Words to be remembered. EPIRB – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon - Аварийный радиобуй-указатель места бедствия (АРБ)

EPIRB – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon - Аварийный радиобуй-указатель места бедствия (АРБ)

L-band - диапазон сверхвысоких частот (300-1550 мегагерц)

SAR – search and rescue – поиск и спасание

Survival craft – спасательная шлюпка

Continuous operation – непрерывная работа

Local user terminal – терминал местного пользователя

False alert – ложная тревога

Relay, v - передавать, транслировать (syn: transmit), отправлять, пересылать, посылать (сообщение, информацию)

II. Make 10 questions for the above text.

III. Complete the following text with the words given below

Distress radio beacons, also known as emergency beacons, ELT, EPIRB, are _____ which aid in the detection and location of___,____, and people in ____. Strictly, they are ______ that interface with worldwide offered service of______, the international _______ system for ____ (SAR). When manually activated, or automatically activated upon immersion, such beacons send out a _____. The signals are monitored worldwide and the location of the distress is detected by non-satellites.

Aircraft, distress, geostationary, distress signal, search and rescue, satellite, Cospas-Sarsat, boats, tracking transmitters

IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

1. Эксплуатационные требования к АРБ включают защиту от случайного включения.

2. АРБ должен выдерживать погружение на глубину 10 метров в течение, по крайней мере, 5 минут.

3. АРБ также должен автоматически включаться после всплытия и иметь возможность ручного включения и выключения.

4. Помимо этого, АРБ должен выдерживать сбрасывание в воду с высоты 20 метров.

5. Согласно требованиям, АРБ имеет заметную желтую/оранжевую окраску и линь для привязи к спасательному средству.

6. Устройство отделения АРБ должно обеспечивать его автоматическое отделение от тонущего судна.

7. Механизм отделения должен срабатывать на глубине от 1,5 до 4-х метров при любой ориентации судна.

8. Источник питания должен иметь достаточную емкость для обеспечения работы АРБ в течение, по крайней мере, 48 часов (источник питания АРБ ИНМАРСАТ-Е должен обеспечивать работу передатчика сигнала тревоги при бедствии в течение 4 часов).

9. На наружной стороне корпуса АРБ указывается дата истечения срока службы батареи.

10. Ее следует контролировать для своевременной замены батареи.

Check yourself


1. Please write the acronym EPIRB in full.

2.What types of EPIRBs can be used in sea area A3?

a) Cospas/Sarsat or Inmarsat-E or VHF b) Inmarsat-E only c) Inmarsat-E or Cospas/Sarsat d) Cospas/Sarsat only

3.What are homing signals?

a) Locating signals which are transmitted by mobile units in distress, or by survival craft

b) Transmission of navigational warnings, weather warnings and urgent messages

c) Ship to ship radio traffic regarding the safety of navigation

d) Traffic to support the search and rescue operations.

4. What types of EPIRB`s can be used in sea area A4?

a) Cospas/Sarsat or Inmarsat-E or VHF b) Inmarsat-E only c) Inmarsat-E or Cospas/Sarsat d) Cospas/Sarsat only

5. Which one of the following satellite systems is of particular importance to search and rescue missions under GMDSS?


6. Which one of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is true?

a) EPIRBs are units that are used as alerting devices.

b) There are satellites in a low-earth polar orbit that detect EPIRB beacons on 406

MHz and relay the information to an earth-side Local User Terminal (LUT).

c) The Doppler frequency measurement concept is used to determine the EPIRB's location.

d) All of the above.

7. Which VHF channel does the VHF emergency beacon use?

a) 13 b) 70 c) 16 d) 6

8. Which one of the following would best be used for visual detection of a survival craft?

a) A 9-GHz SART's beacon.

b) An EPIRB's strobe light.

c) A 121.5-MHz EPIRB beacon.

d) A406-MHz EPIRB beacon.

9. Which one of the following statements concerning INMARSAT-E is true?

a) EPIRBs are units that are used as alerting devices.

b) There are satellites in a low-earth polar orbit that detect EPIRB beacons on 406

MHz and relay the information to an earth-side Local User Terminal (LUT).

c) The Doppler frequency measurement concept is used to determine the EPIRB's location.

d) All of the above.

10. In the GMDSS, for which purposes is the frequency band 406-406.1MHz used?

a) For handling of distress traffic by aeronautical radio stations

b) For radio traffic regarding the safety of navigation exclusively

c) For satellite emergency position-indicating beacons exclusively

d) For distress and safety traffic in radio telephony


11. Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals?

a) Radio Direction Finder (RDF).

b) An EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz.

c) Survival Craft Transceiver.

d) A SART transmitting on 406 MHz.

12. Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an

INMARSAT satellite?

a) Class A EPIRBs.

b) Class B EPIRBs.

c) L-band EPIRBs.

d) Category I EPIRBs.

13. Which one of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is false?

a) EPIRBs are used primarily for distress alerting.

b) These satellites are looking specifically for EPIRB signals on 406 MHz.

c) These satellites use Doppler shift measurement to determine the location of the beacons.

d) After initiating a call request and selecting the CES, these satellites may be used

for commercial messages.

14. Which of the following EPIRBs is most likely to transmit a distress alert signal?

a) 9 Ghz EPIRBs. b) 406 MHz EPIRBs. c) CH16 EPIRBs. d) 121.5/243 MHz EPIRBs.

15. Which one of the following is normally found on EPIRBs that are detected by satellites?

a) A strobe light.

b) A 5-watt 406-MHz beacon.

c) A bracket designed to allow the EPIRB to automatically float-free.

d) All of the above.

16. Which one of the following statements concerning satellite EPIRBs is true?

a) Once activated, these EPIRBs continuously send up a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon.

b) The coded signal identifies the nature of the distress situation.

c) The coded signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registry.

d) If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB, it will transmit faulty information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode.


I. Read and translate the following text

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