Perfect Participle

(having done, having been done)

В функции обстоятельства Perfect Participle (Active)соответствует русскому деепричастию совершенного вида, оканчивающемуся на -в, -я: дав, получив, придя.

Perfect Participle (Passive) соответствует в русском языке вышедшей из употребления форме быв куплен, быв послан. В современном русском языке в этом случае употребляется придаточное предложение.

Adverbial modifier active Having voiced his objection he sat down. Высказав свое возражение, он сел.
passive Having been told to wait, she agreed. Когда ей сказали подождать, она согласилась.

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. When crossing the street, first look to the left and then to the right.

2. Travelling in Africa, he saw a lot of interesting things.

3. Having received the necessary results, they stopped the experiment.

4. Being ill, she couldn’t go to school.

5. Having made up my mind, I told my parents about my plans.

6. Judging by his words he is a true friend.

7. Being offered to stay for some days she accepted the invitation.

8. While being examined, the boy couldn’t help crying.

9. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

10. Having lived in Moscow for many years he knew that city very well.

IV. Replace the italicized adverbial clauses of time and cause by the appropriate form of the participle:

1. When I spoke to her I always tried to make my meaning clear.

2. When he had passed the last examination he began to look round for a job.

3. As I had never seen anything like that before I was eager to see the show.

4. When we were playing chess that evening we kept watching each other.

5. As she had not had any lunch she wanted her tea badly.

6. As she had been walking most of the night she felt tired and sleepy.

7. When she had taken the children to school she could do her shopping.

8. When I take a child to the circus I always know I `m going to enjoy myself.

9. When he has drunk his cup of coffee he folded the newspaper and rose.

10. As she had spent most of her money she reluctantly decided to go home.

V. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда он рассказал все, ему стало легче.

2. Пытаясь привлечь мое внимание, он постучал по столу.

3. Он подписал письмо и отдал его секретарю.

4. Выпив чашку чая, она почувствовала себя лучше.

5. Рассказав сестре, что произошло, я вышел из комнаты.

6. Готовя ужин, он вспомнил, что не купил хлеба.

7. После того, как книгу прочитали, ее отнесли в библиотеку.

8. Когда он перечитал письмо, он нашел его довольно убедительным.

9. Перечитывая письмо, он нашел в нем ошибку.

10. Он открыл книгу и показал мне подчеркнутое место.

Participle II

Attribute She was wearing a knitted cap pulled low over her eyes. На ней была низко надвинутая на лоб вязаная шапочка.
Predicative She was always well dressed. Она была всегда хорошо одета.
Adverbial modifier when it is used with the conjunctions when, while, as if, as though, though, unless, if A good child is not supposed to speak unless spoken to. (condition) Предполагается, что хороший ребенок не вступает в разговор, пока его не спросят. When told to go in he seemed to change his mind and still clutching the briefcase left the room. (time) Когда ему сказали войти, он, кажется, передумал и, все еще крепко прижимая портфель, вышел из комнаты. She continued staring at the screen as if fascinated by her first sight of television. (comparison) Она продолжала пристально смотреть на экран, как будто зачарованная, впервые увидев телевизор. The dress was not hopelessly damaged though badly stained in one or two places. (concession) Платье не было безнадежно испорчено, хотя в одном или двух местах сильно запачкано.

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