Translate the text «Markets for Caspian Region Oil» into Kazakh or Russian in written form

Translate the text «Metals and Concrete» into Kazakh or Russian in written form.

All metals are divided into ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Fer­rous metals include iron, steel and its alloys. Nonferrous metals are-metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other element. Met­als, in general, and especially ferrous metals are of good importance in varia­tions.

Metals possess the following properties: 1) All metals have specific metallic luster. 2) They can be forged. 3) Metals can be pulled. 4) All metals, except mercury, are hard substances. 5) They can be melted. 6) In general, metals are good conductors of electricity.

These characteristics are possessed by all metals but the metals them selves differ from one another. Steel and cast iron are referred to the group of ferrous metals. Cast iron is the cheapest of the ferrous metals. It is chiefly used in building for compressed members of construction, as the supporting mem­bers.

When an engineer designs a steelwork he must carefully consider that the steel frame and every part of it should safely carry, all the loads imposed upon it. The steel framework must be carefully hidden in walls, floors and par­titions. It is steel and metal that is employed as reinforcement in modern Ferro-­concrete structures. Steel. There are different kinds of steel. Alloyed steel (or special steel) is corrosion-resistant steel. This kind of steel is widely used in building. Stain­less steel is also corrosion-resistant steel. It is used for cutlery, furnace parts, chemical plant equipment, valves, ball-bearings, etc.

Translate the text « СПИД » into English in written form.

Синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита - заболевание, которое поражает систему защиты организма от инфекций. Даже самая незначительная инфекция, от которой здоровый организм может легко избавиться, у больных СПИ - дом может привести к серьезным последствиям. СПИД вызывается вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ), который поражает CD4-лимфоциты (клетки, разрушающие инфекционные агенты и возбудителей заболеваний). При снижении числа CD4-лимфоцитов происходит сбой в работе иммунной системы, и у больного начинаются определенные инфекционные процессы и развиваются злокачественные опухоли. Если у зараженного ВИЧ число CD4-лимфоцитов в крови не более 200, это состояние называется СПИД. Эффективность работы иммунной системы при этом снижается. Может пройти около 10 лет от момента заражения ВИЧ до развития СПИДа. Больные умирают в среднем через 5 лет после констатации развернутой стадии СПИДа. ВИЧ можно обнаружить по анализу крови на антитела к вирусу. Анализ на ВИЧ сразу после заражения может давать ложные результаты, так как требуется определенное время для выработки антител к вирусу в среднем от 6 до 12 недель. Иногда положительный результат теста на ВИЧ может быть получен только через 6 месяцев после инфицирования. Лечения ВИЧ и СПИДа пока еще не существует, однако есть много препаратов, которые замедляют процесс поражения иммунной системы и способны, таким образом, существенно продлить жизнь ВИЧ-инфицированных.



Translate the text «Markets for Caspian Region Oil» into Kazakh or Russian in written form.

By 2010 the combined oil exports of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are projected to reach as much as 2.3 million barrels per day (Mb/d). Their future impact on world oil trade is the focus of this chapter.

World oil demand/supply outlook: Global oil demand is projected to increase by around 2.2% annually to reach about 97.1 Mb/d by 2010. Much of the in­crease in demand is expected to come from Asia. Total non-OPEC production is projected to rise by less than demand, from 40.9 Mb/d in 1995 to 46.6 in 2010. Consequently, the call on OPEC crude is expected to increase to 48.6 Mb/d by 2010.

The onshore and offshore potential of the Central Asian and TransCaucasian re­gion resembles and could rival, that of the North Sea. However, the resolution of 'transportation impediments is imperative to unlocking its supplies.

An obvious market for Central Asian and Transcaucasian oil is the Mediterranean basin, though an important problem will be how to.get the oil there without further burdening the Turkish Straits. Central Europe via the eastern Black Sea states, other FSU countries and ultimately South and East Asia are other possible markets.

As Caspian region projects come on-stream, they are likely to compete directly with western Siberian crude exported from Novorossiysk.

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