1. Learn the following words:
- disgusting – отвратительный, противный
- to bug smb – хамить
- velocity – торопливость, быстрота
- to reminisce – вспоминать
- a put-up job – подстроенный
- conspicuous – видный, заметный, бросающийся в глаза
- to skirt the issue – уходить от ответа
- to irk – отталкивать
- to give the time of day – дорого обойтись
- debacle – провал
- to punch out – вытолкать взашей
- virtue – добродетель, достоинство
- to bolster – подкреплять
- to violate – грубо нарушать
- awkward – нелепый, неуклюжий, неловкий
- a strong grip – крепкое пожатие
- circumspect – осторожный, предусмотрительный, бдительный
- to stop babbling – прекратить лепетание
- rapprochement – сближение
- verification – подтверждение
2. Translate and dwell on the sentences:
1. “I can’t pass judgment, Ollie. I just think it’s part of it. I mean, I know I love not only you yourself. I love your name. And your numeral.”2. But now he was the odd man out, the foreigner. He couldn’t look at either of us.3. What I had loved so much about Jenny was her ability to see inside me, to understand things I never needed to carve out in words.4. I politely suggested that I was a grown man, that he should no longer correct – or even comment upon – my behavior.5. “Don’t ever let me hear you talk like that,” he said, getting genuinely angry. “A father’s love is to be cherished and respected. It’s rare.”3. Paraphrase the italicized words using the vocabulary list:
1. His style is so visible that it needn’t to be discussed.
2. I always recall our last summer when I’m in low spirits.
3. Stop wearing this ridiculous dress. It doesn’t suit you at all.
4. Our closing in was rather fast. We were just friends three months ago, and in a couple of weeks we’ll get married!
5. I’d be very surprised if he went out late at night. He is always so cautious.
6. Your failure is easy to explain: you didn’t work properly at your grammar.
7. I have never met such a rotten man in my life. He behaves like a beast.
8. Don’t repel me, I’m trying to help you, don’t you see it?
4. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary:
1. Твоя торопливость нередко выходит тебе боком. Иногда лучше не спешить.
2. Он не стал слушать объяснений друга, просто вытолкав его взашей. На этом их общение прекратилось.
3. Эта авария была подстроена кем-то из его недоброжелателей. Вот только кем, он пока не знал.
4. Старайся подкреплять свои слова делом. И тогда люди будут тебе верить.
5. Она предпочла уйти от ответа на этот вопрос, так как не хотела обсуждать свою семейную жизнь.
6. После столь грубого нарушения вами правил гимназии, нам придется вас отчислить.
7. Она почувствовала крепкое рукопожатие в ответ и поняла, что с ним ей нечего бояться.
8. Он искал подтверждение ее словам, но факты были против нее.
9. Против их сближения были все, но это не помешало им стать счастливыми.
10. Ты лепечешь, как маленький. Пора брать на себя ответственность за свои поступки. Ты уже взрослый.
5. Put the sentences in the correct order:
1. “No, baby,” he replied, working up a tiny smile. “I guess you would have to talk.”2. What would satisfy this bastard? The gory details, maybe? Was it scandal he wanted? What?3. Why is it that at this precise moment my eyes hit upon the porcelain statue of the Virgin Mary on a shelf in the Cavilleris’ dining room?4. I had always been lectured about not talking with my mouth full.5. Besides the children playing, there were entire families sitting on their porches with apparently nothing better to do this Sunday afternoon than to watch me park my MG.6. “He said okay. In English, because, as I told you and you don’t seem to want to believe, he doesn’t know a goddamn word of Italian except a few curses.”7. But I’m still not gonna kiss my father’s ass so you can get a Barrett Hall for the Law School."8. I would be up against all those emotional forces the psych books describe.6. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:
1. Jenny, who had come to enjoy the pace at which I drove, complained at one point that I was going thirty in a thirty-five-mile-an-hour zone.2. No, Mr. Cavilleri would say something like, “Barretto, when are you going to marry her?”3. She found the charity in her heart to repeat for the nth time the details of her conversation with my father.4. And all his graduating-Harvard-with-honors daughter could offer by way of reply was: "Father."5. And Phil Cavilleri, a roughhewn (say 6’5” 165-pound) Rhode Island type in his late fifties, held out his hand.6. Jenny lived on a street called Hamilton Avenue, a long line of wooden houses with many children in front of them, and a few scraggly trees.7. I’ll be working over the summer. Then Jenny – that’s my wife – will be teaching in a state school.8. As I turned to leave, I heard Dean Tomlinson mutter, “That’s unfair.”9. At supper (the pastries turned out to be merely a snack) Phil tried to have an unserious talk with me about you-can-guess-what.10. She took my hand (I was a stranger in hell), and led me up the stairs to 165A Hamilton Avenue.7. Answer the following questions:
1. Speak about Olli’s thoughts and emotions before meeting jenny’s father.
2. The meeting with Jenny’s father. What did he mean by calling him “okay”?
3. Should parents criticize children when the latter are grown-ups?
4. Speak about the future wedding ceremony.
5. Speak about the religious point in the lives of Olli, jenny and her father.
6. Speak about Olli’s principle not to make peace with his father to get money.
7. Speak about the difficulties Olli had to face when he quarreled with his father.