Оборудования: компьютер, интерактивная доска

Дата: 12.01.15

Тема: People and society

Класс: 9 “Б”

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудования: компьютер, интерактивная доска.



-расширить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся


-создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения;


-содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;

Ход урока:

Организационный момент:


Hello dear children. I’m glad to see you today. My name’s Vyacheslav and I’ll be your teacher today.

Речевая разминка:

Hello, dear children. I’m happy to see you.

Фонетическая разминка:

Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,

Can you catch that big, fat, rat?

If you catch that bad, fat rat,

You will have some milk fоr that.

We’re practicing here the sound ([æ])

Repeat after me in chorus!

Основная часть:

It’s time to get started. Open your books. Let’s start with the exercise 24 at page 81. Who is eager to start? Read the task please. As you see, here you should read and translate all the sentences and guess the meaning of underlined words. Ready? Ok, who wants to start reading?

(10 minutes for this task)

Now let’s do the exercise 25 at page 82. Here you see the words. As far as I know, you have already learnt all these words. Am I right?

Okay, let’s check how well you know these words.

Listen to me attentively, I’m going to pick any word in Russian or in English, your task is to translate and make up any sentence or expression, using new words.

Let’s begin.

List of words:


Thanks, I see your fantasy is extensive.

Open your books at page 80. Here you see a table.

Let’s find out what the phrasal verb “cut” means.

As you know, if you add a preposition to any verb, the meaning of a word may completely change.

First of all, what does the word “cut” mean?

Who knows? Raise your hand and give me an answer.

UT ACROSS = A. go through rather than around B. Affect different groups or classes A. Let's cut across the school yard, it'll be faster. B. This new law will cut across all social clases from the highest to the lowest. CUT BACK = A. reduce B (on) reduce expenses A. Tom was told to he was smoking too much and he needed to cut back. B. We had to cut back on cleaning supplies as the economy worsened. CUT DOWN = A. (on) consume less B. shoot (as in war) C. lower from a high position D. to fell a tree A. We have to cut back on sugar if we want it to last the week. B. The brigade was cut down as they charged the machine gun stongehold. c. He was cut down to size after he lost his job at the factory. D. They cut down the tree and brought it to their home to be decorated for Christmas. CUT IN = A. begin working B. go recklessly in front of another vehicle C. interrupt D. include someone on a money making deal A. The radio cut in just as the where announcing the end of the war. B. The green Ford cut in front of us as if he owned the road. C. I was speaking with Jill when John cut in. D. We had to cut him in on the deal, otherwise he would have made trouble. CUT IT OUT = stop your current behavior

Let’s do the exercise 3 at page 63.


Let’s do a little recap. What have you learnt today?

Write down your hometask for the next lesson.

Exercise 7 at page 65-66. Don’t forget to give the titles.

The lesson is over. Good bye!

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