Примечания. 2. Bolton, Herbert. The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest

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2. Bolton, Herbert. The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest. New Haven: Yale University Press,1921. P. VIII.

3. Ibid. P. X.

4. Driscol, Barbara A. La Frontera and its people: the early development of Border and Mexican American Studies. Working Paper No. 17. December 1993. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,1993. P.12.

5. Bolton, Herbert. The Spanish Borderlands. P. X.

6. Loomis, Charles P. El Cerrito, New Mexico: A Changing Village //New Mexico Historical Review. 1958. Vol. 33. P. 53-75; Idem. History and Results of the Michigan State University Carnegie Corporation Border Project // Paper presented to Southwestern Sociological Association. March. Dallas,1974.

7. См.: Bolton, Herbert. The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1996.

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13. Sayre, Nathan F. Ranching, Endangered Species, and Urbanization in the Southwest. Tucson: University of Arizona Press,2002.

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16. Halecki, Oscar. Borderlands of Western Civilization: A History of East Central Europe. Simon Publications Inc.,2000.

17. New Views of Borderlands History / Ed. by Robert H. Jackson. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,1998.

18. Driscol, Barbara A. La Frontera and its people: the early development of Border and Mexican American Studies. P.34-37.

19. Концепция межвузовской научно-образовательной программы «Локальная история: компаративные подходы и методы изучения» // Региональный научно-образовательный центр «Новая локальная история» <https://nlh.stavsu.ru/work/koncepcia.asp>

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21. Пестель, Павел. «Русская Правда». М.,1993. С.167.

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23. Rieber J. Alfred. Men of the Borderlands //The American Historical Review. 2001. Vol. 106. No 5. P.1651.

24. Bannon, John F. Bolton and Spanish Borderlands. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. P. 3.

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