Изменение кратких ответов Yes и No



Вместо кратких ответов yes / по в косвенной речи используется подлежащее и соответствующий вспомогательный глагол:

He said, «Can you swim?» and I said «No.»

           He asked me if I could swim and I couldn't said I.

He said, «Will you have time to do it?» and I said «Yes.»

           He asked me if I would have time to do it and I said I would.




В косвенных вопросах действуют все те правила, которые были приведены выше, т.е. изменяются глаголы по правилам согласования времен, изменяются местоимения и наречия по логическим законам и т.д. Помимо этого, в косвенных вопросах происходят и другие изменения.

При переходе вопроса из прямой речи в косвенную порядок слов в придаточном предложении, передающем вопрос, изменяется на «невопросительный» (подлежащее - сказуемое - второстепенные члены), а вспомогательные глаголы do, does, did пропадают:

He asked, «Do you have any experience?»

           He asked Sylvia if she had any experience.

Он спросил Сильвию, есть ли у нее опыт работы.

She asked, «Does your wife like it here?»

           She asked Howard if his wife liked it there.

Она спросила Хаурда, нравится ли здесь его жене.

He asked, «When did you visit England?»

           Не asked me when I had visited England.

Он спросил меня, когда я ездила в Англию.

They asked, «Why have you decided to change jobs?»

           They asked him why he had decided to change jobs.

Они спросили его, почему он решил поменять работу.

We asked, «Who told you about this trip?»

           We asked her who had told her about that trip.

Мы спросили ее, кто сказал ей про эту поездку.

При переходе в косвенную речь общего вопроса придаточное предложение начинается с союза if / whether «ли». (Союз whether считается более официальным, чем if):

She asked, «Can you drive?»

           She asked me if I could drive.

Она спросила, умею ли я водить машину.

She asked, «Do you know how to fix an elevator?»

           She asked me whether I knew how to fix an elevator.

She asked me whether or not I knew how to fix an elevator.

Она спросила, знаю ли я, как починить лифт.

При переходе в косвенную речь специального вопроса придаточное предложение начинается с вопросительного слова:

She asked, «Where is your office?»

           She asked him where his office was.

Она спросила, где находится его кабинет.

She asked, «How much would you like to pay for it?»

           She asked me how much I wanted to pay for it.

Она спросила, сколько бы я хотела заплатить.

При переходе в косвенную речь вопроса к подлежащему в придаточном предложении сохраняется тот рядок слов, который был в прямой речи:

She asked, «Who got the job?»

           She asked me who had gotten the job.

Она спросила, кто получил эту работу.

She asked, «What happened?»

           She asked what had happened.

Она спросила, что случилось.

Основным передающим глаголом для предложений с косвенным вопросом является ask.



«Встроенным» вопросом Embedded Question мы называем косвенный вопрос, который передает слова самого говорящего, а не другого человека. Подобные предложения употребляются, когда надо вежливо справиться о чем-то, особенно в разговоре с незнакомыми людьми:

Is the tip included?

Can you tell me if the tip is included?

Скажите, пожалуйста, входят ли чаевые в счет.

Why didn't he tip the mechanic?

I wonder why he didn't tip the mechanic.

Интересно, почему он не дал механику чаевые.

Did they deliver our pizza?

Do you know if they delivered our pizza?

Вы не знаете, привезли ли пиццу?

Фразы, которые обычно предваряют «встроенный» вопрос:

 а) Невопросительные фразы (в конце предложения стоит точка):

 I don't know...

I'd like to know...

I can't remember...

Let's ask...

We need to find out...

I wonder...

I'm not sure...

It doesn't say...

I can't imagine...

б) Вопросительные фразы (в конце предложения стоит знак вопроса):

Do you know...?

Can you tell me...?

Does anybody know...?

Do you remember...?

Could you explain...?

Do you have any.idea...?

Will you tell me...?




I. Task: choose the right variant of the Direct Speech. (Выберите правильный вариант прямой речи)           .

1. Nick said that he had been very successful learning to drive.

a) Nick: 'I have been very successful learning to drive.'

b) Nick: 'He was very successful learning to drive.'

2. He said that I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.

a) Не said: 'I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.'

 b) He said: 'You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.'

3. Fred said he worked for a small publishing company.

a) Fred: 'I worked for a small publishing company.'

b) Fred: 'I work for a small publishing company.'

4. Kelly told that she didn't look after herself properly.

a) Kelly: 'I don't look after myself properly.'

b) Kelly: 'I didn't look after myself properly.'

5. Peter's brother wanted to know why she hadn’t phoned him.

a) Peter's brother: 'I want to know why you didn't phone me?'

b) Peter's brother: 'I want to know why she hasn't phoned me?'

6. Charles asked the receptionist when he could see the doctor.

a) Charles: 'When can I see the doctor?'

b) Charles: 'When I could see the doctor?'

7. Wendy asked if Ann told her brother the truth about the money.

a) Wendy: 'Ann, did you tell your brother the truth about the money?'

b) Wendy: 'Ann, if you tell your brother the truth about the money?'

8. Stephanie asked me to tell if something was wrong.

a) Stephanie: 'Tell me if something is wrong.'

b) Stephanie: 'Tell me if something has beer wrong.'

9. Michael said that if he were me he wouldn't say anything to the police.

a) Michael: 'If I were you, I won't say anything to the police.'

b) Michael: 'If I were you, I wouldn't say anything to the police.'

10. They said I must be able to drive.

a) They said: 'You must be able to drive.'

b) They said: 'You have to be able to drive.'

11. Tutor asked if I had some plans for next year.

a) Tutor: 'Did you have any plans for next year?'

b) Tutor: 'Do you have any plans for next year?'

12. Lisa asked if Henry would marry her if she had had more money.

a) Lisa: 'Henry, would you marry me if I had more money?'

b) Lisa: 'Henry, will you marry me if I had more money?'

13. Ben said that Jack had promised to check those reports with him.

a) Ben: 'Jack promised to check these reports with me.'

b) Ben: 'Jack promises to check these reports with me.'

14. Fay asked if I was going to stay in the office over lunchtime.

a) Fay said: 'Was I going to stay in the office over lunchtime?'

b) Fay said: 'Are you going to stay in the office over lunchtime?'

15. Liz explained that they said prices might fall later in the year.

a) Liz: 'They say prices might fall later in the year.'

b) Liz: 'They say prices may fell later in the year.'

II.Task: choose the right variant of the Reported speech. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи:

1. 'We can't remember where we put our passports,' said Richard.

a) Richard said they couldn't remember where they had put their passports.

b) Richard said they couldn't remember where they put their passports.

2. 'You don't keep your flat warm enough,' said Jack.

a) Jack said I didn't keep my flat warm enough.

b) Jack said you didn't keep your flat warm enough.

3. 'He doesn't get on with his stepmother,' said Sam.

a) Sam said that he doesn't get on with his stepmother.

b) Sam said that he didn't get on with his stepmother;

4. 'Who is going to give a talk?' asked Fred.

a) Fred asked who is going to give a talk. '

b) Fred asked who was going to give a talk.  

5. 'How did you know my name?' the girl asks Peter.

a) The girl wanted to know how Peter knew her name.

b) The girl wanted to know how Peter knows her name.

6. 'I want to go to the concert but we haven't been able to get tickets,' said Anna.

a) Anna said that she wants to go to the concert but they hadn't been able to get tickets.

b) Anna said that she wanted to go to the concert but they hadn't been able to get tickets.

7. 'When can I see Mr Marcony?' Charles asked the secretary. 

a) Charles asked the secretary when could he see Mr Marcony.

b) Charles asked the secretary when he could see Mr Marcony.

8. 'Have you seen my car keys?' said Ben to his son.

a) Ben wondered if his son had seen his car keys.

b) Ben wondered if his son has seen his car keys.

9. 'Can you tell the children to go and wash then hands, please?' Stephanie asked me.

a) Stephanie asked if I could tell the children to go and wash their hands.

b) Stephanie asked if I can tell the children to go and wash their hands.

10. 'The castle is only open on Tuesdays,' explained the tour guide.

a) The tour guide explained that the castle is being only open on Tuesdays.

b) The tour guide explained that the castle was only open on Tuesdays.

11. 'I have lost my job and am short of money,' said Joan.

a) Joan said she has lost her job and is short of money.

b) Joan said she had lost her job and was short of money.

12. 'Can you help me with these packages?' Clara asked Boris.

a) Clara asked if Boris could help her with those packages.

b) Clara asked if Boris could help her with these packages.

13. 'Jack, you will find a way to say no,' Sean suggested.

a) Sean suggested that Jack would find a way to say no.

b) Sean suggested that Jack will find a way to say no.

4. 'Which is the best route into the city centre?' Pat asked.

a) Pat asked which was the best route into the city centre.

b) Pat asked which the best route into the city centre was.

15. 'Have you actually talked to her about all this?' Joan asked Paul.

a) Joan asked if Paul had actually talked to her about all this.

b) Joan asked if Paul had actually talked to her about all that.

11. MOOD


Грамматическая категория наклонения показывает отношение между действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым, и реальностью. Действия, представленные как реальные факты, выражаются изъявительным наклонением Indicative Mood. Именно в изъявительном наклонении действуют все грамматические времена глагола в активном и пассивном залогах.

Действия, представленные как нереальные, выражаются условным наклонением Conditional Mood. Команды, приказы, инструкции, просьбы выражаются повелительным наклонением Imperative Mood. Для образования утвердительного предложения в повелительном наклонении употребляется глагол в 1-й форме:

Take it easy!                                                  Относись к этому спокойно.

Relax and count to a hundred.                  Успокойтесь и сосчитайте до ста.

Just do it!                                                        Возьми и сделай это!

Для образования отрицательного предложения употребляется отрицание don't + глагол в 1-й форме:

Don't worry!                                              He волнуйтесь!

Please, don't go!                                       Пожалуйста, не уходите!

Чтобы предложить сделать что-либо вместе с кем-нибудь, употребляется let's (let us) в утверждениях и let's not в отрицаниях:

Let's go riding!                                          Давайте поедем кататься верхом!

Let's not fight!                                          Давайте не будем ссориться!

Повелительное наклонение (инструкции, команды, приказания, просьбы, приглашения, советы) в косвенной речи выражено глаголом в инфинитиве. Иногда, чтобы выдержать стиль предложения в косвенной речи, передающий глагол приходится изменять:

He said, «Drink some milk.»

           He told me to drink some milk.

Он велел мне выпить молока.

He said, «Don't drink beer when driving.»

           Не told him not to drink beer when driving.

Он велел мне не пить пива за рулем.

He said, «Why don't we visit the Art Insitute?»

           Не invited me to visit the Art Institute.

Он предложил мне посетить Арт Институт.

He said, «Can you shut the door, please?»

           Не asked me to shut the door.

Он попросил меня закрыть дверь.

He said, «Could you come over for dinner?»

           Не invited us to come over for dinner.

Он пригласил нас (прийти к нему) на ужин.

Основными передающими глаголами в предложениях с повелительным наклонением в косвенной речи являются tell «велеть» и ask «просить».

После глагола suggest «предлагать» другой глагол не может стоять в инфинитиве:

He said, «Let's leave the suitcase at the station.»

He suggested that we left the suitcase at the station.

He said, «Why don't we leave the suitcase at the station?»

           He suggested that we leave the suitcase at the station.

He said, «We'd better leave the suitcase at the station.»

He suggested (our) leaving the suitcase at the station.

Условное наклонение Conditionals употребляется для описания действия, которое происходит / произойдет / может произойти / произошло бы / могло бы произойти при определенных условиях.

Предложение с глаголом в условном наклонении - это всегда сложноподчиненное предложение с придаточным условия:

1.If it rains, Earl will stay home.

Если пойдет дождь, Эрл останется дома.

2.If it rained, Earl would stay home.

Если бы пошел дождь, Эрл остался бы дома (сейчас).

3.If it had rained, Earl would have stayed home.

Если бы пошел дождь, Эрл остался бы дома (вчера).

Предложение 1 - пример так называемого реального условного наклонения, предложения 2 и 3 - примеры нереального условного наклонения.


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