Capital Punishment: for and against

The ultimate penalty is death (capital punishment ). It is carried out by hanging (Kenya, for example); electrocution, gassing or lethal injection (U.S.); beheading (Saudi Arabia); or shooting (China). Most countries still have a death penalty, 35 (including almost every European nation) have abolished it. Almost half the countries of the world have ceased to use the death penalty.

Supporters of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for certain serious crimes. It deters others from committing such crimes. Opponents argue that execution is cruel, uncivilized and there is no evidence that it deters people from committing murder. A further argument is that a mistake can be made. In 1987 two academics published a study showing that 23 innocent people had been executed in the United States.

The debate also involves the question of what punishment is for. Is it revenge and retribution? Or is it for reforming criminals?

Task 1. Give the English equivalents for the following

· смертная казнь через повешение

· отменить казнь на электрическом стуле

· лишение свободы сроком на 2 года

· привести приговор в исполнение

· удерживать от совершения кражи

· перевоспитывать преступников

· возмездие за убийство

· месть

· вынести смертный приговор

· отмена смертельных инъекций и обезглавливания

· оправдать невинного

· сохранить смертную казнь только для особо тяжких преступлений

Task 2. Sentences 1–5 below are incomplete. Choose one of the words in brackets, that best completes the sentence.

1. How would you (punish / punishment) somebody for stealing?

2. The support the idea of capital punishment (abolish / abolition) in their country.

3. I don’t believe that the death penalty deters from (commit / committing) violent crimes.

4. The criminal was sentenced to one year’s (imprisonment / imprison)

5. Some countries don’t carry out (executions / execute)


Share your view with your group mates..

Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals, it must not be abolished.

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