The endocrine system

1. Сложное дополнение (§ 26)

2. Составные союзы either... or; neither... nor; so... that; not only... but (§ 40)

» Часть 11 Слова к части I

Less6n 12 ♦ 145

activity [ak'tiviti] п (обыкн. pi.) n де­ятельность arouse [a'rauz] v возбуждать voluntary ['vol9nt9n] а произвольный involuntary [in'votantari] а непроиз­вольный thyroid ['Gairoid] n щитовидная же­леза emergency [I'msicfcsnsi] n тяжелое состояние больного, требующее немедленной помощи; экстрен­ная необходимость

removal [n'mmvl] n удаление, уст­ранение

fail [feil] v отказать в действии, про­валиться, не удаться

failure ['feilja] n недостаточность, остановка, разрыв, провал, не­удача

duct [dAkt] n проход; проток, канал

affect [a'fekt] v влиять на, поражать (болезнью); воздействовать

measure ['тезэ] п мера; v измерять


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с конструкцией «слож­ное дополнение» на русский язык.

1. We know nephron to be the histological kidney unit. 2. A great deal of experimental work showed a dilute urine to be filtered by the glomeruli and the tubules to have an absorption function. 3. The exper­imentalists found the decrease in body temperature to increase urinary secretion. 4. Bowman in 1842 found organic constituents to be secreted by the cells of the convoluted tubules. 5. Scientists found glomerular filtration to occur in all vertebrate kidneys.

Упражнение 2. Замените следующие придаточные предложения конст­
рукцией «сложное дополнение»., '", {


1. We know that glomeruli ao^-absent in certain fishes. 2. Most phys­iologists believe ШЙ the phenomenon of urinary secretion is due to filtration of the lfon-colloid constituents of the plasma through the glom-erulus. 3. Some investigators thought #$t the rate of flow was-a para­mount factor governing renal secretion. 4. The doctor supposed that the rise of blood pressure caused increased urination. 5. Scientists consider that a balanced diet is necessary for everybody.


Упражнение З. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения с со­
ставными союзами either... or, neither... nor, not only... but (also), so...
that, /

i> i - ' г.Л

146 -^ Learning to Understand a Medical Text /

1. Experimental work has shown that removal of one-half, two-thkds and sometimes three-fourths of the kidney substances in the dog produc­es changes neither in urinary volume nor in urinary nitrogen. 2. дЪе lecturer demonstrated that in the frog's kidney indigo carmine, neutral red and ferric ammonium citrate not only appear in the glomerular fil­trate but also in proportion to their concentrations in the serum. 3. The decreased rate of glomerular secretion results in its slower passage through the tubules so that water absorption is more complete. 4. The percentUe chloride may either increase or decrease, but the total excretion is always greater.

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски составными союзами either... or, nei­ther... nor, not only... but, so... that.

1. The cations К and Ca induce diuresis when administered... to­gether... in succession. 2. The kidney is an organ capable of altering the

quantity and quality of the urine secreted.... the water balance and

osmotic relations in the blood and tissues are kept within optimal rang­es. 3. The functions of the kidney are.»jnumerous... they require a high degree of correlation as well. 4.... our group... group 5 decided who will be the first to begin the experimental work on glomerular filtration.

Упражнение 5. Отработайте чтение следующих слов и словосочетаний.

endocrine ['endoukram], similarly ['simitali], medulla [теЧЫэ], ad­renal [ad'rimsl], failure ['feiljd], insufficient [msg'fijbnt], hypophysis [hai'poftsis]

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова согласно модели и переведите их. Запом­нить значение суффикса -ize и приставки inter-.

1. Прилагательное, существительное + -ize (-ise) = глагол:
oxide окись — to oxidize окислять,

active, material, populai*, crystal, immune, special

2. inter- + существительное, прилагательное, глагол = производ­
ное слово, обозначающее взаимодействие, взаимовлияние, поло­
жение между...: to act действовать — to interact взаимодействовать.

change, to connect, coastal, national, action, auricular, cellular, clavical

Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. to act, action, activity, activities, to activize; 2. to emerge, emergence, emergency, emergent; 3. to fail, failure, failing; 4. to

Lesson 12 <► 147

ihsturb, disturbance, disturbed; '5. to suffice, sufficient, sufficiency, efficiently

\ пражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.

to put into action, in case of emergency, emergency case, movable kidney, heart failure, failing sight, to measure out a spoonful of medicine

Упражнение 9. Просмотрите текст А. Разделите текст на смысловые части.

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