitment of individuals   b) забезпечити борг
3 To secure the debt   c) родинні зв’язки
4 To handle disputes   d) взаємна згода
5 Injured party   e) вирішувати спори
6 Ties of kinship   f) той хто має тимчасову відповідальність
7 Debt slavery     g) сторона, яка понесла збитки

 8 Caretaker                                                                                      h) боргове рабство

Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant

  1. After being convicted of a serious, a criminal is___________.

a) Prosecuted        b) imposed       c) imprisoned     d) confiscated

  1. Samples of blood, items of clothing and written documents are all forms of___________.

a) Examples           b) deposition    c) affidavits       d) evidence

  1. Like clothing, money that needs to be ‘cleaned up’ is subject to______________.

a) Soaking              b) laundering    c) pressing          d) rinsing

  1. The detectives operated secretly as gang members-they worked______________.

a) Underground      b) underage      c) undercover      d) underpaid

  1. The police issued____________for their arrest.

a) Warrants             b) guarantees    c) warnings         d) instructions


6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

- To jump bail

- Coroner

- To dissent

- Probation officer



Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

 спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання


XI variant

Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________


2. Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Common law, equity, grasp, Roman law, judges, to sport, slippery phrace


      Common law is_______________. It is used to distinguish judge-made law from made by Parliament. It is also used distinguish that law originating from the English system as exported to other nations and law made along the lines of _________________,called civil or civilian law. It is essential to be careful with terminology, not just with the terms used but also with their context. This classification takes the phrace ______________ yet again and uses it to distinguish the law developed by the ________________(as apposed to legislation) and to pick out the law which dates bask across the centuries to the old common law courts and that which (although developed by the judges) dates bask to the Court of Chancery (the court from which modern Chancery Division was developed). This is a body of law called_________________. It is important to be able_____________ equitable rules and principles. To do this requires some ________________ of the history which gave rise to these two systems or strains of law within the English law taken as a whole.

Mark these statements T(true) of F(false) according to the text

£4m Art Theft

     One of the largest art thefts in America has been resolved, with 14 of the 28 stolen paintings recovered. No arrests have been made, however, because one of the thieves has died and the rest have been jailed for other crimes.


     The woks, thought to be worth as much as $8 million (£ 4.1 million), were stolenin 1988 from Colnaghi in Manhattan, sister to the Bond Street gallery in London. In a night raid, the thieves swung on ropes between two buildings and entered a skylight which did not have an alarm.

     The police said the thieves became frightened when they learned of the haul's real value in newspaper and television reports. They pawned some of the works for $ 50,000 and the country.

Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents

1. unification of law                                                a.  Основні наслідки

2. accumulated wisdom                                           b.  Уніфікація права

3. origin                                                                    c.  Змішані правові системи

4. comprehensive code                                             d.  Всеохоплюючий кодекс

5. strong legal instituons                                           e.  Сильні правові установи

6. family property                        .                      f.   Походження

7. major consequences                                              g.  Накопичена мудрість

8. mixed legal systems                                              h. Сімейна власність

Multtiple choice: Choose the right variant

  1. _______________ is the part to the legal profession having the right of audience in court.

a) Arbitration            b) Accounting   c) Advocacy       d) Assessing

2. The most powerful criminals are sometimes known as the_____________of organized crime.

       a) baronets           b) warlords        c) barons              d) gangs

3. Signing someone else’s name is a____________ act.

       a) Fraudulent       b) fraud              c) defrauded        d) forgery

4. Criminals, gangsters and mobsters are all______________.

       a) villains             b) villagers         c) vassals             d) victims

5. Being famous for something bad is being___________.

       a) know                b) unknown       c) noted                d) notorious          


6. Give written definitions of the following terms as you remember and understand them:

- Aleatory

- Ipso jure

- Counteroffer

  - Action ultra vires


Укладач    __________________ Н.В. Коротка

Розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні кафедр іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

Протокол № _______ від «_____» _________________20_____р

Завідувач кафедри ______________________________ С.П. Корешкова

Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій

Кафедра іноземних мов за професійним спрямуванням

                                  Модульна контрольна робота № 2

З дисципліни «Англійська мова»

Для студентів 5 курсу

 спеціальність „Правознавство”

Денна форма навчання

XII variant

Complete the sentences about yourself

Name, surname­­­_________________________________


2. Use an appropriate word or word-combinations from the box to complete the text

Embrace, lab our safety, remuneration, lab our law, related matters, phenomena


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