XIII. Выделите ключевые фрагменты текста (слова, словосочетания, предложения)

XIV. Выделите ключевые предложения абзацев.

XV. Определите тему текста и сформулируйте его идею.

XVI. Письменно кратко изложите содержание текста на английском языке.

XVII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What types of building materials are used in the warm-humid zones?

2. What is used as traditional building material in hot-dry lands?

3. Why mud bricks are used for buildings?

4. What materials are used throughout the non-temperate zones?

5. Cement is manufactured locally in many places, isn't it?

6. What do you know about concrete?

7. Do you agree that timber deteriorates due to many factors? Give reasons for your answer.

8. Using information you gained from the text comment on climatic conditions in most tropical and subtropical areas.

9. Do you agree that vine, bamboo and palm-fronds have a relatively short life span? Why do you think so?

XVIII. Перескажите текст.

Текст № 10

I. Найдите в словаре русские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений, которые понадобятся вам для работы с текстом, выучите данные слова и выражения: to calculate, daylight, the direct light, the indirect light, ratio, the unobstructed sky, a patch, solid angle, to assume, a protractor, brightness, a correction factor, altitude, to enable, nomogram.

II. С помощью словаря переведите следующие словосочетания и составьте с ними собственные предложения, не прибегая к помощи текста: working plane, internal light, external light, internal surface, the grid point, the reflected light.

III. Прочитайте, устно переведите и предложите свое название текста. Обоснуйте свой выбор:

To calculate the amount of daylight in a room, first calculate the direct light from the sky, and secondly, calculate the indirect light which consists of the reflected light from external surfaces and light received by reflection from the internal surfaces of the room. The total of direct and indirect light gives the total daylight. This is usually expressed as the daylight factor in the room, that is, the ratio of the light in the room to the light of the unobstructed sky.

The direct light from the sky which reaches and given point in a room is determined by how big a patch of sky can be seen from that point, or, more strictly, the projected solid angle subtended by the patch of visible sky at that point. It is also determined by the brightness of the patch of sky. If the brightness of the patch of sky can be assumed to be uniform, the ratio of direct internal light to the external light from the sky is known as the sky component, and it is proportional to this projected solid angle.

Formulae have been worked out to enable the sky component to be calculated. A simpler method of determining the direct light from the sky is by means of sky component protractors which can be laid directly on to the working drawings. The indirect component can be obtained from special graphs called nomograms. 

The sky component consists of two values: the value of the sky component for an infinitely long window and this is multiplied by a value which is a correction factor, because windows are not infinitely long.

First, draw a section of the room perpendicular to the window. Then, mark the working plane and the point under consideration on the section. After this, draw lines from the grid point to the highest and lowest limits at which the sky can be seen from the grid point. Then, place the base of protractor along the working plane and the centre over the grid point, and read off the values. Finally, note the average altitude of the visible sky.

The resulting value is the sky component which would be received at the point from an infinitely long window. A correction must now be made for the limited length on the plan of the window.

To find the correction factor, first draw a plan of the room and then construct on the plan lines from the grid point to the edges of the visible sky. Next, place the correction factor side of the protractor on the plan with its base parallel to the window and its centre over the grid point. Now, using the value of the average altitude, choose the appropriate concentric scale and read off the correction factors for each side of the window. Add these factors to obtain a final correction factor where readings are on opposite sides of the centre zero. Where both readings are on the same side, subtract the smaller from the larger.

The sky component is calculated by multiplying the value for long windows found on the section by the plan correction factor.

IV. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений. На базе текста составьте с ними предложения: рабочий чертеж, внешняя поверхность, отражение, противоположная сторона, количество, вычитать, поправочный коэффициент, рассмотрение, номограмма, умножать, достигать, средняя высота, величина, коэффициент естественной освещенности, концентрическая шкала.

V. Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова и выражения: the window, daylight, sky, to be calculated, factor.

1. It is also determined by the brightness of the patch of …

2. Formulae have been worked out to enable the sky component …

3. The total of direct and indirect light gives the total …

4. Add these factors to obtain a final correction …

5. A correction must now be made for the limited length on the plan of …

VI. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1. nomograms, the inderect component, called, can be obtained, graphs, special, from.

2. it, sky, of, is, the patch, also, of, determined, the brightness, by.

3. values, of, two, the sky component, consists.

4. the window, a correction, of, must, the plan, be made, on, for, the length, limited, now.

5. the larger, where, from, both, the smaller, readings, subtract, are, the same side, on.

VII. a) Выделите ядро из следующего предложения по схеме:


Subject → Predicate → (Object) → (Adverbial Modifier)
подлежащее сказуемое (дополнение) (обстоятельство)

или S-Р1Р2-(О) - (А);

Subject → Predicate1     Predicate2 (Object) → (Adverbial Modifier)
подлежащее изменяемая неизменяемая часть сказуемого (дополнение) (обстоятельство)

б) переведите ядро данного предложения на русский язык;

в) переведите предложение целиком: A correction must now be made for the limited length on the plan of the window.

VIII. Письменно переведите абзац: “The direct light from the sky... solid angle”.

IX. Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими высказыва­ниями. Обоснуйте свое мнение, пользуясь текстом:

1. The direct component can be obtained from special graphs called monograms.

2. Formulae have been worked out to enable the sky component to be calculated.

3. A simpler method of determining the direct light from the sky is by using the formulae.

4. The total of direct and indirect light gives the total daylight.

5. The sky component consists of three values.

X. Найдите в тексте слова, которые соответствуют следующим определениям:

- height, especially above sea-level

- to take a number away from another number

- an angle formed in three dimensions

- sketch, picture, plan, etc.

- that can be seen, that is in sight.

XI. Каждое слово в английском языке имеет несколько значений, которые зависят от контекста и ситуации, в которых оно применяется, также оно может быть как глаголом, так и существительным, поэтому вам предлагаются следующие задания:

- пользуясь англо-русским словарем, изучите статьи о словах “to obtain” и “a point”;

- выпишите сложные слова и производные, приведенные в статьях;

- укажите количество определений, приведенных в статьях;

- выпишите из текста предложения с этими словами и укажите, какое из значений они имеют в данном контексте.

XII. Соедините слова левой колонки с подходящим определением в правой и составьте свои предложения с этими словами:

1. limit 1. the outside of any objects, etc.
2. surface 2. line or point that may not be passed
3. protractor 3. diagram
4. to receive 4. instrument used for measuring and drawing angles
5. graph 5. to get smth.

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