VI. Переведите следующие парафразы и определите исходные названия

the Garden State the Lake State the Golden State the City of Seven Hills the Wise Men of the East the Union Jack the Eternal City the Emerald Isle John Doe and Richard Roe the Cotton State one-armed bandit the Good Samaritan Brother Johnathan Simple Simon Scrooge Колыбель трех революций Третий Рим Страна фьордов Город Желтого Дьявола Штат Полярной Звезды Штат Сусликов Штат Сокровищ Страна Большого Неба Столетний Штат Золотой Штат Государство Природы

VII. Восстановите полную форму фразеологических единиц в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Не had been a rolling stone too long to sit down in one place, breed cattle and wait for them to grow. 2) One look showed Swithin his condition. Drank again. This was the last straw. 3) He seized with avidity upon the subject, which had for him all the charm of forbidden fruit. 4) I wouldn't be surprised if he understood Hedda better than anybody does. I think they're birds of a feather. 5) Politicians look on the cliche as a friend in need. 6) Come on, you know where's the proof of the pudding. 7) My uncle was a rich man – in other words, he paid the piper! 8) His father was a happy-go-lucky man, you might call him Jack of all trades.

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